Well I haven't posted in a while so I thought since I just did a major comment on peoples journals I'd do so now.
Well I just got my report card on friday.. my lowest grade was a 91 and highest was 97 >< still not principals list.. but it's honor roll again ^^ We also have course selection that we're doing now. I have no idea what classes I want to take next year my senior year!! I don't have to take science or history so I probably wont take them, although I may take a holocaust class. seems interesting enough. I also got a letter in the mail saying that I should take AP (advanced placement) classes, I'm in all CP (college prep) classes now and AP is like 2 steps higher. I'm thinking about taking an AP english, since english is my strongest subject but I don't know. I know I'm not gonna give myself a break next year because I'm gonna be a senior, I'm just going to treat it like any other year.
Me and Shane are still together ^^ 7 months now. He was gone for like 2 weeks, which scared me, but he's fine. Something seems to have changed though. You know when you don't talk to a person for a while and then talk to them and it seems different. Yea it's like that.. and gosh.. we're gonna be trying to go to the same college ^^ that makes senior year even more exciting. After that I'll get to be with my baby! I can't wait. He said he doesn't care where he goes as long as it's with me. Which makes it a whole lot easier on me because my parents said I couldn't go to college in Kentucky. So that's what's going on with us ^^
Uhm.. it's snowing, and I'm too sick to go play in it. Although it's more flurries than playable snow but snow all the same. I have an ear infection and a cold so no playing for me >< Plus I really should do my report and my algebra homework.. but I'll worry about that tomorrow.
I got my glasses today >< they aren't emo glasses but my mom says they look good.. of course it's a moms duty to tell their child they look good no matter what so I don't know if I should believe her. I should take some pics tomorrow with them on.. see what people think.. speaking of pics.. I don't know if I ever showed all my JW friends a pic of me.. well I shall do so now! be prepared though *opens up photobucket*
I look so pretty in black and white

xXunspokentearsXx · Sat Feb 11, 2006 @ 11:31pm · 0 Comments |