Now that we're here, so far away
And I feel like I can face the day
And I feel like I can face the day

Total Value: 24,907,971 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Star Suit Mascot
Dandy's Reprise
Noel's Gift
Angelic Manner
Cerynitian's Blessing
Night's Knight
Solar Mage
Daisy's Light Hair
Kottan Bell Reunion
Summer Bride
Solar Mage
Donors/Donators (however you want to look at it):
Two Fruit Cakes ~ 70,000 gold heart
Jappo-kun ~ Dandy's Reprise heart
Spartan 406 ~ Ring: Fortune's Favor, Summer Bride, Daisy's Light Hair, Angelic Manner, Solar Mage (x2), 1,000,000 gold heart
Xx-Saya Aurion-xX ~ 12,000 gold, White Ink (x1) heart
rebeljd ~ Noel's Gift (5th Gen), Morpheus heart
Callen Black ~ Verizon Studio Headphones heart
bunny_frabbit ~ 200,002 gold heart

Total Value: 24,907,971 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Star Suit Mascot
Dandy's Reprise
Noel's Gift
Angelic Manner
Cerynitian's Blessing
Night's Knight
Solar Mage
Daisy's Light Hair
Kottan Bell Reunion
Summer Bride
Solar Mage
Donors/Donators (however you want to look at it):
Two Fruit Cakes ~ 70,000 gold heart
Jappo-kun ~ Dandy's Reprise heart
Spartan 406 ~ Ring: Fortune's Favor, Summer Bride, Daisy's Light Hair, Angelic Manner, Solar Mage (x2), 1,000,000 gold heart
Xx-Saya Aurion-xX ~ 12,000 gold, White Ink (x1) heart
rebeljd ~ Noel's Gift (5th Gen), Morpheus heart
Callen Black ~ Verizon Studio Headphones heart
bunny_frabbit ~ 200,002 gold heart
I can forgive and I'm not afraid
To be the person that I am today
To be the person that I am today