Username: -WillowtheWhisp-
Character name: Marquis Dantalion, The Nightmare Duke, "Dante" is the abbreviation used for Dantalion
Age: Thus far unknown, though earliest written records show that Marquis Dantalion has resided in Hell since the first decade of its creation.
Race: High-Demon (On of the Original Devils first cast into Hell)
Job/Class: Head Demon of Alchemy
Bio: Marquis Dantalion is a sort of enigma, even to those around himself and to himself. Finding himself shying away from the company of the other demons, in favor of furthering his knowledge, Dantalion became a hermit within the deepest crevices of Hell. Here he began his many studies of both the living and the un-living- twisting the very fabric of nature to create abominations that even the demons would consider perversions of life. Those who searched for him were never heard from again, presumably becoming one of his dreaded experiments. Staying in seclusion for several millenia, Marquis Dantalion has only recently emerged from his self-imposed exile within the last decade. rising quickly within the ranks of demons, Marquis Dantalion, whether it be by treachery or such underhanded tricks, has recently risen to the position of Head Demon of Alchemy. Why he wants the position is unknown by all, but it is speculated that, with his new found influence, Dantalion can continue his experiments on more, if not more unwilling, victims. Few have ever crossed blades- a figure of speech of course- with Dantalion to tell the tale. Fewer still are left sane enough to tell it- and those that are sane are counted among the psychologically damaged, never to tell their tale, lest the Duke find them in their nightmares...
Personality: His seclusion from regular demon or human contact has left Dantalion socially inept, though he is still capable of interaction. However, those who are known to be in his council, few as there are, describe him in many different ways- one day he may be abrasive and sarcastic, his words bitingly harsh. Yet, the next he may be empathetic and understanding- his mood seems to change as easily as the wind. This makes Dantalion extremely unpredictable- however, Dantalion is at his most dangerous when the fog leaves his eyes, replaced by cold calculating clarity, when his mind finally returns from its wanderings...
Power: Dantalion's powers stem from his scientific and magical research, a blending of the two into coherent abilities and uses. Dantalion is far from physically capable- being extremely malnourished as physically weak- and instead relies on his mind and magics to fight battles for him.
Dreamscape: Using his magics to separate the fabrics between the reality and fantasy, Dantalion can create extremely powerful illusions on the battlefield. Taking the darkest recesses of his opponents mind, and projecting them onto this plane of existence, Dantalion can drive his opponents into insanity without even lifting a finger. Beware- what happens in this plane may create too much shock- resulting in cardiac arrest of his opponents...
While by all means not infallible, the Dreamscape is extremely difficult to counter- because it is literally the projections of images from one plane onto the other, it cannot be dispelled or seen through by conventional means of anti-illusion magic. Still, it does have its weakness- some rules of reality do apply, and Dantalion cannot actually cause physical damage to an enemy, disregarding psychological damage, damage inflicted upon oneself, and damage caused by shock.
Cape of Insanity: Reaching into his cape, as dark as the void surrounding the galaxies, Dantilion can create physical manifestations of what he could create within the Dreamscape. However, the catch is, because it is a physical manifestation, it must be small in nature- length and width and height not exceeding the size of his 5x5 ft. cape. Whatever this item may be, it is not fully permanent and will disappear with time. Also, only one item may be used at a time, and a new item may not be created until both the previous item has disappeared and a few minutes has passed (one entire post). An item will automatically disappear after being separated for too long from Dantilion (two posts).
Chimeric Theory: Using his summoning powers, Dantilion can call upon past experiments of his creations, abominations of life and death. These Chimeras can be composed of various parts, some mythological, some very, very, real. Chimeras can range from having lion's heads, tentacles, fangs, wings, and so forth. There is very little he hasn't experimented with, and this is apparent from some of the more eccentric Chimeras...
Likes: Bacon, Science, String Theory
Dislikes: Physical Exertion, Sleep, Lesser(minded) Beings
Weakness: Physical Harm, Prolonged Periods of Physical Activity
Character name: Marquis Dantalion, The Nightmare Duke, "Dante" is the abbreviation used for Dantalion
Age: Thus far unknown, though earliest written records show that Marquis Dantalion has resided in Hell since the first decade of its creation.
Race: High-Demon (On of the Original Devils first cast into Hell)

Job/Class: Head Demon of Alchemy
Bio: Marquis Dantalion is a sort of enigma, even to those around himself and to himself. Finding himself shying away from the company of the other demons, in favor of furthering his knowledge, Dantalion became a hermit within the deepest crevices of Hell. Here he began his many studies of both the living and the un-living- twisting the very fabric of nature to create abominations that even the demons would consider perversions of life. Those who searched for him were never heard from again, presumably becoming one of his dreaded experiments. Staying in seclusion for several millenia, Marquis Dantalion has only recently emerged from his self-imposed exile within the last decade. rising quickly within the ranks of demons, Marquis Dantalion, whether it be by treachery or such underhanded tricks, has recently risen to the position of Head Demon of Alchemy. Why he wants the position is unknown by all, but it is speculated that, with his new found influence, Dantalion can continue his experiments on more, if not more unwilling, victims. Few have ever crossed blades- a figure of speech of course- with Dantalion to tell the tale. Fewer still are left sane enough to tell it- and those that are sane are counted among the psychologically damaged, never to tell their tale, lest the Duke find them in their nightmares...
Personality: His seclusion from regular demon or human contact has left Dantalion socially inept, though he is still capable of interaction. However, those who are known to be in his council, few as there are, describe him in many different ways- one day he may be abrasive and sarcastic, his words bitingly harsh. Yet, the next he may be empathetic and understanding- his mood seems to change as easily as the wind. This makes Dantalion extremely unpredictable- however, Dantalion is at his most dangerous when the fog leaves his eyes, replaced by cold calculating clarity, when his mind finally returns from its wanderings...
Power: Dantalion's powers stem from his scientific and magical research, a blending of the two into coherent abilities and uses. Dantalion is far from physically capable- being extremely malnourished as physically weak- and instead relies on his mind and magics to fight battles for him.
Dreamscape: Using his magics to separate the fabrics between the reality and fantasy, Dantalion can create extremely powerful illusions on the battlefield. Taking the darkest recesses of his opponents mind, and projecting them onto this plane of existence, Dantalion can drive his opponents into insanity without even lifting a finger. Beware- what happens in this plane may create too much shock- resulting in cardiac arrest of his opponents...
While by all means not infallible, the Dreamscape is extremely difficult to counter- because it is literally the projections of images from one plane onto the other, it cannot be dispelled or seen through by conventional means of anti-illusion magic. Still, it does have its weakness- some rules of reality do apply, and Dantalion cannot actually cause physical damage to an enemy, disregarding psychological damage, damage inflicted upon oneself, and damage caused by shock.
Cape of Insanity: Reaching into his cape, as dark as the void surrounding the galaxies, Dantilion can create physical manifestations of what he could create within the Dreamscape. However, the catch is, because it is a physical manifestation, it must be small in nature- length and width and height not exceeding the size of his 5x5 ft. cape. Whatever this item may be, it is not fully permanent and will disappear with time. Also, only one item may be used at a time, and a new item may not be created until both the previous item has disappeared and a few minutes has passed (one entire post). An item will automatically disappear after being separated for too long from Dantilion (two posts).
Chimeric Theory: Using his summoning powers, Dantilion can call upon past experiments of his creations, abominations of life and death. These Chimeras can be composed of various parts, some mythological, some very, very, real. Chimeras can range from having lion's heads, tentacles, fangs, wings, and so forth. There is very little he hasn't experimented with, and this is apparent from some of the more eccentric Chimeras...
Likes: Bacon, Science, String Theory
Dislikes: Physical Exertion, Sleep, Lesser(minded) Beings
Weakness: Physical Harm, Prolonged Periods of Physical Activity
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