"HO" + "s**t" = "STAR" = HOSHI.
Popular belief is about 8, but there's no solid proof and he doesn't act it.
Not sure what he is, but he's sure as hell not human.
Short messy purple hair that covers one of his eyes most of the time.
Two light green eyes that can pierce the soul.
A long, light blue scarf is wrapped in a half assed way around his neck.
He's wearing a light green tank that's a little torn around the edges.
He's got black pants with a light green stripe and star on both sides.
His boots are an old left over pair Meeky had locked away in the closet- hence the girly pom poms.
He's about 4' 3''.
Hoshi's a total wildcard.
He takes pleasure in manipulating and mentally torturing people-
yet he doesn't consider himself a sadist.
At the same time he can't stand people torturing others,
most likely due to the fact that "it's his job", even if he flat out won't admit it.
Hoshi is quite unstable depending on who's around him-
For example when around Meeky ((And other females)) he can be considered a highly dangerous yandere.
But when he's around his Master "Rose", Tadeshi or The estranged knight Juilis -
Hoshi can be considered no more dangerous than your average tsundere.
As for anyone meeting Hoshi for the first time, he'll be "a cute little uke boy"
until he wins you over. Then you're ********.
As for his ever present "Pyon~", he'll stop doing that after he stops caring.
It even annoys him.
Semi-Bio: ((WIP))
Considering this kid literally fell out of the sky and then lost a life changing poker game moments later -
Hoshi's got every reason in the world to be as ******** up as he is.
He claims to have a mother, and has shown disinterest reguarding anything about his Father.
While it hasn't been directly stated it can be safely assumed he doesn't have a father.
As for his mother, Hoshi claims that she's always with him and he can always hear her voice.
This had led some ((namely Meeky)) to believe that Hoshi was a poor little orphan boy.
Recently, this has been discovered not to be the case.
It appears that his mother is actually the ghost of the White Rose, the breathing spirit of "Rose"'s home world.
He's not an orphan by any stretch of the mind, he's just a freak of nature.
Hoshi appears to have a strong dislike of women.
He loves to make them cry.
Yet at the same time, he loves to be held by them.
So it's difficult to truly say where he stands with them.
As Meeky is the only girl he has flat out abused time and again. ((Unless you count Kioku))
Upon meeting Kioku, a messed up clone of god, Hoshi took an instant disliking to him ((or her- dual gender)). Since then, he's been bullying the piss out of poor little Kioku for nothing more other than dislike. But when confronted, Hoshi insists he's getting Kioku ready for "the real world" and that "any one with a head on their shoulders would see that."
Currently Hoshi is hauled up in The Twin Mansion, along with Meeky, Kioku, and Juilis.
While staying here he's perfected the art of bullying Kioku for no reason and making Meeky do all his work for him.
All while staying on the good side of everyone else in the mansion.
He's currently awaiting being called out for his next misadventure of sorts.
As he finds the Mansion more boring than anything else.
Current Important Relationships:
Meeky - Only person Hoshi can fully manipulate without her realizing it.
Even though she's older, Hoshi views her as a stupid younger sister with much to learn.
Juilis - Other than Tadeshi, he's the only man that can stop one of Hoshi's rampages.
Funny thing is, considering what Juilis does for a living, Hoshi considers him as a father figure.
Kioku - Poor kid is Hoshi's living entertainment. The only thing these two have in common is the bullying and it's getting worse.
Tadeshi - For some weird a** reasons, Hoshi looks up to this a*****e. Even though all Tadeshi does is abuse him- Hoshi seems to really like this guy to the point of full blown love.
Oh noooo...
I used words that fit a female character!
Sue me. mad
I can't think of anything else.
This is still very much a work in progress.
It's difficult for me to put Hoshi into words.
He doesn't fit into stereotypes and is ever changing... so it's hard to find the right words.
I'm going to keep fussing with this until I'm happy with it.
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SHSL Not Giving A s**t
Previously Okage-chan, this is Candles & holy s**t I love Teruteru Hanamura.
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DANGAN don't care