Gather around, all my dear children and people, let this old wizard tell you some stories today! Perhaps, you want to hear of the elven attacks? No? Hm, perhaps you would like me to tell you the story of the nasty sharks of the waters! Still no?
Well, how about I tell you the story of a young boy, a young elven child who once used to live in the castle above, a young boy who's story was spread throughout the kingdom, even throughout the world! The boy, who was taken in by pirates, battled fierce dragons, and became king to rule this place! Ah, you do yes? Well then, it began, on a normal, sunny day in the town, of Ardania.
The kingdom of Ardania was home to many, dwarfs, wizards, elves, humans, and kings. The land said to be filled with water as clear as glass, birds that sing in the early mornings, grass that sways with the wind at ease, trees that dance with the howling wind, pirates that sail the 12 seas. Shops and towns were always being built daily. Always new things coming and going. The sun could not shine any brighter on this kingdom.
The town had many districts within it, book stores where wizards always roamed and studied, ranges where elves became marksmen, work shops where dwarfs crafted, humans everywhere along side with everyone else. Everyone lived well together. There was no problems between race of creature.
Ardania was a small castle at once, it used to be one of the smallest, but then the dwarfs came and started to build in return for money. Throughout time, the castle starting getting bigger, then, towns started being built and people started moving in. The Castle started becoming a kingdom! The Kingdom of Ardania was almost perfect. Everything was built nicely, all the people and workers were content, everything was good. Although not all kingdoms were perfect. When night falls, the evil creatures roam. Wicked ghouls and undead fiends, spiders and bats that were as big as buildings, dragons that soar through the air as if a fish through water. The guards can hold off many, the archers and warriors fight until they fall, the wizards fling spells until they must flee. The kingdom of Ardania was losing heroes and the king was getting too old to deal with such problems. Soon a new king would have arise, a new hero would arise, and take command of the kingdom, command, of The Elven Code.