today I was interested by fasting in christianity, and the female saints linked with this
There are four fasting seasons, which include:
* Great Lent (40 days) and Holy Week (7 days),
* Nativity Fast (40 days),
* Apostles' Fast (variable length), and
* Dormition Fast (2 weeks)
but this is all the interesting info I could find ^^
sad, right?(it isnt even that interesting)
so I thought I'd tell you that I just came back from on holiday in Southwold, nice place, its not far. Well anyway, we camp there every year. I find it a little lonely when I dont make friends there and people my age are so.. unfriendly but thats not the pont (if I had one in the first place...)I enjpoyed myself to the most part. I rediscovered books, oh how I have missed them and I saw the best coat in history- but it was £440! *sharp intake of breath* I'm in a poor family, no way. such a shame though it was blue military-esque and had red & while candycane style around the edges and for the buttons(like loops). It had all candy colours, light blue, bright red and creamy white. It was the best! shame I do not own it. It also dissapeared from the shop display half way though my holiday and I'm still plauged by the thought that the coat may have been bought into a bad home! By now you presume I'm shallow and that was the most exciting thing that happened while I was away (maybe, I dont know how you judge me- it was a guess) but you would be wrong, nothing was exciting!
The clouds looked beautiful as sunset and to be honest apart from the sweltering heat (witch there wasn't very much of thank god!) I enjoyed just chillin' and wasing my life lazing on a beach, plucking up the courage to go into the sea, getting waist deep and bumping into two jelly fish (my pride says "they were massive! there were twelve of them I'm telling you! surrounding me in the water! I was luck to get away with my life!" wink making a tctical swerve as not to get stung and bolting for shore. I hope you guys have a more engaging holiday than I do
Have fun on holiday!
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Memorirs of Lady Jazz
a account of whatever interests me on a day, my research on the subject for some insite into where I get my random facts^^. Also I will use it as a journal, funnyly enough ;)
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If you cannot be a good example,
be a horrible warning
be a horrible warning

you know it works