Old flames aren't easily extinguished.
Every day I see my first girlfriend, Friday, I miss her more. I don't know why. She's the first person I've ever had this much, like... pathetic puppy-love-esque emotion towards. I get butterflies whenever I look at her. I've had three girlfriends since her, but none of them made me feel like this. She's so perfect, in my eyes. Which is ridiculous. Whenever I'm /not/ around her I can list all the things that are wrong with her. I could right now, but that's not the point of this entry. I don't know what to do. I want her back, but she's gone /straight/ and is dating this a** hole who treats all my friends like crap... she could do better than him. I don't even mean that she should be with me, I mean that she's so above him it's ridiculous. Come to think, maybe they broke up. I'm not sure anymore. Anyway. I'd talk to her if I wasn't sure she was 'straight' again. Which is funny, because my friend Hannah who has spot-on gaydar insists that Friday is at least bi. So. I'm still mad that she broke up with me because her parents said that she needed a boyfriend. I'm still mad that she wrote a list of everything she hates about me and read it off to my friend Jose. I'm mad that she bashes the army and knows that my family on both sides has tons of military vets and current soldiers and army doctors. But I want her back.