Day 3
Twas Friday...second last day of work...bored to death...complained about Jacinta for like ALL of it...
Day 4
Saturday!! Mom and I went around shopping...if it wasnt for that I would have never known that Jacinta changed the schedual and I was now working Monday instead of Tuesday...what a cow for not calling me. We also bought my dad some presents cuz it was his birthday. He wasn't home till later that night htough so we had dinner and cake the next day. Bought him Firfly series and Serenity movie.
Day 5
Yesterday...had dinner...slept in...did nothing of an consequence
Day 6
today...slept in...felt ill...fellt ill...felt ill...went to work...well tried. Landon intercepted me saw that I was ill and then made sure I missed work entirely...
krysil · Tue Feb 07, 2006 @ 04:34am · 0 Comments |