When you vanished, so did the pain from this body
It disappeared without a trace
Kill me and turn me into ashes
I longed for eternity, holding your hand

Alright, most people that know me have been informed long ago that my Gaia account is merely an alter-ego that I like to go by, but in all reality, I'm a male, I'm 18 years old, my name's Justin, and I have no interest in women, as to say I'm gay.
Much of the info on my "about me" is quite correct, involving my interests and opinions. If possible, I'd still like anyone that knows me refer to me as a girl, as that is the part I play on Gaia.
Thank you for reading~

I dreamed, didn't I?
While I was in darkness, I only hurt you
I drowned in the shadowy dream, didn't I?
Both togetherness and the forgotten love were there