Merry Late Christmas, happy late birthday Jesus! Though this year I have learned that it TECHNICALLY isn't really Jesus's b-day. Yet we still celebrate it as if it is.
sweatdrop I asked my folks about it, and my mama gave me and interesting answer. Back before Christianity had become a major religion, there was a holiday of some sort around this time among people who were not christians. Well, why would you convert to a religion that meant losing one of your fav holidays? Most people wouldn't like that cuz everyone likes a good holiday.
cheese_whine So wat happened was in order to get more followers they decided to combine the winter traditions with some christian celebration of some sort. So they made winter the time of year to celebrate Jesus's b-day. Well, at least that was wat I heard. You never know, there could have been another reason entirely. Anyway, hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.
"how long till my soul gets it right
can any human being ever reach that kind of light
I call on the resting soul of Galileo
king of night vision, king of insight".
"Perfect love kills all fear rejoice in this deliveranceā