Ino holds the basket out to you with an exasperated look. She gets impatient with you very easily because you are so much like Shikamaru. You open one eye lazily and sigh, earning a fierce look from her. You smile consolingly and reach into the basket, casually pulling out a random paper. Then, you smoothly stand up, waiting expectantly for her orders. She glares at you as if she wants you to do something and your face lights up suddenly.
"Oh! Yeah. I'm supposed turn around, now, aren't I?"you ask, rubbing the back of your head. People often compare you to Kakashi-sensei. In fact, most everyone thought you were his daughter before you told them otherwise. It is scary how alike the two of you are.
Ino nods in exasperation, and you turn around to calm her down, laughing quietly. It makes her want to shake you, but she keeps her cool.
Ino unwravels the piece of paper and clears her throat, preparing to say the word aloud.
"Okay! Whoever put down 'family', get into the closet NOW!"Ino commanded bossily, looking around at all of them,"And whoever you are, you had better move alot faster than HER!" She points at you with a look of disdain before returning her gaze to the guys. She gasps when she sees who stands up.
"Sasuke?"she cries, drawing Sakura's attention as well,"B-but!" Before she or Sakura can protest further, Sasuke walks into the closet, slamming the door behind him as if that settled the matter. You smile apologetically at Ino and Sakura.
Sakura looks incredibly jealous and bites her lip, while Ino just smirks, flipping her hair with her hand.
"Oh well,"she comments confidently, smirking at you,"It's not as if Sasuke is going to fall for HER."
You walk by them casually, humming to yourself as you enter the closet and shut the door behind you. You feel around in the dark until your hand comes in contact with the light switch. You flip it on with your finger and glance around the closet for Sasuke. He is leaning up against the far wall, looking very displeased with the present circumstances.
"Is there a reason you're sitting in the dark?"you ask pleasantly with a grin, earning one of his usual glares. He hasn't really ever paid much attention to you before, so you vaguely wonder why he's looking at you like that. Maybe he's just unfriendly...?
You plop down on the floor, leaning against a pile of clothes as your arms rest behind your head lazily. You rest your feet up on a box nearby and shut your eyes, seemingly bored. In reality, you have always had a small crush on the Uchiha, but unlike Ino and Sakura, you were willing to let things fall where they will.
"Hey! You!"Sasuke begins rudely, cutting into the silence that had fallen. You open one eye tiredly and look up at him expectantly.
"I'm not interested in doing anything in here,"he continues, glaring at you as if he is daring you to challenge him,"So if you had any idea about throwing yourself all over me, you might as well just get them out of your head." He throws a warning glance in your direction and folds his arms in front of him, letting you know he's serious. You blink for a moment before closing your eyes again, turning back to your doze.
"Whatever,"you say simply, shrugging your shoulders. You can't say you blame him. You assume you would respond the same way if you had guys crawling all over you.
Sasuke is caught off guard by your indifference and narrows his eyes at you as if he expects you to suddenly jump at him.
"I'm not kidding,"he growls again, tensing slightly,"I don't want anything to do with you, so just stay on the floor for the next six minutes."
"Sounds like a plan,"you reply, not even bothering to open your eyes this time. You are actually a little hurt, but the expression on your face doesn't change. This behavior is only to be expected from Sasuke.
Sasuke blinks, looking at you with a frown. He's never been around a girl that he knows so little about. He is surprised to say the least. He's even caught off guard by your indifferent attitude.
He sighs suddenly as he finds himself both incredibly bored and insanely curious. He fights the urge to talk to you as best he can, but you are interesting to him. Slowly, he sits down a few feet away from you, causing you to open one of your eyes again so you can watch him.
"What's your name?"he demands suddenly, crossing his arms in front of him defiantly. He makes it quite clear that he is only asking you because he wants information and not because he is striking up a conversation with you.
"_____,"you reply, staring up at the ceiling lazily, your head still propped up on your hands. Silence falls in the closet once again as Sasuke stares at you as if he's expecting you to say something.
"Well?"he asks suddenly and impatiently, becoming a bit frustrated. You look at him with a confused look, sitting up a little bit.
"Well what?"you ask, looking him in the eye for the first time.
"Don't you want to know who I am?"he asks, frowning at the fact that he had to ask you. It did not make him happy at all. You smile with a raised eyebrow, amused at how uncomfortable he looks. Despite his tough attitude, Sasuke really was just an awkward kid. To you, he really WAS a kid. You are two years older after all.
"I already know who you are,"you say with a smile,"You are Sasuke Uchiha, age 12, member of Team 7 which is captained by Kakashi Hatake, and you were this year's number one rookie." Sasuke's mouth opens slightly as he looks at you. He hates it that you know so much about him and he knows nothing about you except your name.
"How old are you?" he demands, scooting closer to you so he can have a better conversation. You laugh lightly, annoying him to no end.
"It's not polite to ask a girl her age, Sasuke."
This causes him to turn bright red, and he stutters a little when he retorts back angrily.
"Y-you're too young to worry about how old you are!"he cries, incredibly embarassed,"Just answer the question!"
"I'm fourteen,"you reply with a laugh, causing an odd expression to cross Sasuke's face. He's never met a girl like you. You don't appear to care about the same sort of you know what's really important.
"Who's team are you on?"he prods, scooting closer to you yet again. Suddenly, you sit up all the way, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Is there a point to all of these questions, Sasuke?"you ask quietly, propping your chin in your hand as you turn to face him. You look innocently curious.
"So what if there is?"he snaps, turning red. He is annoyed because he doesn't really know why you're affecting him this way.
You shrug and turn away, looking at the wall in thought. Sasuke snaps suddenly and the question that has been nagging him from the beginning pops out before he can stop it.
"Why don't you like me?" he demands with a frown, his face only a foot away from yours. You turn and look at him blankly, seeing him gritting his teeth in frustration.
"Who said I didn't?"you reply blankly, earning a stunned silence from him.
"But, you-"he begins, staring hard at you,"but there's got to be something. Otherwise, you would be-..."
"Be like Ino and Sakura?"you ask curiously, looking up at him with your eyes lit up by a twinkle of mischief,"And if I liked Naruto, would I be like Hinata? I wonder who someone would have to like to make them like me."
"You're avoiding my question!"he cried, exasperated,"There must be something you're hiding from me! There has to be something you don't like about me!"
"Why do you care if there's something I don't like about you?"you ask, mildly bemused.
"I don't know!"he shouts suddenly, standing up in frustration,"I just don't want you to think that way!"
You watch him quietly, allowing him to vent.
"I mean, Sakura and Ino act like I'm a god, but they don't really even believe that I'm going to go after my brother. They think I'm not serious or something, but I am! And other people think I'm throwing my life away, but..."
You silence him suddenly by closing your fingers around his wrist, pulling him down next to you. He looks down at you, breathing a little hard after his rant. Your eyes lock onto his and it calms him down considerably as your other hand slips over his other wrist.
"I believe you,"you say quietly, yet lightly as if you were only talking about the weather,"You feel as if you have to do something for them, don't you?...Your clan, I mean." Sasuke's eyes widen and he stares into your eyes, mesmerized.
"You couldn't do anything before...and now you feel as if you have to make up for it." Sasuke leans his face closer to yours, not taking his eyes off of you.
"How could you possibly know that? Have you ever...lost...someone?" His breath is warm on your face as he pulls his wrists out of your grasp so he can grab yours instead. You just look at him with a slight smile.
"Maybe..."you say quietly and tauntingly. Sasuke wants to know everything about you, but he's beginning to realize that it is going to be a difficult task.
Suddenly, Sasuke pushes your back against the wall, pinning your arms down on either side of you. His face hovers inches away from yours and his breath is steady and warm against your lips. If you are surprised, you don't show it.
"I thought you didn't want anything to do with me,"you point out softly, your eyes boring into his. His body presses against yours and he leans closer to you.
"I've changed my mind,"he explains softly, his face stopping just above yours. It's as if he is waiting for your consent after he had been so rude to you.
"Hmm. And I was just beginning to wonder if you ever would,"you reply in a soft whisper, your breath tickling his skin. Slowly, he leans forward, kissing you gently. His lips are surprisingly warm as they press against yours again and again. Eventually, he lets go of your arms and his hands slide down the wall on either side of you. Once you find that he has let them go, your hands slide up his shoulders and around his neck as his make their way to your waist.
Suddenly, he breaks away, his mouth hovering by your ear.
"Time's up,"he whispers, a slightly dazed look on his face. You nod and he stands up, retreating to his corner of the closet as you lay your head back down, closing your eyes. A content smile plays on your lips as the door opens and Ino's voice reaches your ears.
"Ha! See? What'd I tell you? Sasuke would SO never do anything with her,"she calls out in triumph, hiding the fact that she was actually a little nervous.
"Yep. You're right, Ino. There's no way I could ever distract him in his quest for your love. He told me so himself." Sasuke shot you a warning look, shoving his hands into his pockets fiercely. An innocently puzzled look makes its way on your face as Ino turns to Sasuke with stars in her eyes.
"Did you really say that, Sasuke?? Oh, I knew it!"she squeals, throwing herself into his arms. You smile and plop down in the couch next to Shikamaru and close your eyes lazily, every bit aware of the look Sasuke is sending your way.
*~Later that night~*
You are walking home at an unhurried pace, enjoying the quiet the night brings. You walk down one of the less used streets in town, preferring the peace and quiet. As you make your way down town after the party, you pull a worn-looking book from your pocket and begin to read. You do this in the same way Kakashi-sensei does, though you definitely aren't reading Make Out Paradise. It really is astounding that you two are not related.
As you turn to the next page, you hear a rustling in the bushes next to the road. You smile to yourself and walk on, completely unconcerned.
"Is there any particular reason you're following me, Sasuke?"you call over your shoulder, not looking up from your book. Sasuke suddenly removes himself from the shrubs, staring at you incredulously.
"How did you know it was me?"he demands in his usual tone, thoroughly impressed though he would never show it,"How did you even know I was there? What ninja level are you, anyways?"
You just shrug, walking past him with your nose stuck in your book. Slightly exasperated, he runs up in front of you, stopping directly in your path. You are too wrapped up in your book to notice.
You run into him with a small 'oof!' and you look up at him, seeing his eyes staring into yours with intense curiosity. His hands travel to your wrists, lowering the book away from your face slowly.
"Why won't you answer any of my questions?"he asks softly, earning yet another shrug from you as a smirk crosses your lips.
"Maybe you should go after a girl that's a little easier to read, Sasuke,"you remark coyly, leaning closer to him. You pull your wrists out of his grasp and slip your book back into your pocket, finding Sasuke a bit more interesting at the moment.
You feel his hands on your waist as he leans down, pulling you closer to him.
"I'm always up for a challenge,"he whispers, sliding one of his hands into your hair as his fingers play with the loose strands.
"Believe me, Sasuke, you've found one."
You lean forward suddenly and press your lips to his teasingly, giving him one of those kisses that leaves boys wanting more. Then, you sidestep him, pulling your book back out as you continue on your way home. The Uchiha stands in the middle of the road, watching your retreating figure before he smirks, walking to catch up with you.
"Mind if I walk you home?"he asks, falling into step directly beside you. And, of course, your response is a shrug.
*~A typical moment for the two of you~*
You are sitting on one of the target posts at the training field, reading your book intently. Sasuke is training with Kakashi in hand-to-hand combat at the moment. It is a little noisy, but you easily tune it out. Even so, you manage to watch the fight out of the corner of your eye.
"Your defense is getting sloppy, Sasuke,"you call out as you turn the page, earning an exasperated look from Sasuke. Kakashi grins and scratches the back of his just like you do. Sasuke has sort of gotten accustomed to the freakish similarities between the two of you, but it still startles him a bit.
"You should listen to her, Sasuke,"Kakashi admonishes teasingly,"She knows what she's talking about." You nod with a smile.
"Thank you, Kakashi."
Sasuke suddenly drops his stance, walking closer to Kakashi so you wouldn't hear what he's asking.
"Hey Kakashi, do YOU know what level she is?"he mutters under his breath, drawing an amused look from you. Kakashi glances at you out of the corner of his eye and you shake your head ever-so-slightly with a teasing smile.
"Nope. I'm afraid I don't,"he replies instantly, grinning apologetically at Sasuke,"Why don't you ask HER, Sasuke? Don't be shy."
"I already have,"Sasuke states through gritted teeth. He still knows next to nothing about you, but that didn't keep him from asking you out.
You hop down from the post and slip your book back into your pocket in one fluid motion.
"Is training done, then?"you ask calmly, walking over to them. Sasuke gives you a frustrated look, knowing that you still aren't planning to tell him what rank you are. Kakashi pats him on the head sympathetically, giving him a knowing look.
"Yep. Practice is over. See you later, Sasuke,"he calls over his shoulder as he walks away at a leisurely pace,"Good luck!"
You smile mischievously as Sasuke clenches his fists. No matter how hard he pries for information, he cannot find out anything about you. He assumes that only the Hokage and your squad leader know, but he would have to have a reason for knowing if he went to the Hokage and he STILL had no idea who your squad leader was.
You approach Sasuke from behind and lay your head on his shoulder with a mocking smile.
"Still trying to keep up with me, Sasuke?"you whisper teasingly. He looks at you out of the corner of his eye with a determined look. Suddenly, he pushes you up against a post, pinning your arms to your side.
"Yes, I am,"he murmurs, his face inches from yours. His warm breath tickles your skin.
"Now then, I have some questions that I want answered,"he states, his lips pressing against yours fiercely,"and I am going to get them out of you one way or another." He continues to kiss you over and over again.
"And what if I don't give them willingly?"you ask inbetween kisses, slightly breathless,"Are you going to kiss me to death?"
Sasuke's hands slide to either side of your waist, his lips trailing to your ear.
"No. I'll stop if you don't tell me,"he whispers, his breath tickling your ears this time. You lean forward and continue the kissing, which had stopped when he had answered.
"Well, I wouldn't like that,"you say. Sasuke smirks and asks you a question inbetween each kiss.
"Where do you live?"
"By Icharuka's Ramen Bar."
"When did you graduate from the Academy?"
"Age 8."
"What is your favorite color?"he asks, his lips trailing along your jawline. His kisses are light and they leave tickling sensations on your skin.
"White,"you whisper against his lips. Sasuke is about to answer another question when he stops abruptly, holding you fast to the post.
"Wait a second,"he starts accusingly, holding you down,"I asked you that question three days ago and you said it was red! So which one is it? I'm not letting you go until you tell me."
You smile softly and fondly at him, feeling almost sorry for tormenting him. Almost.
He gasps suddenly as you disappear and reappear right behind him. He had assumed you were a high rank ninja, and now he knew he was right. But just how high ranked are you?
"My favorite color is actually blue. And I'm not kidding this time,"you say softly, kissing him lightly on the cheek. Then, you turn and leave, pulling your book out of your pocket.
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