Characters/Avis for art *Under Construction* |
For avatars, feel free to add/remove/modify items as needed. Creative freedom is yours.
Please excuse the poor quality of any reference art on this page. They were only quick sketches intended to give you a feel for the characters.
zOMG Aurah
  Feel free to choose any design. If using the one on the right, please either omit the markings near the jacket collar or recolor the gold with silver in order to make it match.
Age: Indistinguishable, though certainly between teens and late 20s
Specifics: She is semi-furry, with fox ears and a tail needed and claws/fangs/slitted pupils optional. Feel free to move/remove the Goti Clips, imp, or make her eyes normal (white sclera and round pupil) if you want to, though please keep the facial markings and keep her skin very pale, if not the white-gray color shown. Her nails/claws are black.
Personality: This is a zOMG avi that became an OC. She likes to lead crews and chat while making snarky and oft-violent comments/jokes. An independent, "Why the hell not?" sort of girl, she tends to curse a lot and is prone to reckless-bordering-on-suicidal bouts of bloodlust while laughing madly. A somewhat mercurial character, Aurah helps lower-level players or gets them killed based on the whim of the moment. Overall, a somewhat arrogant woman who is (rightfully so) very secure in her own power.
Daily Life: These days, she spends a lot of time farming for gold in the Shallow Seas (the final level), though outside of SS she always goes solo. The only things she fears are landstriders. In contrast, she finds Garlics, Kokeshi dolls, and fluffs very cute, and thus loves to kill them en masse. Additionally, she cannot refrain from yelling "Sharkie! biggrin " whenever it appears in the Shallow Seas background. Whether she thinks it is cute or wants to eat it, no one knows.
Quotes: In reference to killing Brain Clams: "I see clam chowder in our future." After a crew death: "Well, that sucked. Let's do it again!" Looking at Shallow Seas scenery: "Why are there so many tentacles in this game?" Hearing a crazy idea: "Sounds suicidal. Let's do it!" In response to dealing with a stupid noob: "Come oooon, PK!"

Age: 21
Specifics: She is semi-furry (fox ears and tail). Beyond that, feel free to move/ remove the Goti clips and hat. However, please find something creative to do with the kitties, including making them either real cats or animated plushies if you so desire.
Personality: As another avi that became a sort-of OC, she is logical, reserved, fiercely independent, and somewhat cold to others except for those close to her, like her kitties. A woman of few words, she seldom shares her deeply philosophical and insightful thoughts with others, though she does put them down in her journal. However, please do not mistake her for a "cute" character, tempting as that may be.
Daily Life: An artist and writer by trade, she can often be found working in various places around her comfortably dim - though somewhat cluttered - house, accompanied by her kitties. Whenever the creative urge strikes her, though, she HAS to work right then, and consequently can be found sleeping, sitting, and working in strange places, from beside the warm fire to leaning over the kitchen sink. If she is out and about, she likes to hang out at quiet cafes and nibbling on sugary things.
Quotes: "Don't tell me what to do." Seeing a disaster the kitties made: "....*sigh*"

Physical Age: 16
Specifics: This is a rather large-busted character who may be dumb, but is very pretty. If she were human, she may have become a model, but the very small white wings sprouting from her back reveal otherwise. Her detached sleeves should be the same color as her miniskirt.
Personality: She started life as a normal, productive muse and somewhere along the line went horribly wrong. She is terribly clumsy, easily distracted, hyperactive, and generally airheaded. Some believe her to be perpetually tipsy, which may not be too far off the mark, given the amount of ambrosia she consumes daily.
Daily Life: When she should be working, lending her invisible presence to artists everywhere, she is often sidetracked en route by cute bugs and other animals, big and small, that she simply cannot help but chase after. However, given her clumsiness, she seldom succeeds in catching one, instead invariably either tripping, breaking something, or getting hopelessly lost. Sadly, her clumsiness also has the added (benefit?) of landing her in a number of unconsciously sexy positions, which may be exploited for an artist's benefit.
Quotes: "BUTTERFLY!" "...What was I supposed to be doing again?" "*Hangs head* Oh Zeus, I'm lost agaaaaaain!"

Age: 27
Specifics: The scar on her face is actually two scars that cross. Also, you may draw her with one or both swords. Feel free to add a belt with standard military equipment (canteen, pouches, etc.), though there shouldn't be any guns, grenades, and the like. Her unidentified era and nationality don't have those yet. Also, though it is hard to tell, her eyes are gray.
Personality/Background: The only true human in my repertoire, Hwarang is a soldier with stiff morals and strong sense of duty and tradition. However, her dedication to her ideals sometimes gets her into disciplinary trouble with her superiors and prevents her from rising in the ranks. Despite her incredible tactical and swordplay skills, however, she was once a simple village girl. However, when she was in her early teens, her father was killed in a raid from the enemy and her brother left to join the military in order to provide for their family. When she became an adult, she also joined in order to follow him, but he vanished only months after her enlistment. The now-tattered brown scarf around her neck - her only adornment - was a birthday gift from him. Currently, she is a lieutenant in charge of her own platoon.
Daily Life: During wartime she remains focused and constantly thinking about how to keep her men alive, but in her leisure, she likes to read classical novels by Roman philosophers and other such great minds. She is of the opinion that reading such novels as were read by Alexander the Great will give her an advantage over her enemy and a greater chance to both keep her men safe and find out her brother's fate.
Quotes: "Focus on the job." "Just do what I tell you to do!" "It is not our place to needlessly question those more knowledgeable than ourselves."
Physical Age: 24
Relationships: Chaos/Keda: Sister and long-time lover (Note their matching facial tattoos and moon motif) Death: Sister and close friend Okori (Wise white kitsune-mother who has 9 tails and whose head is about a foot above Rem's when both are standing; is a lower god in her own right): Confidant, non-romantic partner in seclusion, and friend
Background: Rem, known to many as only "Memory," is, as her name implies, the goddess of memory. Ancient and immortal, she has watched over humans since their beginning, but as a consequence has become jaded and withdrawn. She has the ability to live the memories of anything she touches, but the power is involuntary and she therefore shuns any sort of meat or dead thing, unwilling to witness its last moments. Rem has seen far too much death already.
Personality: A sullen, near-silent woman, Rem takes
Daily Life: W
Quotes: "

Physical Age: 19
Relationships: Memory/Rem: Sister and long-time lover (Note their matching facial tattoos and moon motif) Death: Sister and confidant
Background: One of the oldest goddesses, her true name, Keda, is seldom used. All of her heavenly siblings, save her confidant Death and lover Rem, refer to her as Chaos, and, indeed, some of the younger gods are unaware that she even possesses a true name. She has the ability to create chaos wherever she goes, but despite intentions, even she cannot always predict the effects of her powers. Nevertheless, she continues to use them, occasionally to humorous results.
Personality: S
Daily Life: W
Quotes: "
PyroAurah · Thu May 27, 2010 @ 04:55am · 0 Comments |