And yet another What If Scenario!
Okay, so I'm gonna assume that OOT has taken passed and no one has any memory of ganondork. Therefore, things have reversed and so Clarissa's right back where she's started, cept, ya know, she's met Tangora already and now she's on the road back home without him, for whatever reason. Course early on, she usually bumped into him, had a mini-adventure, they parted ways and she'd go off other places.
So yeah. Termina. During Majora's rain:
Denny: Ehhh, Clarissa...? *is lookin' around terrified*
Clarissa: Yeah?
Denny: C-Clarissa, is the moon s'pose to have a face in it?
Clarissa: Don't be silly, Denny. Go back to bed. *rolls over on the grass*
Denny: B-But Clarissa...
Random woman: *screams*
More people: *More screaming and shouting*
Random Man: Th-the moon! It's grown a face!
Clarissa: *flinches and opens an eye*
Random kid: Oh wow! Look at those blood red eyes! It's smilin' down at us!
Mother of boy: Ah! M-Mitchell get b-back in the house, that moon's not smiling it's grimacing!
Guards: Locate the Captain now! We must inform Mayor Dotour!
Clarissa: *yawns and sits up, looks up lazily* .... D8 HOLY ********!
Clarissa: HOMIGOD!
Kafei: Get back here with my mask, you thief!
Kafei: *runs passed them, chasing after Sakon/ disappears out of her sight*
Clarissa: Huh? Was that Kafei...? Hey! Kafei! *gets up and goes to run after him when some sudden force flings her into a tree. A creepy, leaf-like noise and some slight familiar giggling echoes through the dark forest.* ...Urgh...Kaf...Kafei...*passes out from the blow to the head*
Denny: Ehhh! Cla-ri-ssaaaaa!!
The next day
Clarissa: *opens her eyes to see she's in a brightly colored lab* Wha..?
Old Man: Ooh ho ho, I thought you'd never wake up!
Clarissa: Owwies...My head is killin' me. *rubs her bandaged head*
Denny: Clarissa! *pounces in her arms*
Clarissa: *huggles him* ^_^
Denny: We're in the Astrologer's home! Isn't this place neat?!
Clarissa: Yeah but...that moon. It's gone now, huh? Seeing as how it's daytime and all...*looks out the window, looks up* D8 IT'S STILL THERE?!
Astronomer: It appears so. I don't like the looks of it...Would you like to see it closer?
Clarissa: No thanks! Denny, we're getting the ******** outta here! C'mon! Back to Hyrule for us! *drags Denny behind her*
Denny: Yay! Then we cans ee your boyfriend!
Denny: Tangora so is your boyfriend, man. It's so flippin' obvious.
Clarissa: SHUT IT, DEKU BOY! D8 Let's amscre before that ******** moon kills us all!
Denny: Ehhh what if, what if it falls, Clarissa?! What if it falls and there's no safe refuge from it?! OH MY GOD! WHAT IF IT LIGHTS EVERYTHING ON FIRE AFTER IT FALLS!?
Clarissa: That's not gonna happen...well the fire bit, anyhow, let's get the hell back to Hyrule! D8
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Clarissa Crossette-Gahn
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Piss off plz 8D.