U pulled out a piece of crumpled paper from the hat Ino had shoved in ur face. U grunted and opened the paper. Ur eyes popped out ur head as u read the name over and over again, just to make sure u were seeing correctly. Ino shrieked as she peered down at the name, "PICK ANOTHER, PICK ANOTHER!" She yelled shoving the hat back in ur face. "She got Sasuke, didn't she" Lee sighed. Sakura wailed and hung her head low. "U comin or wot?" Sasuke asked leaning against the open closet door, a stupid smirk plastered on his face. 'I'm so gonna get beat up tonight' U thought as u made ur way into the dark closet. The door closed behind u and a click echoed as Hinata locked the door. U and Sasuke weren't the best two people to throw into a closet together. As u both SEEMED to hate the other. U hated him 'cause u thought he hated u and vice versa. "Sasuke?" U asked the emptiness of the closet. "wot?" He rudely responded. "I hate u" U said chuckling at the end. Sasuke sighed, "I know" He said sitting down beside u. U gasped as he took hold of ur right hand and stroked it with his thumb. U turned to face him but the pressure of something on ur lips made u go into a daze. Sasuke sighed and the pressure decreased. U snapped out of the daze and put ur hands on the sides of Sasuke's face. "hn?" He questioned, tilting his head slightly. U chuckled and pressed ur lips to his. U broke away and stared into each others eyes. "Sasuke?" You asked again. "Yeh?" He paused from his thoughts. "I love you" U replied blushing. He sighed, "Good" He pushed his lips to urs again. The door flew open and in the doorway stood a very sleepy, wide eyed, Shikamaru. "Times up, out, before Ino becomes troublesome" He turned and walked away. U and sasuke got up and walked back to his seat, were u sat with him for the rest of the game.
"Naruto! come on! it's our turn!" U pulled on Naruto's sleeve but he didn't budge, he just carried on eating. 'so naruto' U huffed and walked away with a tub of ramen. "I guess u don't want this then" U waved the ramen in the air and headed into the closet. Naruto literaly ran in, bumping into u in the process. "OO SORRY ____ -CHAN" "It's okay Naruto, reallly" U stood up and dusted ur outfit with ur hands. "7 minutes u 2!" Sakura giggled closing then locking the door. "Here" u gave Naruto the ramen and sat against the back wall. He slurped down the ramen then ploncked himself down beside u. "____, would u be mad if I did something to u?" "depends wot it is Naruto-Kun" "this-" He pressed his lips to urs and u didn't hesitate to kiss back. 'I can't believe I fell for a klutz...WHO IS A REALLY COULD KISSER!' u screamed in ur head. U both broke for air and smiled at each other. "Naruto, u're...wow" U said poking his nose. "U too ____" He flicked ur forehead playfully and pulled u into another great kiss. U pulled away and this time had a question to ask him, "Naruto? Have u been looking at Kakashi-sensei's books?" U raised an eyebrow and kept eye contact, even in the dark. U heard him gulp, "I might have peeked" He said rubbing the back of his head. "Well then if u're not a good boy, I'm gonna tell Kakashi-Kun!" "arrr, please don't! and why do u call him Kakashi-Kun?" Naruto question. U shrugged, "me dunno" U replied as the door swung open. Shino sighed and headed back to his seat, u and Naruto following behind. U watched as Ino and Choji we next to go into the closet. U feel asleep and only remember laughing when u saw Ino come running out of the closet covering her mouth and holding her stomach.
flying papaya is...NARUTO!
Naruto was over at the refreshment table. You saw him drinking ALL of the soda. "Do i really have to go into the closet with Naruto while he's hyped up on soda?" You asked. "I have pitty for you, a lot of pitty." I replied. You slowly walk into the closet and sat down. you pulled out your ipod and started listening to it.
Outside: "Naruto, you have to go into the closet!" I said. *Naruto's too buisy drinking soda to hear* "NARUTO!!!" He looked up and i pushed him into the closet and shut the door.
Back to you: You looked up as soon as Naruto entered the room. "'bout time you showed up." You said. "Yeah, sorry about that." He said nervously. "Would you stop twitching, it's making me nervouse." you were slightly agitated. "Sorry." "Here *hands Naruto a pill bottle* take this." "What is it?" Naruto asked. "It'll stop you from twitching." you replied. "By the way...Why a flying papya?" You asked. "'cause I couldn't chose ramen." he replied. "I'm going back to listening to my music now." You said while turning you ipod back on. After some time Sakura opened up the door. Naruto was sitting beside of you with a pair of headphones, listen to your music.(Me:Awww, soo cute. You:Why didn't you open the door? Me: I was replacing the soda with water. You:Okay then.) you sat down next to Temari.
################################## That night you couldn't get to sleep so you desided to make a midnight snack. you walked into the kitchen and pulled out a ketal, a strainer, a sturing spoon, and ramen. you put the ramen into the boiling water and heard someone enter the kitchen. "Can i have some ramen?" Naruto asked. "It's not done yet, but you can have some." You replied. When the ramen was done you pulled out two bowls. "Naruto, why are you up?" You asked. "I smelled ramen." he replied. 'typical' you thought. you both ate your ramen in silence. "Good night Naruto." You said while standing up. "Good night." you started walking away and Naruto grabbed you arm. you spun around to see what he wanted and acidentaly kissed him on the lips. "I'm sorry Naruto, I'm so sorry!" you said while blushing. Naruto gave you a kiss on the cheek. "It's okay" He said. you turned bright red. you always liked Naruto, but Hinata liked him and she was your best friend. You told Naruto that you liked him and you two started datine. **********************************
Bonus: you and Naruto were sitting on the floor listening to your music. "Go Naruto!" Kiba yelled. you walked over to where everybody was grouped. (Me:*closes labtop when you come into veiw* You: Let me see it. Me: * hands you the labtop.) you watch the video on youtube. the video of you and Naruto. (Me:Bye *turns around to run away* You:*yells at me*) Kiba saved it to my favorites and steals my labtop. THE END.
Grape is...Sasuke.
"Crap, I'm gonna die."You said glancing nervously at his fangirls, which Naruto and Kiba were(barely) holding back. As you slowly entered the closet, you started dreading what would happen when the time was up.You heard him coming into the closet, and he stood right next to you. "What are you doing?"you ask as Sasuke moved closer to you. he kissed you lightly on the cheek. you were so stunned that sasuke would do that to you of all people, that you didn't say anything for the rest of the time. Sakura and Inu ripped open the closet. They calmed down when they saw you and Sasuke sitting at opposite sides. "I know something happened!" Sakura yelled. Ino and Sakura started coming at you with amazing speed. "Don't hurt her." Sasuke stepped in front of you and gently pushed you back. Sakura and Ino sat, reuctantly, back down. Sasuke pulled you onto his lap, and you sat there for the remaining part of the game.
That night you woke up because you heard an eery sound. you walk outside, holding your kunai knife in front of you. "Is anyone out there." You said. no one answered. you sighed and decided to go for a walk(me:you heard an eery sound yet decided to go for a walk?! Are you some kinda idiot?). half way through the woods a figure emerged. "Who are you." You stated. "It's me, Sasuke." He replied while he stepped out of the shadows. "Oh. Wanna walk with me?" you asked(ME:Oh it was just emo avenger). He nodded his head. you got to the entrance of the woods. the full moon was gorgous. Sasuke leaned over and kissed you on the lips. "I've always wanted to do that."He said."are you the real Sasuke or is it invasion of the body snatchers?"you asked."I think I'm the real Sasuke, but I'm not 100% sure about that." Sasuke replied in answer to your quetion. He asked you to be his girlfreind and you excepted.The End
"399" u said looking around the room."thats me! BELEIVE IT!" said naruto happily."oh god..." u said as naruto dragged you into the closet. naruto looked like he was gonna explode. after a minute he said in a rush" ihavealwayslovedyoumorethanyoucaneverimagineandiwouldbesohappyifulikedmeack!" "woah" strangely u understood every word. "i..i.. i feel the same way.."u said blushing."really?" naruto said."well yeah..." u said looking at your feet. u felt naruto lift your chin up. he looked down into your face,his eyes glazed over.he lowered his head down and kissed you tenderly on the lips. your arms snaked around his neck and he pushed you against the wall. slowly he moved his hands to your waist and pulled you closer deepening the kiss. his tounge slid into your mouth ,explored every nook and cranny,and rubbing his tounge against yours. you broke the kiss for air just as shigure walked in to tell you and naruto that time was up. you and naruto walked out holding hands and sat next to one another for the rest of the game.
"27?" u say, hoping that you didnt get shigure."thats me" kyo said smirking taking your hand and dragging you into the closet. before you could do anything he had u pushed up against the wall making out with you very passionitly with his hands on your but. he slid his tounge into your mouth and rubbed it sensually against yours. you loved that moment in the closet so much that you didnt hear shigure come in a few minutes later to tell you and kyo time was up. you only noticed when he pulled away from you. kyo took you by the hand and pulled you to the couch so you could sit together."aww! i think he likes you!" said naruto said in a sing song voice."i do like her." said kyo. " aww! i like you too kyo!" u said happily. "well then!" he said pulling you onto his lap and began to kiss you again. ever scince then you 2 have been dating. aww!
"PINK!" you shouted out. "WHAT A MANLY COLOR!" you teased. Naruto blushed an said "yea.. isnt it?"
you both laughed as you walked to the close when Ino pushed you both in the rest of the way slamming the door. "AWW C'MON INO!" you scowled. "are you ok?" ANaruto asked "yeah I'm fine" you replyed laughing. as soon as you both stoped laughing he planted one on you. at first you struggled a bit but then just gave in an kissed him back. just then the door flung open as Ino's jaw hit the floor. you broke apart an took your seats. Naruto looked over at you blushing. "oi.. you cheating on me now?" your best friend Temari teased "oh no never my love" you teased back "he forced himself on me!" you whisper shouted to her all dramatic an you both started laughing. on your way home Naruto ran up to an asked you to be his girlfriend. you answered him with a kiss.
"black?" you said wanting to know who got. to your seprise, Sasuke stood up. you walked into the closet. "____, you know how Kakashi's been training me right...?" he asked "yeah" you replied. "well..." he reaches out an pulls out one of Kakashi's books, looks at a sertain page as a blush steeks accross him face as he smirks at you putting the book away... an the rest-- is history..
...wait ew... ew.. EW!!!
"OMG SASUKE'S GONNA BE A DADDY!" yelled Naruto when yall walked out of the closet THREE HOURS LATER!
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