hello back december language stuff WHY WORLD WHY ...this day : italian
dog= cane
cat= gatto(boy) gatta (girl)
lizard= lurcertola
bird= uccello
wolf= lupo
dragon= drago ... (easy)
red= vermiglio, rosso
blue = turchino
black = nera, negro, nero, negro
white = bianco
yellow = giallo
purple = lilla
pink = rosa
gray = grigio
green = verde
cream = crema, panna, panna
orange = arancia, arancione
brown = marrane
olive = oliva
1 = uno
2 = due
3 = tre
4 = quattro
5 = cinque
6 = sei
7 = sette
8 = otto
9 = nove
0 = nullita
flower = fiore
fire = buttare fuori, fuoco, incendio, sparare
yes = si
no = no, non di uno, non, nessuno, non uno
how = come
you = a te, a loro, tu, voi, si, te, loro
animal = animale
i also have split personality disorder .... hahaha ...
twisted tommorrow will be so easy lets see if you can guess ... 3nodding
i feel like a teacher
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the journal to keep my sanity .....
*thunder**lightning flashes* The journal born of boredom begins.
man, I'm bored, I'm bored. I don't know what to do at the moment. I dunno i'll go read a book in the corner of whoa. sweatdrop
look what I found, on photobucket!
This isn't lopez, at night.
look what I found, on photobucket!
This isn't lopez, at night.