I'm losing patience everyday. EVERYWHERE I GO there is stupidity. I went into Walmart the other day, ok? There was this very nice hispanic couple doing some grocery shopping and unfortunately their little boy was throwing a tantrum because he couldn't get a Nintendo DS game. This old caucasian later went up to the little boy and said, "You don't wanna go to jail for crying do you~? -sweet smile- heart " I said, "EXCUSE ******** ME BUT NOT EVERY MEXICAN GOES TO JAIL. GO TAKE YOUR SHITTY STEREOTYPING ELSEWHERE." FAWK I think I am becoming bitter and bitter by the day. My dad FIGHTS with me about the most idiotic and smallest things, little middle school ******** go around and cause trouble.. Oh! But it's ok!! Their mommies and daddies are rich! So long as they have money, they can do whatever the ******** they want! ********. DX , This lady thought this fatty tumor on my dog's left rib cage was a miscarriage (How THE ******** do you get a miscarriage on your rib cage? gonk stressed ), I get snubbed off by korean men time to time at church because pfft I'm not korean, and about 127489484894281 (exaggeration~ >< wink other things. The BIGGEST that pisses me off is that ALOT of men swarm in their stupidity. They get pissed at me because I don't want an idiot boyfriend. So help the Chibi from becoming bitter~ ;x; Show of hands if you AREN'T an idiot? -raises hand-
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