The blood red fog was thickening, and the ground beneath them was shaking so badly that everyone was bouncing about like like bean bags on a trampolene.
Jack watched the strange man run around in circles, screaming his head off.
" What's his problem, its not that bad, is it??" His ears DID ache from the noise..
( wait..Jack doesn't even have ears..weeeeeirddddddd..)
Suddenly, the funny man stopped...his eyes widened and he then rose his arms up over his head and screamed. " NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! NIIIIIIIII NIII!! NOT THE WORD!! NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!"
Jack's eyes sockets widened as the man stood there screaming his strange word, " NIIIIIIIIIIIIII! "
Scratching his head, Jack pondered that querry. " WHAT WORD IS IT!!?" He shouted to the strange man. " IS IT "BAD"?" The man jumped up and down adding to the dreadful noise that exploded all around them. " NIIIIIIIII STOP!! STOOPPPPP"
" IS IT 'BAD' THEN??" Jack repeated, his eyes yet again filling up with the thick red fog.
"NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!" The man shouted again, his face nearly as red as the fog that swirled around them.
Grim stood frozen stiff upon the ground, the earth was splitting apart right from under their feet! That and the fog was getting so thick, you could cut if with a butcher knife and serve it for a bizzare dinner appetizer! " WHY- WHY CAN"T I MOVE!!!??" Grim shouted to himself. His sythe sat righ next to him and yet, he could grab it! " BLAST THAT WEIRDO! BLAST HIM!" Grim shut his eye sockets and cried out loudly to no one in particular. " BLA- WHOoooo!!" SUddenly, it all stopped. The fog disappeared, the ground beneath them was mending together like a rip in a shirt under a sewing machine. " what the -?" Looking up into the purple sky above them, Grim saw, two figures floating in the sky. ' Oh no..." Grim went paler than ever as he saw the two start a desend towards them. " Not..the Coucil of Ever After. "
Like a crowd would normally do when tow people where magically floating downward from out of the sky, they looked at them with eyes wide open and mouths chattering a mile a minute.
" What's that??" a slim looking lady asked a short red haired boy. " Dunno.." He replied, he too was looking at them curiously. " Aliens maybe??"
As for the Detectives however, they looked at the two floating figures with grim faces. They HAD NO IDEA who they were, but they were expirenced with the strange weirdness of NONeveryday life, it was normal for them. " Weird.." Muttered Yusuke, his arms crossed over his chest. " Looks like we've got company. " The red head behind him nodded. " It sure does Yusuke."
( In the corner of the scene we see Ni-man muttering under his breath.." bad more...word..everywhere...NI..." wink
Hiei stared up at the figures looming ever closer, his eyes fixed upon them inteltly, however, his mind was not on the situation at hand.
" WHY!? " He shouted in his head. " Why, does that name keep coming back inot my head...."Sakura"..Hn...Its driving me crazy!" He was trying not to think of her, of her pale skin, her blue eyes, and most of all ..the strange feeling that aroused in him when he looked at her. " Hn.." He mummbled.
" Well Grim, It looks like you've been having some problems lately. " Grim stared at them, his stare full of resentment. " Yea, my bad.." He reached down and grabbed his sythe. " Thanks though, that noise was defening. " grim, finish the " Chrono, the one who spoke first to him, stared at the two figures of mist that still laid before them.
"Oh- right..." Grim mummbled nervously, raising his sythe he repeated his chant and was again about to finish the job when...
"NIIIIIII!!! NOO!!! " The strange man bolted over to the figures and stood before them. " NII! You mustn't hurt Sister NI ! NII!!"
"sister..NI??" Grim blinked curiously. " What are you talking about? Get out of the way I have to-"
"No! NIII! " The Ni man walked over to Grim poking his finger at him. " NI!! Sister shall not be harmed!! She may be fogged up now but..NII, she be fine later! NII! SHE MUST BE DE-SMOKERFIED!!" He cried out loudly, running around the two mist figures. " NIII NI NIIIIIIII!!
Jack walked over to Grim, his eyes fixed upon the Ni man. " I think he wants you to do something abou them..."
" I KNOW THAT!" Grim shouted. "WHAT DOES IT- " He looked over his shoulder and swas Tak and Chrono shaking their heads. " EHhhh!! Er..." He pondered a few thoughts, and then, a light bulb went off in his skull. " I GOT IT!! "
Then i man doubled over.." NIIII ...NOT AGAIN!!"
" Here's the deal.." he said pointing his sythe at the Ni man. " I will release them from their sins...ONLY IF..ONLY if you promise to stay with them at all times and ANNOY them from now on, ok? "
Looking at the ground for a while, the Strange NI man began to nod his head. " Ni! OK! "
'ALRIGHTY THEN!" Raising his sythe once more, Grim Shouted out to the heavens. " I HAVE CHARGEd THESE TWO FALLEN ONES WITH AN ETERNITY OF ANNOYENCE BY A HELLISH MAN OF ICKYNESS! HEAR ME NOW! IF YOU DISAPPROVE OF THIS ACT NOW, SPEAK OR I'LL CUT YOUR TONGUE OUT MESELF!" Not waiting for an anwser, Grim's sythe shot out a ray of blue light, and it wrapped around the two bodies. After a moment or so.. the two became visible...One was a young girl, with long brown hair, and the other was a man, wearing a officer's uniform.
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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