Ysz The Android...
Before I knew what was going on I felt a small p***k at the back of my neck and everything went dark. When I came to I was lying on a hard table in the lab where I had found the creature. When I sat up I saw the creature strapped to the inclined table once more, and there was no evidence that it had ever gotten off of it. Was it a dream I had? Or was it actually real? Either way, I had to get out of there.
"Good morning Ismael." A voice said to me.
I looked around. There was nothing in sight. The door to the room opened the rest of the way and I rubbed my eyes.
There was no way I wasn't going to be in some kind of trouble for being in the lab. But it wasn't my fault. It was the strange noise that brought me here, and that strange feeling.
"Don not be alarmed, Ismael. You will not be punished. In fact, I think this is wonderful timing. You see, I have been working on this boy for quite sometime now..." He walked over to the creature and reached into its chest, pulling out a few broken tubes. "This boy died some time ago, and I found his body. It's taken a bit of time, but I finally managed to give him life." He looked back at me. "I apologize if he scared you." He looked back at the creature. "Ysz, apologize to Ismael."
Ysz? Isn't that what that thing screeched earlier? It must've been. But why was he saying his name? The creature lifted its head and its bright eyes were locked onto me.
"Ysz... is sorry." The voice was no longer screeching, though it seemed a little mechanical yet. I watched the creature. "Is Ysz... forgiven?" It asked. My master looked at me.
"Is he forgiven, Ismael?" My master asked me. As if I knew. Why should I accept this creature's apology? Why? He hasn't made anything up to me! Hell, I still don't even know what the hell this damn thing is!
"No." I wasn't really thinking when I replied. But I guess somehow that creature understood the negativity in it and I could hear it start to move.
"Ysz, Stop it." My master said angrily. I guess it wasn't listening because I heard the straps to the table snap and the creature drop to the ground. "Ysz... sorry." The screeching could be heard in its voice now. There was really no time for me to react until I was pinned to the table by the creature, its left eye burning red and the other staring straight into me. "Ysz... Sorry!" It said loudly.
I couldn't take it anymore. The screeching was unbearable and I could just feel my ears bleeding. It repeated the same thing over and over, its voice screeching even more each time. That is, until it suddenly stopped.
