So yeah. i've been having like these crazy dreams like forever now so i just wanted to idk write about it here. Oh and i noticed that i have like a bunch of crap posted in my journal and since in too lazy to erase it one by one. I decided to just go on and just post a meaningful one. Ew meaningful i sound smart haha.
Yeah lets go to my dream. so there's this dream that i've been dreaming for like forever now. i've been dreaming about a bunch of boys idk and they like play with me and stuff and in the dream i think i like one of the boys. All of the boys are really Asian looking which is awesome coz like im attracted to tall, white and Asian guys but i never really remembered his name. Every time i wake up i been trying so hard to remember his name but i cant. Then one day night i dreamed about it again and i finally remembered the boy's name which was Mark. Well yeah that's about it.
really hope that comes true coz i would really like to meet him smile