How many times, I ask, have you lost gold over the marketplace? Hundreds and thousands and millions of gold, simply because the economy sucks? Gaia economy, which somehow relates to the actual economy, is a huge pain in the a**! How many times have you wanted an avatar, saw an item on your wishlist that you had just enough for---if you sold one of your items for 30k less. And maybe 30k doesn't seem like much right then. But 30k builds up. Let's say you did that, maybe, six times in your entire gaia life. Guess what? That's 180k you owned, but lost! And maybe 180k doesn't seem like much to you, eh? Well, I'm pretty sure I know many gaians who would have loved to own that much. Trust me, it'll make a difference.
My advice for this: JUST DON'T DO IT. I don't care how much they undercut the price on the other. Because unless it will sell more than what you will lose, it isn't worth it!
I couldn't count how many times on each and every account I own when I changed my hairstyle. That is another huge problem. Because every time you spend 5k on your hair, you could be buying two belts, or a bracelet, even a headband. And try 2 belts, a head band, and a bracelet, multiplied by many hundred times. That is a hell of a lot in gold. So here's my advice for this:
Stick to one flipping hair style! Stick to one skin color, one eye color! Right now, how many people do you think have a coco instead of a hair worth 15k with a color that people change every ten days? Stick to one hair style and one color. Those of you who create tektek contests where they say "Same hair, can be a different color," are idiots! You still have to pay for that crap! If you are going to change your hair, let it at least be to another style and color, not just the color.
And for the people that want blond hair of a different style--nobody gives a s**t what hair style you own as long as it flippin matches. So don't waste another 5k you could be saving up for that 3 million changing your stupid hairstyle. It's the same color, and I'm pretty sure most of gaia's population are not hair critics.
Don't ever pick ugly hairstyles that look good with a certain item, or a certain outfit. HELLO?! Someday, you are going to sell that item/outfit, and then guess what? Another hair style change. So I don't care how unique it looks, go with something simple, that will go with everything. GOT IT?!
Okay. Let's say you are questing three million. With those to rules alone, instead of being in the 'zero' zone of your quest, you'd be in the 200k's. See? Maybe not much, but when you are a 100k away from your quest because you didn't listen, you'll have wished you have.
Not everything you buy has to be specifically for an outfit. Go with something cheap for once, okay? Because gaian outfits aren't always for showing off how much gold you have. Put in investments. Ever heard of it? Buy an outfit that's only worth half of you, and then use your other half to buy an item you know has been going up for at least a while, or has been popular for a long time, something everybody knows, because otherwise, that one expensive item you bought to flaunt your millions of gold is going to drop like a turking trying to fly across a cliff, and guess what? That is another loss of hundreds of thousand's of gold you could have stopped, but were stupid enough, or not rational enough, so you lost it.
Let me give you an example:
There was an item that I wanted, and the only person selling it was selling it for 900k. I didn't know how popular the item was because I never saw someone questing for it, I didn't care, all I knew was that it very, very simple, it was selling for high, and I could afford it. So I bought it.
In three days, it dropped 400k, and was then 500k. I lost 400k, just because I didn't do my stupid research.
Research every item you buy that can't be bought from stores [with the exception of the cash shop]-- see if anyone is questing for it, how many people, how long it's been out, and the price of it. Has the price been lifting for the past week? Dropping? And base a hypothesis off of that! Because if you buy that item and it's not worth it, say goodbye to your gold! It's simply throwing it away. And yes, sometimes your predictions will be wrong, but if they aren't? BINGO. You made a little gold, or at least you didn't lose any.
Alright. So if you don't do that, you could be at your 300k stage of your 3 million goal. Because you haven't made any money, but by simply keeping all of your original gold, you will have more than you would had you not followed these rules.
Okay. Half of your money. Spend it on things that have not really gone down for a long time. Winter rose? Great example. It started out as a 50k thing [[From when I was on here]]. Guess where it is now, only months later? [Possibly a year, but still] 234k. And it isn't the best item, but soooo many people like it, it is going to sell.
Or the katana. It started out as a 400k item. [[From when I was on here]] It is now two million. HoLy ********.
YEAH. And then the kiki...
It's now 2.3 million. It used to be only 1.4 million. Not as drmatically different as the katana, but that is money you want to make.
THOSE ITEMS WILL PROBABLY STILL GO UP. They've been going up for months--maybe even since they came out. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO RANDOMLY DROP. THAT IS A GOOD PURCHASE.
Or the coco kitty. 600k, I think now, when I first saw it 200k-300k. IT WILL ALSO PROBABLY BE YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. OKAY?
That's one thing to do to make money. Another is to have gold on hand, research that marketplace, and find items that are mis-priced! Yes, it SUCKSLIKEADICK to mis-price something and sell it for half of what it's worth. SO DOUBLE CHECK BEFORE SUBMITTING A MARKET PLACE ITEM. But some idiots are still going to do it. Okay? So if you look, you can buy these things and sell them for double, and that there alone can get you a s**t load of money.
Pacience. PACIENCE IS REQUIRED IF YOU WISH TO MAKE MONEY. If you buy something that is going up, and sell it the next day for 10k more, yes that is 10k more, but had you waited a week, it could have been 30k more, or had you waited a month, 70k. Get it? You can't expect not to gain some money you could have if you aren't patient.
Buy those money worth items, and wear them, and then forgot all about them for Ba really long time. Don't even glance at your avatar. Just keep posting in forums,booty grabbing, playing games, role playing, making money, and keep spending it on money-worth items. Someday, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday--at least a month from then, check the prices. You might've gained a shitload just by doing that. SERIOUSLY.
See, I've recently put an investment with Bani the Bunny. So, it's not the best item, but I've seen at least 20 people questing for it or putting it on their wishlist, and then another 7 people who have them. I haven't paying much attention to it before, so I haven't seen the price, but just based off of the amount of people wanting it, it's either going to go way up or way down. And considering it isn't that much, I bought it, and am predicting it's going to go way up. Let's see if I'm wrong.
Back to saving up for three million. Well, I have a better idea. Save up for a kiki! Maybe you don't really love that item, but I know loads of people who do. And if you get it, wait a month, and then sell it. There is your three million, and possibly more. I mean, come on. Making gold could be that simple!
Also, never actually buy from the market place. Offer the seller like, 2k less or something not very much. Because trading the item will help them not lot 2%, and lowering the price by 1% will make them more grateful to you, plus, you don't have to pay as much. Good, yes?
Role playing. God. I love to role play. Never role play through pm. Because while you are role playing through pm, you aren't making ANYTHING. Role play on forum, and the least you'll get is 1 gold per post. Small, yet it's still more than through pm, and lays out better. You just made gold simply by PICKING THE BETTER PLACE TO ROLE PLAY IN. And if you are such a perv that you need to do it through PM, here's some advice;;
ESTAPPO. Not only are some people going to make fun of your creepyness, it's not that hard to time skip, and if you really want to wet yourself or get a boner, go actually do something with someone. HELLO!? Earth to people! I'm betting experiencing sex is much more interesting than writing it out.
Booty grab is one of the only sturdy ways to make gold. Because it doesn't matter how much you play it, you'll still get the same basic amount that it's worth. Puzzles, they go down after a while, and they take a long time. Same with posting in forums, bumping, even role playing. Booty grab is the only thing, besides in the mini shop forum [[I'll get to that]] that will get you a fairamount of gold.
The mini shops forum.