The Natty no one knows...
On gaia and in real life, people only see a side of me that I want them to see. You see me, I'm funny and silly and random but I can be serious and smart and great at giving advice. Sure, you all seem to like me pretty well. But that's just a part of me. Granted it's mostly just for'd be shocked at how I really am. not the nice person everyone thinks I am. I'm only nice when i have to be. Otherwise, I'm quite rude and mean to people. I can be quite the b***h when provoked. I have no life. All I do is go to work, come home, and get on gaia. Pathetic waste, right? I don't have friends. I've never had a boyfriend, nor do I ever think I will. I'm constantly sad and angry. It's not diagnosed but I think I might have clinical depression. I don't care. I'm not going to kill myself although there are most days when I think of what it would be like if i did. I hate people everyone I don't know personally. I'm lazy and not all that smart. I'm not considered pretty. I'm overweight, in fact doctors might call me obese. I'm short and I rarely smile. Still like me? Doubt it. I don't try to get people to like me becuase mostly I don't care about them and I probably won't hang out with them ever so what's the point. Don't get me wrong, I've tried to change, but no matter what, it was never accepted. I'm constantly down on myself. Being negative about everything. Basically, I hate me and you and life. So there you go. Now you know the true Natty. Don't like it? Me either.