ok first of all i am aware that i have friends that love kagome i mean not 2 ofend (cant spell sry =.=) them. ok? u readin dis? ok, good!kagome is my topic i have chosen for this entry, and let me say i DON'T like her! Random person:"aw shet not this again" Me : "aw, shut your trap!" any who~~~~ just because kikyou was reborn and is now kagome it dosent matter kagome isn't kikyou! yes shs has her soul, i'll give her that.........but thats it!when shes in battle shes.....lets face it useless!all she does is sit thare the whole time "yeeeeeeee don let it get me ! oh noes! yeeeeeeee" she always wears that same ******** skirt! i mean yes i'm aware that it's what girls in japan do. but are u kidding me? can't she like change into somthing decent for that place in time? i mean, even sango changes her clothes for battle! And she gets mad when inuyasha darts 2 kikyou but i mean if i were inu i'd rather go for the dead one!shes a skank! she goes with lets see inuyasha,that future boy,kouga,a few roumors about sesshy as well................miroukou even thats what i call desparate!ok let me do a skit from any battle with naraku ok bang! thers naraku ok? naraku "ahahahahaha" he grabs kagome as he turns in to this freaking demon thingy ok this hapens for like 20 mins "inuyasha!" "kagome!" inuyasha" "kagome!"10 mins latr narku "ok,ok lets get this over with!"inuyasha slashes in naraku explodes kagome is safe inuyasha: " doddamnitt!!!! another puppet! we'll get the real one eventualy!" has it ever crossed your mind that since kagome is going 2 the past and going back and fourth that she might affect the future? geezum i know what your thinking....without kagome the show wouldnt have happend i know...... stare it's stupid but what ever i dont carre!!!! ok it's 11:28 PM i'm tired i'n gonna get off soon so this is what i leave u with what do u think is better the original? (kikiyo) or the fake =.= (kagome) random person again: "-phew- shes done" Me: "dude get out of here before i make you <.<" paerson: "ok, ok" if i could ever talk 2 kagome i wud say "you go girl and you dont come back!" ok ~le poof~ i'm outta here!