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Mech Guardian Chapter 5: First day of classes’ part - 3
Mech Guardian Chapter 5: First day of classes’ part - 3

Takeshi walked down the Long arranged hall wondering to himself what had gone wrong before. He walked straight and around corners to his class as if he had been there before. In his mind he ran through the simulation plan again
trying to figure out also how he had survived when he hit the water. He though of the blast and how had he hit,
the pressure and the cold chill of the water, the fire burning around him. Then he remembered the glowing, he took it out of his pocket and looked at it, pondering it, turning it from one side to the next. Just then a familiar voice came from down the hall and called out "Hey!Takeshi what is going on and where you heading to?" said the
female voice. Takeshi shoved the shared back into his pocket quickly and smiled up at Sarah who he remembered. "hey Sarah, Not much just got done with some training in the hanger. I'm actually heading towards my Klinge Training class, and yourself?" replied Takeshi walking towards Sarah. "Oh really? We must have the same class then, This is the door right here, Hopefully will get to challenge each other this semester. I do believe that the chances are equivalent to the amount of people, therefore our chances of fighting are...hmm... 356 times 30 minus weekends... plus exams and after school practice for a few hours and minus the holiday... about 33 to 1 that we will fight up to five times but no lower then twice... did you follow any of that?" said Sarah. Takeshi stared with a confused look on his face. "about as far as "this door right here" and then you lost me" said Takeshi. "uh!.... never mind!, come on lets go get our seats before the front ones are taken!" said Sarah pulling on his arm.

The Room they entered was that of a Tech dojo, the walls were outlined with neon lights and the walls made of a metal in the pattern of wood. There were speakers above which played tranquility music and the windows were actually plasma screen's which displayed Field's and cherry tree's. The was a computer desk with a small laptop on it, a Japanese lantern, and a bonzie tree. The floor was separate into 2 sections the first was outlined towards the center which touched 4 columns at each corner of the area. The center section was close to this as a secondary marker, Their were pillows in a line towards the right side of the room, opposite of where they stood. There was some students but they were talking with each other. Sarah and Takeshi walked over and kneeled on them. The roof above them was triangular with bans going across from one side to the other. "So Takeshi I see you and my friend are really liking each other" said Sarah Nudging him. "That's non of your concern Sarah, anyway, so why pick this class , you don't seem to be the person who would... I mean you seem more tech...." Asked Takeshi. Sarah looked mad but got calm and smiled replying "True, but I am a master in jujitsu, and a black belt, I need the master the Klinge so I may start my own self defense class after collage." Takeshi cocked his head a little but shrugged saying "hey I believe it, I'm taking this class because I need to better myself in Klinge fighting so when I am using a Mech, I don't end up falling over. Also knowing how to use them will help when in ground battles." said Takeshi explaining his side. "We all have our reasons" said Sarah ending our conversation.

Just then A Young woman and man came into the room wearing Double plated mech army armor. The Female had shoulder length Red hair with orange high lights and blond tipped hair. She was tall about the 5'7" and was slim. She had brown eyes which seemed to shimmer in the light. She was white and held a Practice Klinge in her hand along with a shield with the city's symbol on it. They both wore uniforms that were white robes, sleeves that were bigger then their actual arm width and the robe extended down to there feet, the length of which came just the top back of their legs. They also wore Closed white shoes and high black socks. The male was the same height but with black army style cut hair and black eyes, he held a book and clip board. On his back laid a long sharpened Klinge in the case. HE was a little heavy but not by much, His arm muscles were large as well as his leg muscles. He grunted and cleared his throat. "Welcome to Klinge training! We do not tolerate smart asses, disrespectful people, or people who think they know a Klinge truly is and what its history is!" said the man who walked back and forth walking over to Takeshi. "My name is Flame des Zorns but you shall all call me lieutenant Zorns." said the man. The female set her stuff down and stood at ease then to attention next to the lieutenant. "MY name is Akiria bizalomra méltó, you will respect me and call me Master méltó." said the woman looking at Sarah and then towards the rest of the class. "Let's begin, you padawns will watch us fight, and then you will be paired with a fellow comrade and will show us your knowledge of the Klinge and of your fighting experience, Also when I ask a questions instead of yes you will say huh! Do you understand" instructed lieutenant Zorns. The Students that were in the class replied as instructed with a "Huh!" and focused now on both the instructors.

"Lets begin then, watch carefully, after this example, we will be paring you with partners to perform the move" Said Master Méltó. The lieutenant and master Méltó stood in front of each other both of them Bowed and took out their weapons. They began to spare and dodge each others attacks, clashing their Klinge together. Final Master Méltó flung the lieutenant Klinge from his hands. The Klinge fell down with a clash and the lieutenant kneeled as Master Méltó put her Klinge onto his right shoulder. "I hope you all watched carefully, You, with glasses, pare up with the man next to you and repeat the move I just showed to the cadets" said Master Méltó. "yes ma'am" said both Sarah and Takeshi stepping onto a mat that had been laid out to practice moves on. Both of the Sarah and Takeshi Take a wooden Klinge and then bowed and step back just enough from each other. Sarah ran towards Takeshi with his blade bent forward. Takeshi quickly switched into a defense manor and then blocked the attack. He then pushed her back and swung down upon her. Sarah quickly kicked Takeshi back and then swung rapidity at him hitting his blade multiple times. Takeshi moved letting Sarah Fall forward, Sarah quickly dropped, rolled and stood up all in one motion. Takeshi swung hard hits against Sarah's klinge while keeping balance and rhythm to the hits. Sarah finally Blocked his hit, kicked him hard, went under his klinge and then back up against it, watching it fly through the air. Takeshi let out a loud "oof!" and fell to the ground grabbing his stomach and clenching both teeth and eyes together for a second. When Takeshi reopened his eyes he saw Sarah pointing the end of the wooden klinge at him. "Damn..." Said Takeshi looking up at Sarah. "Excellent work, both of you, That cadets is the right way to use that move, Now all of you pare up with someone you don't know yet and practice this move the first part of class until everyone is sure they have it down, Huh?" instructed master Méltó. "Huh!" replied all of the cadets.

Sarah helped Takeshi up and dusted him off and said to him "Your pretty good at blocking, but your offensive moves need improvements, and I'm not just talking about your Fighting skills, hm hm". "What are you talking about Sarah?" asked Takeshi. Sarah stepped back and smiled with a little laugh replying "there now you look like your clean". "Sarah what are you talking about?" asked Takeshi again. "your a intelligent scholar, you should know" replied Sarah grabbing her wooden Klinge and standing a little away from Takeshi. "Come on how hard is it to just tell me" replied Takeshi still staying where he was. "Tell you what, if you can at least beat me once out of three times, I'll tell you, if I beat you 3 out of 3 times, you'll train with me every weekend until our Senior Cadet year" said Sarah smiling. "It's a deal!" said Takeshi quickly grabbing his wooden Klinge and moving back to his original position. Takeshi moved his foot back and raised his Klinge getting ready to make the first move. Sarah stood there and raised her klinge loosely. Takeshi ran forward and spun into a round house kick to hit Sarah's klinge out of her hands. Sarah Yawned and then lend back a little with a small smile and a giggle. Takeshi tried again but she moved back again. He then jumped back to get room and tried sliding into a attack, but all Sarah did was nonchalantly was move her sword down upon his. "Your moves are to obvious, your may not be easy for a normal opponent but when in a 1 on 1 battle both fighters must show barely any emotions or perform an attack to early" said Sarah. Sarah then kicked Takeshi in the chest and watched as he was flung all the way back to where he started. "OUCH!, was it necessary to kick me that hard?" asked Takeshi getting up while one hand on his stomach. "the equivalent of your body weight, multiplied by the force of speed, dived by distance and time it takes for you to get from point A to point B would add up to you getting the maximum safe kick to your torso without bodily damage of just a little less then a scratch, so yes it was, Oh and that's 1 of 3" said Sarah. Takeshi took a breath and moved into a defense stance replying back to Sarah. "That was a rhetorical question!" he implied in a Sirius tone. Takeshi watched Sarah carefully, staring her down as she did to him. For a good minute and a half neither moved. Sarah suddenly disappeared into thin air. Takeshi, in his amazement, started to franticly look around until he heard the beams crick. Sarah reappeared coming down from the rafters above him. Takeshi Jumped into a back flip landing a few feet away while Sarah smashed her Klinge into the ground he was standing on. Dust filled the room and the students began to cough while the teachers stood there ground and only observed them. master Méltó smiled at the intense battle between the two students. Sarah looked around for some form of Takeshi Unable to fully see because of the heavy dust. Takeshi kicked her form the side, flipped her sword up from where it was, and knocking her back a few steps. Sarah let out a "Rah!" and clashed with Takeshi.

The dust began to settle and the two were able to be seen now more clearly. The Klinge clashed together in epic blows in all directions as sparks flew from the friction. Takeshi knocked Sarah down to the ground and point his sword towards her throat lifting her chin. "That would be My point Sarah" said Takeshi. Sarah got up pushing his sword away from her chin and replying. "So it is, ...so It is, so your not bad" said Sarah now back to her starting point. Takeshi turned and walked back to his original starting point. Sarah jolted forward sliding underneath him, sliding on her knees, causing him till fall back. Sarah soon go up and threw her klinge aside she grabbed Takeshi and threw him up starting to use Kong-fu moves on him. She try to hit him with her hands straightened and come down on him then forward. Takeshi blocked all her attacks until she grabbed him and twisted his arm making him drop his klinge, and himself, to the ground. "2 of 3 for me and you forget that we are always fighting, there is no stopping until someone gives up or dies!" said Sarah holding Takeshi's arm to his back. "Damn it that hurts!" screamed Takeshi in pain trying not to submit to a final defeat. From his pocket Glowed a color of red like when he was in class. Sarah looked and her mouth dropped open and spoke softly to herself "wha....what the hell!". "Ah, ahhh,, ahhhh!" Takeshi exclaimed as he began to lift Sarah up throwing her over his head like a spinning top. "there's no possible way! Unbelievable" she screamed out while she was thrown over. Both teachers looked in shock not noticing the glowing. Takeshi eyes glowed a burning red and black, he pushed Sarah back a few steps. Takeshi picked up his Klinge fast and charged at Sarah. Before she knew what was happening she was struck back down to the ground. "point!" yelled master Méltó smiling at the power from Takeshi.The students began to talk to one another in whispers about what was happening. Sarah groaned trying to get up from the floor she had fallen to. Takeshi pulled her up and Sarah then looked into his eyes. She punched him using her elbow and kicked his gut pushing him back against the wall smashing it. "Such power, a moment ago he didn't even have the stren---". Before Sarah could finish her sentence, Takeshi was getting up holding his eye and clenching his teeth. He let out angry grunts and then looked towards her, once again charging her. Sarah was ready this time and spun around kicking his back and knocking him into the floor. Takeshi got up kicking up his sword and began to rapidly swing at her. Sarah kept trying to dodge his blows by moving from side to side and backing away quickly. "KILL!" yelled out Takeshi as he let out one last swing. "This ends here Takeshi!" said Sarah as she swung into a round house kick to his side. Takeshi let out such a loud yell that the whole room shock.

He hit the wall and didn't move for some time. His pocket stopped glowing and his eyes went back to normal him breathing heavily almost passed out. He blinked a few time seeing Sarah moving towards him, she picked up her sword, then his. When Takeshi finally opened his eyes he was greeted by two lades to his throat and Sarah behind them panting. "No... no more... st... stay down!" said Sarah with a angry but Sirius face. "wh...what happened..." asked Takeshi not remembering what had just happened. "you... you mean you do..don't remember?" said Sarah to him. "Takeshi has been wounded in battle, match goes to Sarah" said lieutenant Zorns. Master Méltó walked over and pushed Sarah swords slowly away from Takeshi and then looked at him with a Sirius look. "Get up" she said to him as Sarah got up and backed off. Master Méltó Pushed her foot into his chest just lightly enough to hurt him. Takeshi groaned and turned his head away his whole body shaking and his face clenched. "I said get up, You'll die unless you get up! The enemy will never let you live!" she said pushing a little harder. Takeshi let out a painful "ahhhhh". Takeshi slowly got up a little, fell back down and got back to where he was. He struggled to get up, clenching his teeth and eyes together as he did, but when he finally did manage to stand. "You, girl, Take him to the Infirmary and make sure he is given a C-22-miligram shot." said master Méltó towards Sarah. "Yes ma'am, right away" replied Sarah as she carried me from under my shoulder.

Sarah walked Takeshi down the hall and to a elevator, After they had gotten on takeshi was starting to come in and out of conciseness. He passed out and re awoke seeing the doors open and two men in red with a stretcher. He seemed to blink again now being carried down a hall. He finally awoke hearing beeps in rhythm and looking at a white ceiling. Takeshi sat up and looked around he saw a window with shutters to his left and in front blue cabinets and a black counter between them, On them was medical supplies. To his right he saw a door and other beds with monitors next to them. A nurse opened the door and walked in and smiled as she walked towards him. Her hair was black and in a pony tail. "Welcome back mr.ohmishi, you took quite a blow to your body from your class" said the nurse sitting down on the bed next to his. "You were given C-22, your didn't fracture or brake. You have a few bruises but your pain is mostly from a massive migraine you substained, most likely from a blow to the head. None the less you are free to go about your day. The last bell has just rang so you can go home now" she finished talking and got up and attended to the cabinets. Takeshi looked at his hands and rubbed his head feeling some pain, but northing major. He sat up in the bed and move his fingers and toes, after which he got up and thanked the nurse. Takeshi Left the Room and walked down the hall, using signs to guide him to the central plaza.

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