In case you were wondering, or were drawn here assuming the presence of teh ghey- whether to spread the hellfire talk or to convene over gay pride- 'fagott' means 'bassoon' in German. xD Anyway. Had my first bassoon lesson today. It was so much awesome.
- my teacher is the most relaxed person I've ever met, in music.
-she is an AMAZING bassoonist.
-she made me a reed. it's the best reed I've EVER played on.
-she gave me her number and told me to call her if I ever need help with anything bassoon-y.
-she said, after I played an etude, that I'm great; that I have an awesome tone; that I'm going to be a ton of fun to teach; that I could do NYSSMA on bassoon as it stands.
-NYSSMA, as a note, is that piano thing I do, with the medals and all- the judging thing. Yeah. The one that I do every year and get like 27/28 and whatever.
-so in response to the NYSSMA thing, I went "*snort* Yeah, okay, on what, a level one or two?" And she rolled her eyes, laughed, and said "Higher." But then her fiance interrupted so I don't know exactly what level she was thinking. xD
-she's heard me play piano too (she works at the place I take lessons for piano, and hears me in my lessons) and said I'm a really good pianist as well.
-she told me more than I've ever been told about music school in about ten minutes.
-she gave me a Mozart concerto that she confessed to hating but said that I should learn it for college auditions. That she's already giving me this makes me look forward to college even more, and is going to in turn make me work harder in even my non-music classes, just to bring my GPA up. I really needed that boost.
-upon hearing about the immediate success of these lessons, my grandparents agreed that if I major in music they'll buy me a bassoon.
So. Today was a very good day.
NOTE: I'm probably going to have a dual major in music and international relations. With the international relations major I can then go into an intelligence analyst position in pretty much any law enforcement group. So. Just to keep my options open.
EDIT: of course, that plan wouldn't work if I go to a school that's strictly a music school...