Chapter 9: Gay.
Lexaeus didn't have to look very long before he found Axel. The redhead was kind of hard to miss. He decided to wait, his orders were to end Axel and the stowaway, never did it say 'immediately.' Regardless of his immense size, Lexaeus hid himself very well.
He had witnessed Roxas joining this Anti-Xigbar pact and became extremely confused. Didn't Roxas order me to kill Axel? Why is Roxas hugging Axel? Have they made up? Will he get in the way? I don't want to kill Roxas... He needed answers.
Lexaeus turned and started walking to Zexion's car. Zexion had answers. Zexion had answers to questions that didn't need to be asked.
But, alas, Zexion was not in his car. Zexion was waiting by Namine's car, waiting for the supposed leader of this group to give some sort of order or direction. He leaned against the door and fiddled with a lock of slate hair. Bored.
Saix knocked over a stack of papers and kicked boxes over. Nothing made sense. After all of the painstaking research and him and Xemnas had conducted and nothing. They searched everywhere. There was nobody named Xigbar in any records.
Not police records, not census counts. Siax even ransacked through Xigbar's personal belongings during shows. All be found were porno magazines and pizza crusts. Who is this mysterious Xigbar? How is he getting past every security breech? Any why wasn't anyone linked to him?
Saix grabbed his phone and dialed the number of a certain lawyer that could help. "Xemnas?"
"What do you want this early in the morning, Saix?" The man replied staring at the clock. 8:15.
Saix swallowed hard, "Nothing. I couldn't find any matches, sir." Saix waited for his verbal abuse, the screaming, the anguish, the welled up anger in the emotionless man on the other line.
But Saix heard nothing.
Saix waited a few more seconds before asking,"Sir?"
"I'm still here." an annoyed voice replied. The man sighed," Who is second in command? Who is the person closest to Xigbar? If we can get information on him, then we can get it on Xigbar."
Saix didn't need to think, "His name is Marluxia Klemmons. M-a-r-l-u-x-i-a. It's a pretty unique name, and I can guarantee that he's on something like Facebook. He doesn't seem to hide his trail."
Xemnas was jotting down notes, "Physical appearance?" He asked.
"Pink hair a little past his shoulders. Caucasian, blue eyes, pale. Very gay."
Xemnas closed his notebook, "Alright. See what you can find out and call me if something comes up. Good luck, Saix."
"You too, sir."
Roxas, Axel and Luxord all rushed to Namine's car. "I'll go in first, soften her up to the idea of this whole 'no Xigbar' kinda idea. I'll get you guys soon. Stay safe." Axel said and slipped into the car.
Kairi shot awake first and gasped. She had gotten sloppy and caught.
"Who the hell are you?" Axel asked very, very confused.
Namine lazily sat up, rubbing her eyes. Then they widened, "A-Axel! What are you doing here!?" She stood and started pushing him out, "Wait.." She pulled him pack by his shirt. "We need to talk!" She pushed his shoulders down and he sat on the floor. She took a deep breath and looked to Kairi for a moment.
"Who is that?" Axel whispered pointing to Kairi.
Namini bit her lip, "She's a friend of mine... We met in Twilight Town. You can't tell anyone, okay? She has to stay a secret!"
Axel smirked, "Alright, we'll make an agreement. I'll keep your secret, if you keep mine."
Namine and Kairi both stared at the redhead, confused. Axel stood and opened the door, the 'group' shuffled in, also confused. "Namine, other chick, this is the...uh... Got it memorized?"
Kairi suppressed a giggle and Namine stared blankly. "I don't get it..." She whispered.
Luxord rolled his eyes, "Spiky here thought it would be nice and dandy to try to put an end to this Xigbar maniac. We all agreed so we're all here."
Namine smiled, "I'm in."
Axel clapped and grinned ear to ear, "Alright, then, let's get started."
The plan was to keep Lexaeus away from Namine's car for as long as possible, inside the car would be Kairi, Luxord and Axel all hiding from death. Zexion would distract Lexaeus, because they were somehow 'close'. Demyx and Roxas would find Marluxia and Larxene to distract them, because it was obvious that they would be at them soon. Then when the clock struck 12:01, they'd be free.
"Sooo...How long have you been, ya'know, on the train?" Axel asked casually sitting on the floor of Namine's car.
Kairi thought a moment, "A couple months. Nami's been good about hiding me." She looked to Luxord and blushed, "And you?" She asked sweetly.
Luxord thought a moment, "About 12 hours. Not quite the tea party one would expect." He said smiling. Kairi blushed again .
Axel flipped around from his sitting position and sprawled out on his stomach, "So, uh, this is a little weird to ask, but, why hasn't anyone killed you yet?" He asked Kairi, his green eyes staring at her blushing face.
Kairi was staring at Luxord, who was staring at nothing in particular. She snapped back to reality to answer Axel's question, "Uh...I..Uh...Oh! Namine! She hides me really well. I've been in here the whole time." She claimed happily. She stood and ran over to a box, which she threw open and rifled through. The boys could hear dry paper being crumples as they were being rifled through. She came out triumphantly with a picture with a familiar figure on it.
"Heeey....That's me?" Luxord questioned staring at the paper. It had every detail right, down the the design on his earring. "How'd she get this? I haven't met her until now...?"
Kairi smiled, "She saw you at the circus. She really liked your hair or something, so she drew you." As Luxord marveled over the paper, Kairi marveled over Luxord, "I think...she did a fantastic job...Don't you?"
Axel noticed the girl batting her eyelashes at the unobservant Brit and chuckled. "Luxord, are you gay or something?" He asked laughing, he only meant it as a joke, but Luxord replied with a simple:
Kairi's sweet-as-honey smile faded into a look of absolute embarrassment and shame. Axel broke out laughing, rolling around on the ground. Luxord was very confused.
Chapter 10: Breaker and Sharp Shooting
Marluxia and Larxene were waiting in Xigbar's room to discuss the initial problem brewing in the guts of the train: Luxord. Because they were in Xigbar's room, he was not in the one that they shared. That gave Saix the perfect chance to search through his things. Strapped to his thigh was a gun. Safety precautions, just pray that you won't have to use it, Saix.
He found exactly what he expected to. Myspace, email, cell phone, this man was absolutely conspicuous in the world of creepers. And Saix was just fine with that. He jotted down a few notes in short hand, "" He searched through the phone for other numbers, feeling more uncomfortable around the man's room as every minute wore on.
He found an address book with many names of people he didn't know.
Cloud Strife -- 555-0485
Squall Leonhart -- 555-8359
Tifa Lockhart -- 555-2449
The doorway to Marluxia's room was opened by someone unexpected. No, it was not the pink haired wonder, nor was it his blonde counterpart, but a small (very small) slate haired boy looking for Lexaeus.
Both men were at a loss for words. Saix didn't know how to explain why he was holding a pink address book, and Zexion couldn't explain why he was this far in the front of the train. So they just stared at each other.
Zexion turned on his heel and walked back out, deciding that Lexaeus was not in this part of the train. Saix put the book back into Marluxia's bag carefully, and returned to his car.
"So what are we going to do about this British pest?" Larxene asked examining her nails. "It's obvious he's not dead yet by the absence of screaming."
Xigbar nodded, his visible eye closed, "It has been a while since I ordered the death..."
Marluxia smirked, "And who are you? Prince Phillip?" He chuckled.
Xigbar glared at Marluxia. "No, but I have authority over you and this train. I'm waay up there." Now, Xigbar smirked. “Anyway, I don’t really mind that the job isn’t done yet. We’re loosing a lot of our members lately, “He turned to the crumpled sheet in the corner. “It’s really starting to stink up the place. I’m ready to toss it out the side of the train.”
Larxene cackled a wicked laugh, "God you’re heartless!” She cried, “It’s kind of hot.”
Xigbar’s eye grew wide. Gross. He sighed, "You know what? I think I can handle this on my own. Go back to your damn rooms. Oh, see if Saix has been in there yet. He might have thought to look through your things by now..."
Marluxia shrugged and stood, offering an elbow to his blond fiend. She obliged and waltzed out of the car merrily. Oh, how they pissed Xigbar off. Man I could use a drink...
He stared at the fake phones and waited, one of them was bound to ring sooner or later. Saix was a very smart man, and Xemnas was smarter--why hadn't they caught on to the Marluxia trail yet? It's only a matter of time...
"You go on ahead. I'll catch up." Roxas told Demyx once they entered his car. Demyx shrugged and walked off.
How the hell am I supposed to distract Marluxia? I don't want to do this... Especially alone. Maan... He thought wandering into Axel's car. Bloody. "Ew..."
Lexaeus fretted over his missing friend. Zexion was the only one that could speak to him without being intimidated. He couldn’t think of where he could be Zexion was always in his room reading.
Just as he was about to give up, who should walk in but the blue haired wonder himself. “Lexaeus, I wasn’t expecting anyone in here. What’s happened?” He knew from past experiences that whenever Lexaeus approached anyone, something bad happened.
“I am…” Lexaeus began, “Confused.” His icy gaze met Zexion’s. “What is going on with Roxas?”
Zexion was surprised by the question. Lexaeus never mentioned Roxas. Roxas was insignificant to him, they had no connections. “I’m not sure what you mean…” Zexion said. His voice was edgy, nervous.
“He told me to eliminate Axel and a visitor, and then he seems to have made up with Axel. I do no understand. I do not want to upset Roxas, but I do not want to ignore my duties,” Lexaeus’s shoulders tensed, “I am just afraid of what would happen to Roxas if another person so close to him would die.”
Zexion never thought that Lexaeus would take this kind of consideration to thought. Lexaeus, to everyone but Zexion, was just a killer. He had no conscious, no questions, he just did was he as told. “I think that it’s Xigbar’s fault, then, “Zexion said, “For giving the orders in the first place.”
Lexaeus grew more uncomfortable, but said nothing.
“It’s also his fault that you are like this,” Zexion continued, “He’s changed us into monsters, if he hadn’t, “Here was the hook, “You’d still be with your daughter.”
Lexaeus gasped as a solitary red tear fell down his face. Back in a different town, it seemed a different world; there was a little 6 year old girl without a father or mother.
“Xigbar…” Lexaeus mumbled, “Did not know about her. It was not his fault, “Lexaeus tried to stand tall, “It was my choice.”
Zexion had his plan formed, “Xigbar was the one who told you to end her, right? Your wife, I mean. Without that heart you would be a lot like Sora is… Was,” I know you have emotions! Show them!
Lexaeus trembled.
“It was all Xigbar! It’s because of him that everything went wrong!” Zexion said his voice grave. “Now who would you rather end? Xigbar or Axel?”
Lexaeus’s face was wet with tears, “I want… to end this charade…” He whispered almost inaudibly, “I want to end Xigbar.”
Roxas went back to what he was doing before being interrupted by Axel. He used his found keys to escape into Lexaeus’s empty car and open a secret compartment. He smirked. This will do…He grabbed a small, but sharp looking knife. Switchblade…He tucked it into his pocket
Axel’s going to pay for what he did…
Kairi now avoided eye contact with Luxord. Where as Axel was trying his hardest not to stare. His whole thought of Luxord seemed different, now that he knew his sexuality. Luxord didn’t strike Axel as ‘gay’, but he just guessed that a lot of people weren’t really ‘straight’ that he thought. He didn’t mind that Luxord was gay; he himself was bi, so it wasn’t like he was homophobic. It was just…. Different now. It was like some barrier between the two had fallen down.
“Are you really?” Axel mouthed to Luxord while Kairi looked outside.
Luxord chuckled and shook his head, “I’m bi.” He mouthed back.
Half the barrier was back. He had lied, but not entirely. But all Axel could think of, ever since the very beginning was Luxord likes men…A new thought occurred to him…That clever b*****d!
Axel found himself in a really good mood after that. The trio was quiet; they hardly said a word. There wasn’t really much to talk about. They had a good three hours before it was safe from the monster side. Then they would have to deal with the humans. The thing about Xigbar’s monsters was they would kill you either way. Give them a gun, they’ll shoot. Give them blood, they’ll feast. That’s how those that were willing worked.
Xemnas called the first phone number on the list that Saix provided for him. A familiar voice answered, Xemnas couldn’t place it, though. He knew that he recognized it. “Hello, is this Cloud Strife?” He asked professionally.
Xigbar laughed, “No, man, it’s me. Don’t tell me you don’t recognize me just by the voice!”
Xemnas’s eyes grew wide and he quickly hung up. But it would change nothing, the number wasn’t blocked. He thought that he had taken every precaution, but he didn’t block his number. Xigbar could track him… Xigbar could kill him, just as he had killed his wife and partner when he worked for the police. Xigbar had his work number, and now his personal number.
He wasted no time; he got his number disconnected straight away. But somehow he knew that he wasn’t safe. That one phone call provided him with a connection that Xemnas couldn’t erase. Deep in his mind, he knew that someday Xigbar would find him and end him.
Xigbar closed the phone and smirked, “Look’s like I’ll be havin’ a little chat with the king’s dog…”
Hidden in a large chest were two weapons. Totally identical, custom made, guns. Their bullets were large diamond shaped, razor sharp metal arrowheads. Xigbar retrieved the guns and smirked.
“My friends….”
Chapter 11: In Cold Blood
Roxas shuffled his way back to Namine’s car. He kept a firm grip on the blade the whole time. He was nervous, to say the least.
“So, what would you do if, say, Larxene were to walk in, in the middle on the night? Axel asked, breaking the relentless torrent of awkward silence. Ever since the ‘gay’ comment, nobody had anything to say.
Kairi reached into a different box and came out with a small handgun. “Namine is borrowing this from the big guy. Lexaeus.” She sighed, “It’s a good thing I’ve never had to use it…”
Namine stepped in front of Roxas, “I know what you’re planning.” She said, knowingly. Roxas gripped the knife.
“You don’t.” Roxas leered.
The girl placed a pale hand on his chest, keeping him from advancing, “Yes, Roxas, I do. You can’t…” She blinked away red tears, “I thought you and Axel were best friends!”
His hand pushed her away, “You know nothing about Axel and my relationship.” His voice was full of venom and his eyes were full off hate. He shoved her aside and slipped into the car. Axel turned to his friend and smiled. Roxas smiled back, his hand fingering the rivets on the knife’s handle.
“I thought that you were distracting Marluxia?” Axel asked turning around again. Somehow, seeing Roxas’s face he felt uncomfortable. He didn’t want to make eye contact.
Slowly, Roxas pulled the knife from his pocket, “Nah…Demyx said he could handle it.” He used his voice to muffle the sound of the knife clicking open.
All Axel managed was a simple, “Oh.” Before Roxas raised the knife with a malicious grin spread across his face. You finally get what you deserve! Luxord was looking away, Axel was looking away-- Kairi wasn’t.
She screamed, Axel turned, Luxord turned, and Roxas almost brought the knife down. Bang. His hands went limp, the knife fell- he fell. Red. Red. Red.
Kairi dropped the smoking gun and covered her mouth with her hands.
Axel turned and cradled the blonde in his arms, “Roxas! Roxas, what happened!?” He cried.
Roxas’s eyes were fluttering open and closed. He had a hard time focusing. “I-I wanted….I was going to….I…” He paused,” I had a real…twin once…” he said, a sad smile on his face. I wish you could meet her.
Tears streaked down Axel’s tired face. Red splashed on Roxas’s.
“H-Her name was Xion…. Sh-she died…. A little before… I joined the….” He lost his train of thought. We would have been really great friends… He choked in blood as he tried to speak again, and his body shuttered. He was crying. “I-I m-miss—I miss her s-so much…”
“Yeah… Yeah, Rox…” Axel replied mournfully.
Roxas turned away from the redhead, “A-And Sora….. Looked so much… Like her….” He seemed like he was going to say more, but he didn’t. He remained silent. I’m sorry…
All that could be heard was the rush of air outside of the train and pained breathing of the teen. Then, only the train groaned. Axel rubbed his eyes. Clear tears ran down Luxord and Kairi’s face. Kairi hiccupped and began sobbing.
“It was all my fault!” She cried, “I KILLED HIM!” Namine stood in the doorway, crying too.
Axel closed Roxas’s unseeing eyes and let the boy rest in peace. Kairi, through hiccups, brought a pink blanket over and laid it out over the body.
“And what can I help you with, Demyx?” Marluxia asked hungrily as the blonde performer walked into his room. Larxene sat in her corner with her fingers intertwined, a wicked smile on her face. The scene terrified him.
“Oh, well, I was just…er…” Demyx stammered looking to the door, praying that Roxas would rescue him. “I was wondering if…. What you…uh… I was wondering what…” He thought a moment. If you had to pull a really great idea out of the blue, now would be the time, Dem-Dem!
“Out with it, boy, I don’t have all day.” Marluxia
“I wanted some dating advice!” Demyx blurted, blushing deeply. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he sure hoped it would work.
Marluxia cocked an eyebrow. He was interested, “What kind of dating advice?” He ventured to say, leaning onto his knees.
Demyx blushed, “Well…I kinda… I don’t know how to say it. I don’t think they like me back…”
Tapping a heeled boot on the ground, Marluxia pondered this a moment. “Well, it would help if I knew who this person is.” He grinned, “Do I know this person?”
Demyx blushed harder, “Yeah…” Growing impatient, Marluxia demanded that Demyx tell him who this person is. “Z-Zexion!” Demyx finally squeaked out.
Tensions in Marluxia relaxed. His shoulders dropped and he leaned back again, “Wow, I had no idea that you went that way, Demyx.” He tapped a heeled boot on the ground, “What makes you think that the little magician does not return your feelings?”
The witch, who had remained silent until now, sniggered, “Just look at him! I wouldn’t be surprised if the kid killed himself before admitting whatever ‘secret love’ he’s got for anyone.”
Anger bubbled into the blonde, “Zexion’s not like that! You don’t know him at all.” He said, louder than he would be. “He’s different… He’s honest and true! And you know what? I don’t need some bleach blonde or gay-rod to tell me how to act!” He stormed out of the car, abandoning his orders.
The ‘gay-rod’s’ eyebrows rose in confusion. He looked to his bleach blonde counterpart and they shrugged in unison.
Saix attempted calling Xemnas countless times. If he had found anything out about Marluxia, then he should tell Saix. But nothing came up but a mechanical voice saying that the number is no longer in service.
Then all hell broke loose. Xigbar kicked a splintery hole in the dry wood. Saix backed against the wall of the train, his gold eyes wide with fear. Xigbar removed his slowly removed his foot from the hole and took aim.
The rest of the door flew into shatters of wood. An indigo arrowhead stuck in the door on the opposite side of the room. Saix dove forward and ripped open a drawer. A small, silver gun rested in the blue haired man’s hand and aimed at the empty doorframe.
“Ansem sends his best regards!” Xigbar called, remaining out of Saix’s sight. Saix’s eyes narrowed and his grip tightened on the gun. “I heard he misses his wife a whole bunch.”
“Face me, coward!” Saix cried, his hands were crowing sweaty and were beginning to tremble.
Xigbar chuckled, “You know about her, right?” As fast as humanly possible Xigbar revealed a gun and shot at Saix’s arm. The sleeve of his shirt was pinned to the ground and his gun clanked to the ground. “She knew too much.”
Saix ripped his arm away from the wall and scrambled to retrieve his weapon. “So I shot her!” Xigbar cackled stepping into the room. He moved so fast, it was almost as if he teleported, and his foot was on top of Saix’s weapon.
The bluenette shook with anger, but accepted defeat. He looked to the scarred man above him, his eyes filled to the brim with pain and anguish. Xigbar smirked and held one of his glorious Gemini arrow guns inches away from Saix’s face. “’X’ marks the spot.”
Marluxia and Larxene heard the commotion but took no notice. Larxene filed her nails away with an emery board, her eyes half-lidded in boredom, “I never liked Saix.” She said plainly.
The pinkette nodded in agreement as he absentmindedly flipped through a book, “I agree.” The title read In Cold Blood.
Chapter twelve:
Everyone in the car was just as lifeless as Roxas. Axel sobbed the most, but nobody spoke. No words of comfort, no mournful last words. Until Naminé felt that she had to speak.
“I had a huge crush on him.” She said simply, her eyes bloodshot and face tired. Everyone wore the same sheet of anguish. “But he never believed me when I told him. He said I was making fun of him.”
Axel chuckled softly, “That sounds just like him. ‘Don’t say that! You’re so mean!’” He leaned back on his palms and looked to the ceiling, “He did the same thing when I complimented him. On anything.”
“You are getting seriously good with handling gasoline. Pretty soon, I can teach you how to breathe fire too.”
“Shut up, don’t make fun on me.”
“I’m serious! If you can hold it out for me, what’s stopping you from doing it for yourself?”
“Don’t give me that look!”
“What look?”
“The ‘I-Can’t-Believe-That-You-Just-Said-That’ look!”
“I don’t have that look!”
The whole time, Luxord was attempting to find words of comfort. Something to cheer up the depressed group. Kairi was asleep, no doubt having nightmares; Axel and Naminé were just making it worse. “Life is too short to be unhappy.” He said simply. The duo looked to him, intrigued. “You’ve got to take the good with the bad in stride. You can’t grieve your whole life. Just… Love what you’ve got and remember what you had. “
Axel glared, “I don’t have anything left to love.” He shot coldly.
Naminé understood and grabbed onto his sleeve, “That’s not true, Axel!” She said, “Luxord is right! We can remember all the good times and look forward to the ones waiting in the future.”
The pessimist was not buying it, “That is if we have a future. Remember, Xigbar is a ******** maniac?”
Luxord placed a firm hand on Axel’s shoulder and the redhead turned his attention from one blonde to the other, “Remember our plan, mate? We’re going to get out of this. We’ve got,” He checked his watch, “Two and a half hours left. We can hold out, eh?”
Axel turned to the blonde and smiled, “Yeah, guess you’re right.”
Suddenly, Zexion opened the door calmly with a huge looming shadow behind him. “I have told Lexaeus the truth of Xigbar’s ways. He wishes to help.” He said plainly.
The redhead perked up, “Maybe there’s hope for us, after all.”
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