Vlad: *takes a step* plz let her go
me: *turns into fire* *whipsters* I am sorry Jack but I need 2
*pack runs and pins her down*
Vlad: *runs with his sword and grins* Let her go NOW
*pack cuts her neck and then legs*
me: *blood goes down* *crys* plz plz
Jack: *screams* she is mine guys let me finish it
me: *crys* Jack plz don't u r not like this
Vlad: *runs to the pack and puts the sword into of the wolfs of the pack* leave her alone I said
Jack: *runs to Vlad and makes a cut*
Vlad: *falls down on the ground*
me: *crys* Jack stop now
Jack: awww the Angel is crying... thats just cute
me: Jack stop it we don't need to fight
Jack:we r wrong we r different. U vampires are mean to us
me: no no we r nice what r u saying I am one of them??
Jack: Angel Angel u never listen.
To be Contine