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These are some stories I have been working on...if anyone wants to read them ^^ I would be glad to keep going with them ^^ please comment!!!
The Secret Child (NOT FINISHED)

She's running through the forest and arrows are flying everywhere. She feared the worst and believed the end was near for her but she kept desperately running through the night to find her husband and save her new born child. She was the enchantress of the village in the unknown land. She was the healer of all until one faithful night under a crimson full moon.
(Flash back)
He came in and was wounded badly from the war between fate and destruction. The marvel thing about him was that he wore a hood over his head in the middle of a beautiful summer day. She didn't ask...only starred every so often trying to get a glance at his face. That night, he showed himself to her in all of his glory. His hair was a silver as the moon and his eyes were crimson yellow. He stood tall and had a soft face unlike the other men of her village. She fell in love quickly and unknowing, he was a true enchantment. Under the star light sky of a full moon, they united (this is my term for sex) with each other and forever more changing their lives. Later on after the towns people discovered his true nature, they exiled him quickly in fear of their own lives and never having a care for their young enchantresses feelings. She found herself pregnant later on with the child of her lover. The towns people gave her a choice of dying with her husband and lover, or hand over her child and forget any memories she had of him because he's a creature of the night and was never welcome there in the in the shadows of the darkened sky. She just couldn't forget the man she loved or forget the gift he bestowed to her, so she ran. When her child was born she planned her escape and gave herself sometime to do so. She was determined to escape with her husband.
(End Flash Back)
She couldn't remember every detail of that night though. She scrambled behind a bush to cast a protection spell over herself and her new born daughter. She was praying and hoping the villagers couldn't see her and they would be lost just long enough so she could go around them and meet him at the other side of the bridge. (*sniff*sniff*) An arrow emerged through the trees out or nowhere and penetrated her moon kissed skin, then went through her right shoulder. The pain was almost more than she could bare, feeling as if it were sheering and burning the skin around it, but she pressed on to save her daughter.
It was almost sunrise when she finally made it to the riverside where she was to meet up with him. She placed her child in the basket she carried and then let it drift down the river incase her spells were to ware themselves. She got out of the ditch and lost all energy and will to go and farther. She blacked out and woke up in someone's arms.
“Darling,“ he smiled, his voice was familiar to her. She wished to see the figure but her vision was clouded and not clearing as fast as she was hoping for. Tears stared to show themselves and her vision cleared as they dwelled in the corners. She looked up for her eyes to show the same man she fell in love with. His smile was full of sorrow and he knew it could be her last breath at any moment.
She smiled back as some warm raise of sunshine came from the horizon. Tears started forming larger drops in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks, “You must get out of here to some place safe,“ her voice was strong and yet weak at the same time. She desperately wish for him to go to where he would be safe.
He just smiled at her, then kissed her ever so passionately on her soft, rose colored lips, " We'll fade together and I wouldn't have it any other way."
She nodded slowly and put her hand to his face allowing her finger tips to barely touch his cold white skin. “As long as we're together."
She cast a final spell of her hearts desire. By the time the villagers made it there, they found two dead trees spiraled together formed into one. They dare not touch it for the aura was strong and they fled from the sight as quickly as they had pursued it.


A basket was drifting by the shore of a cottage by the deep woods. A curious women went over to it and found a child in a deep unawake able sleep. She picked up the basket worried for the child’s life and went into her house quickly where her husband greeted her,
"What worries you?" he asked as she shut the door looking out for anyone that could over hear her. The village was in turmoil these days and the kingdoms were always out on the hunt for blood.
She pulled him close and took the blanket from the top of the basket to revel a child, “I found her by the river, she is very malnourished and that is why she isn‘t crying or stirring but we can fix that with some warm milk from this morning," she looked up at him giving him a wondrous smile full of happiness, “God has blessed us."

(13 yrs. later)
"Mom!" Aeli said trying to reach her dress on the top shelf of her small wooden storage, “I can't get to my dress!"
Her mom walked in, reached for it and handed it to her. The girls silverfish eyes met with hers as she smiled, but it was sort of uneasy.
"Hey mom," her mother was now tying a bow, "Can I go outside?" She smiled and waited for her mother to finish tying the bow around her neck. Her silver hair moved with the flow of her body as she turned around to face her mother waiting for her answer.
Her mother bent down and smiled at her, “ Have fun sweet.”
She reached the door smiling excitedly and went outside to the porch where she stopped before hitting the steps. She noticed some boys playing and kicking a ball around amongst themselves. She sat down slowly and stared at them admiring there care free attitudes. She made her way unnoticed to the rose bush so she could pick some roses for the table for a beautiful bouquet. She was going to pick 13 roses because she was turning 13 today. All of a sudden, the ball rolled over to her hitting her small ankle as it reached her. She looked at it and picked up the ball with a rose in her hand. A boy came over quickly to her in order to get to the ball, the flower fell from her hand. Aeli was not sure what to do, she was speechless as he approached even closer to her. No one had ever been that close to her before, they were always too scarred.
"Milady," he picked up the flower and held it up to her with a sweet smile on his face. She reached out her hand and smiled back after she realized that he didn‘t have any fear or ill will toward him. He smiled back at her, and when she did grab it she pricked her finger, “Oww," she retracted her hand and clenched it tight to her chest.
"Here." the boy pulled up his shirt exposing some of his stomach and ripped a piece of his shirt off to wrap her finger with. He took her hand in his and started to slowly wrap is around.
While he was in the middle of wrapping it, he looked up at her, "What's your name?"
"Umm..." she hesitated not sure if she should tell him or not, he made this almost awkward for her, “Ae....Aeli."
The boy smiled, “My name's Ryo."
"Hey, what are you doing talking to that loser?" the other guys came up with disgust looks on there faces pointing and laughing at her for her different appearance.
"You could get a disease," said another. The laughter wasn’t even beginning to subside.
Aeli held her tongue as tears stared to form in her eyes, just got up and ran away form her house into the forest where she knew no one would follow. She didn't want to let them see her cry. She tripped and fell to the ground by the forgotten tree that no one went near. She sat up against the tree and oddly felt better. Ryo came to her and grabbed her arm making Aeli jolt her hand up to wipe the tears from her face.
"Sorry about them. “he said sitting beside her, “Are you okay?"
She wiped her eyes again and smiled. "I'm okay, like what they said would get to me." She sniffed and blinked to make the cloudiness go away.
Ryo wiped the tear that was going down her cheek, “Okay then, how about we take a walk?" he got up and put his hand out to her. He wanted to make her feel better.
She grabbed it almost instantly and as they walked they learned many things about each other.


As they were walking, Ryo wiped her last tear that was going down her face, then he smiled.
She blushed and then quickly said, "So you were adopted?" Aeli asked him as they were walking side by side.
"Yeah," he put his head down and smiled, "so how old are you?"
Aeli smiled back at him, “I’m 13," she started to blush a bit again.
He looked at her, “I’ve just turned 14,"
Aeli looked at him and was amazed at how beautiful he was, he had dark brown, almost black, hair and big brown eyes with a tiny bit of yellow. She found herself daydreaming while looking at him until he put his face close to hers and smiled,
She snapped back to reality and fell backwards into a puddle.
"Here let me help you," Ryo gave his hand out and she took it,...then pulled him down into the puddle with her.
She looked over at him, “Thanks," she smiled sweetly, “This was the best day I have ever had."
He smiled back, “Me too," he looked at her, “a know what?"
She looked at him unknowing what he was going to say.
He laughed, “Your the first person I could tell anything to, “he stood up, "We better get back, I'll see you tomorrow?"
She smiled and nodded her head in reassurance and they went there separate ways home.
Every day they would meet at the same time and hang out together. She returned home every day at dinner each day and was up and out of bed when she heard the tap on her window. She would never allow her parents to get to her, she kept him a secret, and he was her secret until the day she finally turned sixteen. He parents wouldn't allow her to go that day. They got up before her and wouldn't step aside from the door. she protested and tried to get out the door.
"Mom I need to get outside," she started to pace thinking, 'I promised I'd meet him'
"I can't allow you to do that," her mom was avoiding her a bit.
"Why not!?!" she looked at her mom straight in her face when her father went to her.
"You can't hide the truth from her forever," he said now leaning on the wall.
She sighed and looked at Aeli, “You can't go because I'm not your real mother," she looked down holding back some tears, “Well, I found you by the river bank, and as you grew you looked more and more like our old enchantress." She grabbed Aeli's hand, “She died with her lover, and he was a vile creature."
"That doesn't answer my question, why can't I go!?!" she slipped her hand away.
"You know the tree that is by the river close to the village?"
Aeli nodded
"Those are you parents...your mother sealed herself with him so they could still be with you. No one found the child and I believe it's you."
Aeli looked at her, "All this time, and you didn't tell me!" Aeli grabbed her cloak and escaped from the house. She ran to the tree to find herself a bit early. She laid next to the tree and started to cry. She felt a tingle in her fingers, then the tree started to grow. The clouds rolled in it poured. She watched in fascination until Ryo came.
Where was I...hmmm...o yes, I remember,

"Hey what are you doing?"
Aeli lost her concentration and looked at him. When she looked back at the tree it was dead once again.
Ryo grabbed her hand and started to run in t the forest. He turned back to her while still running, “Are you crazy, you could get sick if we don't get out of this rain." He found a cave and quickly headed toward it.
"You were going to get sick if you stayed out there with that thin cloak of yours," he took his hood off, “Don’t you have a heavier one?" he took his off and he threw it to her, “This’ll keep you warm for the time being."
She took it off her head and her hair was all knotted and messed up. She started playing with it a bit but then grew bored. She glanced over at Ryo, “Might I borrow your dagger?"
He handed it to her with out asking what she was to do with it. She grabbed a big chunk of her long flowing hair and hacked it off.
"What are you doing?" he grabbed the dagger from her, “you can't do that!"
"And who are you to tell me I can't?" She tried to grab it back but it cut her. He dropped the dagger and grabbed her hand quickly.
"Are you okay, I'm so sorry!?!" he looked up at her while she was attentively watching him rub his fingers on the edge of her hand. He took out a piece of cloth and wiped the blood from her finger to find no cut or even a scar. She looked at him and smiled. They found themselves nose to nose looking deeply in each other's eyes. She started to blush as he moved a bit closed. His lips were so inviting that she found herself mesmerized until she pressed hers to his. He was ever so gentle.

(Sorry, I had to interupt, I thinks this is so sweet)

When they finally released each other, she bit his lip and blood was drawn. He smiled at her a handed her the knife back as he wiped the blood from his lip smiling.
When she had finally finished cutting her hair, she went and gave it back to him still tasting the blood in her mouth, but she liked it, after all, she was part vampire. When he put all his stuff down she sat by him and leaned back so she was leaning on him.
"So, what do you think?"
He looked down at her, "I like it," he smiled then looked out watching the rain.
It was quiet until Ryo made a fait sigh, “Some day huh?" he looked down and smiled, “to think, if you hadn’t been picking flowers 3 years ago, we would have never met."
Aeli smiled, “I’m glad we did meet."
He leaned down closer to her face and they kissed once again. This time it wasn't as gentle and innocent, it got a bit and it managed to turn into a bit more. They started to take off shirts. She ended up taking off his shirt and he untied her corset type shirt to where it was exposing her chest a bit. He went down from her lips down to her neck which then he bit her. She squealed a bit and dusted him off.
"Ouch!" she grabbed her neck and felt two holes with blood pouring out of them. He smiled and exposed his fangs.
"Your a..." she put her hand to her mouth.

"...a vampire?" he said still smiling.
She looked at him and then felt her eye teeth with her tongue, “Just...like...me?" she gave a confused but satisfied smile.
"What do you mean?" he sat down in front of her.
"From the stories my father was a vampire," she looked down, “My mother and him fell in love and died together."
"You mean the rumors of that tree are real?"
"Yes",she looked up, “those are my parents," she said looking at him with a daze and smiled, “they truly loved each other."
"So...what are you going to do now?" he leaned in closer to her.
"I'm going to find a way to bring them back," she leaned in to him.
"How?" he moved to where they were nose to nose and their breath surrounded them.
"We’ll find a way, “she kissed him.
"We?" he then kissed her.
They continued where they had left off. Her corset shirt ended upcoming off so she was just in a bra and her waist down was still covered. The rain had stopped, but they didn't notice till hours later.
He started unzipping her skirt when she put her hand on his chest and pushed up a bit. Their recent kiss ceased.
"I can't do that," she said breathing heavily," I'm not married yet and I'm new to this." she put her shirt back on and started lacing it up. He just smiled at her.
"It would of been my first time too," he put his shirt back on, “I want to save myself to, but I guess I let you get the best of me."
"What?" she looked at him with astonishment.
"Look at you!" he put his hands out, "Your amazingly beautiful!"
"Shut up!" she started to laugh.
No, I'm serious," he grabbed her hands, "I've felt like...well, I'm not sure how to describe it but it's there and it's a great feeling..."
"It's like your fling and there's nothing that can make your life miserable when there around?"
She started to laugh, “Whatever!"
"I swear to you," he looked at her with a very serious look," If something happened to you...I...I don't know what I'd do."
"Oh my...god," she looked deep into his eyes, “you were serious."
He smiled, "I've like you since I firs laid my eyes one you picking flowers as a boy,"
She smiled at him.
"Do you know how much courage it takes to talk to the person you love?"
"Is it love now?" she said in a sarcastic tone.
"I believe it is," he leaned in to kiss her, but she turned her head
"Shut up," when she turned back around she smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek, “Your too sweet."
She got up an went to the cave entrance.
"Where are you going?" he put his cloak on.
"To find some answers, where else?"
"But you can't," he grabbed her hand, “At least not alone."
She looked at him, “Then lets go back to the tree."
He smiled and they started to head back to where they had met when it started to rain.
"How could you not tell me you were a vampire?" She still had her hand in his as they were walking through the forest.
"I was actually going to tell you earlier but I got too scared because everyone around here is afraid of them."
She smiled, “I actually found them to be quite fascinating."
He just looked at her, “but you are one, so of course you'd like them."
"I actually didn't know I was one until today, I mean, I knew I was different, but I didn't know I was a vampire."
He chuckled, “I was taken from my parents and sold as a farm boy for a castle."
Aeli looked at him with sadness in her eyes.
"That's how I was adopted and taken here, were I found you," he smiled at her and nudged her a bit.
"Oh hey, how can you stay outside in the daytime?" She looked at him and a wondering smile.
"Well, my mother was a half-breed and that's why I can stay out, I’m not a complete vampire like my father."
"Is that why you haven't been cast out of the village yet?"
He looked at her with a serious look then smiled, "I think so"
"Oh there it is," as she approached it she felt the same tingling she had felt before, and as she touched it the tingling got more intense and went up her arms as well. She closed her eyes and when she opened them, everything was a golden-white color except a women standing in traditional robes that was around her age.
"Hello?" She walked a few steps toward the figure oddly feeling no fear. Surprisingly, she felt very safe around there, where ever she was.
The women turned around to reveal a beautiful maiden a little older than her. The women only smiled at her. The warmth of her smile made Aeli feel happy, so she smiled back.
"Welcome Aeli," the women was still smiling at her as she said this.
Aeli looked at her with a puzzling expression, “How do you know my name?"
She gave a slight laugh, "I know everything silly, I'm your mother," she walked toward her.
"My....my mother?" Aeli smiled as tears formed into her eyes as she hugged her, "Mother!"


"But how, where am I?" Aeli looked at her mom and then felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Your in a spirit world,"
Aeli turned around to find a handsome young man. She looked at him with wonder...,"DADDY!"
He smiled and the hugged her, “You’ve grown to become as beautiful as your mother. “he looked at her mom and smiled.
Her mother taped her shoulder and her father released her.
"Aeli, you must find the sacred flower of Alshde, that is the only way you can free us..." her parents grabbed each other.
"Aeli...Aeli...please wake up.."
Aeli looked at her mom and nodded, “But how will..."
"You will know your way," Aeli started to fade," and you will know the incantations, you've always known them, just believe..."
Aeli's father went and then hugged her and then her mother did after.
Her father smiled and then looked up to the portal that was forming, “I believe there is a young man calling for you..."
Aeli's eyes snap open to find Ryo over her calling out her name. He seemed very scared with every word.
"O my goddess Aeli," he held her very close and she just sat there, "When you touched the tree and bright light consumed you," his arms were completely rapped around her now," and the next thing I know, your on the ground and...and..."
"I'm fine, see?"
She buried her face into his shirt trying not to cry with all the stuff that had happened to her. With the yelling at the people she wasn't sure who they were after they lied to her all the years she spent with them...and the thing with Ryo...It was too much for her in one day.
"Are you okay?"
Aeli started to cry, “Yeah, I saw my mom and dad...they told me where I had to go," she clenched his shirt tighter, "and they told me ...I'd know what to do... but I don't...I can do it" she sighed heavily,"...I just can't do it..."
"Yes you can..." Ryo pulled away from her still holding her tightly and put his forehead to hers, “I know you can because your not alone..." he smiled and her and then kissed her forehead softly saying, “You will always have me, and I will always have you..."
"Thanks,” she smiled at him and he wiped her last remaining tears.
"So, where are we suppose to go?"
"To this place called Alshde,"
(you would pronounce this Al*shh*day, now put it together, Alshhday!)
She looked up at him and he had a blank expression then turned pale. “What is it?"
"Nothing," the color came back to his face and he stood up, “We should get going, it...."
"Wait!" Aeli went over to the tree again and picked up a flower as she went, “I’ll do my best," she kissed the flower and laid it next to the tree where she now knew her parents laid for all those years, “let us go..."
She turned around a smiled. She walked passed Ryo and nudged him.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"I don't know," she started to walk backwards," What cha going to do about it?" she gave him a curious but sexy look.
He smiled and started to run after her, “What do you think?" he grabbed her, but she got away and started to run.
"Catch me if you can!" she smiled and ran faster.
He ran after her and ended up catching her at the top of a hill where they rolled down to the bottom. She ended up being on top. They smiled at each other and Aeli kissed him
"Feel better?" he then kissed her.
"Yeah," he sat up but Aeli pushed him back down.
"Where do you think your going?" she grabbed him by the collar and then pulled him closer.
Aeli kissed him softly on the lips and then smiled at him, "You never were a very good liar,"
He smiled, "Well," he kissed her in between his words, "When I was younger," he took a breath and held her tightly, she laid her head on his shoulder, "I was a servant at Alshde, I just had no life, I had no ambition...so I ran away," he played with her short hair, "I was found by the family that was from your village and they took me in..."
Aeli sat up and turned to him smiling, "...and then you met me..." he smile turned into a bit of a blush.
He smiled, “Yes, that's around when I met you..." he kissed her and she embraced it.
They sat there in silence for a while then Aeli bit Ryo's neck, "I believe we should get going, “she smiled and stood up.
She helped him up, "Where to start," Aeli looked at him.
"It would be nice to have a map or something," he grabbed her hand.
"Why don't we go to the next town, “she smiled, "that's where I get all of my books..."Aeli smiled at him again and then looked down.
"Sure, let's go," he squeezed her hand a bit tighter and they started they started to head for the next town.
Aeli looked up at him and smiled.
"Do you think they'll make it?" Aeli's mom grabbed hold of her husband.
" I believe she can, she just can't let her feelings of love for that boy get into her way..."
Aeli's mother looked up at him and smiled"...but you got in my way..."she raised her gaze to him, "...and we're still together..."
He smiled at her and before another word was spoken she kissed him. They then faded back into their spirit form to watch over there daughter.
A figure jumped down from the tree they were just at and smiled, "There in for a rude awakening..."
Aeli and Ryo were walking and smiling now that they had everything straightened out. They walked a long way before seeing the sign for the next town.
Aeli smiled at him, “Were almost there, then we can start.."
Ryo smiled at her, “Can’t wait..."
They went through and walked to the edge of the forest and then saw the hill that led to the city. Aeli smiled at Ryo and they had came to the top of the hill to find that it was totally destroyed. There was nothing left of anything.
"How could this of happened?" she let go of his hand, “How did this happen?" She looked back at Ryo.
He just looked at her a shook his head, "Don't ask me..."
The figure came out, “If you wish to know..." she smiled and snapped her fingers. Flames were sitting in her hand as she started to laugh a bit.
Aeli showed her fangs, "What do you think your doing?"
Ryo grabbed her hand and she pulled away, “Do you know what you did!?! So many innocents lives were lost and it's all because of you!" her eyes glow a hazy purple and Aeli closed her fist, all of a sudden flames started to rise from the ground by the girl.
She smiled, “You know magic too...this is going to be fun..." the girl licked her lips at Ryo then smiled throwing some kind of powder on him, "You are mine now..."
Aeli looked at him as he let his grip on her loosened. He started to head toward the girl calmly. She went and grabbed a hold of him, but then he pushed her away. She landed on the ground hard
The girl smiled, "What do you think of my new play toy?"
Aeli looked at her," You stupid b***h," her fangs and claws were out, “Give him back!"
The girl licked his ear and bit him, then kissed him passionately biting his lip as she released him, “Mmm...so good," she smirked.
Aeli only smiled, “Too bad he doesn't care..." she ran at the girl and slashed at her face giving her a huge scratch, “How great do you feel now?"
He girl wiped the blood from her face then licked her hand, “Mmm, tastes good to me..."
The girl grabbed Ryo as Aeli went to attack her once more. The girl smirked as Aeli stopped, “What’s the matter, you could kill me, it will just cost this pathetic boy his life..."
Aeli glared at her, her eyes red with furry now, “I swear if you hurt him in any shape or form I'll..."
"You'll do what?" The girl smiled and vanished with him holding on to her as he did to Aeli when they were together.
Aeli fell to the ground and cried out his name...What was she going to do, she was all alone and the guy that she loved was now in the hands of a new enemy. She couldn't do this on her own. She closed her eyes to calm herself when she was struck from behind. The blow knocked her out...

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