Name :: Minagi Sanada
Parents ::
Age ::17
Bio :: Minagi comes from a small family of her mother, father, and a younger, toddler brother named Tohru,whom she adores. She was a curious child and was into everything and everywhere. More often than not, she'd go missing and someone would find her in some tree, where no one could reach her. Most unlike her mother, she developed a more spirited, outspoken disposition, unlike her calm parents. She was able to develop a liking for Archery, which her mother reluctantly let her indulge in. Her mother fears that her independent personality is too reckless. In order to get her ready for the world, they sent her to Ouran. Her parents hope for her to become cultured to be a suitable wife. They disapprove of the whole cooking deal, but she hopes to prove her worth.
-Cooking( I make Tohru lunchboxes for school~)
-Sport( I really like Archery and Martial Arts )
-Nature( I love the garden at our estate)
-Spending Time with Tohru( He's a sweet kid~)
-Origami ( One Thousand Cranes, huh? )
-Losing ( It's a blow to my self esteem, y'know. )
-Silence( It drives me crazy)
-Studying ( Natural smarts are my enemy. )
-Having nothing to do.( I must be d
-Formal Dancing ( I'm a little clumsy, okay? I'll step on your feet)
Pet(s) ::My parents say that animals are unsanitary, but I secretly keep this really pretty cat named Soki~
Future Goals ::I plan to go to France to study Culinary Arts, and then to take over fathers company.
Crush? :: Cr-Crush?.
Name: Lanfen
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Magic: Floral Femme Fatal
Skills: Lanfen's sills are solely based around the ability to animate and manipulate any sort of plant life according to her will. No matter where as long as there is soil (Which she keeps alot of it). she has many qualities of plants: drinks alot of water and loves sunlight. She also can release pheromones which can be used to influence others into her charms. A random trait of her's is that she always smells like flowers.
-Thorny Tomb
-Binding Vines
-Poisonous Kiss
-Fungi Bomb
-Venus Man Trap
-Immune to poisons
-Floral Defense
-Poppy Talk
-Curing Herb
-Planting Life
Bio:Lanfen grew up around plantlife and has always been
Theme: Roses are Red
(Desperate for a way to curb this destructive behavior before it was too late, Mihael bought her an acoustic guitar for her fifteenth birthday and only promised to teach he if she became a better person for herself. During her character improvement, she was surrounded and challenged by a bunch of girls out in the street. During the hardcore beating she took, Mihael showed up upon hearing that there was some kind of fight going on. Upon his arrival, he shouted for the girls to stop, in which they didn't. That was until a car was coming at an alarming rate. The girls cleared out quick, save for one beaten and bruised Chamuel. Her brother cried out for her and dashed out into the street,picking her up, but was hit on the side.Regardless, he had protected his sister, and received a fractured hip.
Riddled with rage, vengence, and guilt, her brother continued to support her. With this experience, she aspired to be a better person for her brother who risked his life for her.Thus, her high school career wasn't as nearly as bumpy as her middle school. It was around this time that Chamuel's mother was laid off and the only source of income was her brother, who was still recovering. While out on a walk, Mihael broke the news that he was going away for rehab, leaving her with her mother, and Chamuel wasn't having that. Why should she? Her mother never cared enough to help her like her brother did.
With sudden anger, Chamuel ran from him, ignoring his calls to come back. she dashes across a street, turning back to see him struggling
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Magic: Floral Femme Fatal
Skills: Lanfen's sills are solely based around the ability to animate and manipulate any sort of plant life according to her will. No matter where as long as there is soil (Which she keeps alot of it). she has many qualities of plants: drinks alot of water and loves sunlight. She also can release pheromones which can be used to influence others into her charms. A random trait of her's is that she always smells like flowers.
-Thorny Tomb
-Binding Vines
-Poisonous Kiss
-Fungi Bomb
-Venus Man Trap
-Immune to poisons
-Floral Defense
-Poppy Talk
-Curing Herb
-Planting Life
Bio:Lanfen grew up around plantlife and has always been
Theme: Roses are Red
(Desperate for a way to curb this destructive behavior before it was too late, Mihael bought her an acoustic guitar for her fifteenth birthday and only promised to teach he if she became a better person for herself. During her character improvement, she was surrounded and challenged by a bunch of girls out in the street. During the hardcore beating she took, Mihael showed up upon hearing that there was some kind of fight going on. Upon his arrival, he shouted for the girls to stop, in which they didn't. That was until a car was coming at an alarming rate. The girls cleared out quick, save for one beaten and bruised Chamuel. Her brother cried out for her and dashed out into the street,picking her up, but was hit on the side.Regardless, he had protected his sister, and received a fractured hip.
Riddled with rage, vengence, and guilt, her brother continued to support her. With this experience, she aspired to be a better person for her brother who risked his life for her.Thus, her high school career wasn't as nearly as bumpy as her middle school. It was around this time that Chamuel's mother was laid off and the only source of income was her brother, who was still recovering. While out on a walk, Mihael broke the news that he was going away for rehab, leaving her with her mother, and Chamuel wasn't having that. Why should she? Her mother never cared enough to help her like her brother did.
With sudden anger, Chamuel ran from him, ignoring his calls to come back. she dashes across a street, turning back to see him struggling