I've received some beautiful art as of recently, So I've decided to share it. If you're featured in this journal, and I've done something silly like spell your username wrong or anything else please let me know ^^ I love all of my gifted art, big or small, and I love to give it out too. Don't be afraid to ask if you want some from me. <3

by Wyrn

by Virginia Poe

by Vamde-Chan

by uuh_i_forgot

by twitchums_1

by Takathefox

by Sleeb

by Selene Snape

by Runeshi

by Rebe-Chan

by PANDAbii

by OMG its dannigirl

by OMG it's dannigirl

by Nyozeka ko

by N l N 4

by Moon Glyder

by Lupine Blooded Ink

by Lineoleum

by Lifru

by LadySabreal

by Lady DeZarc

by Katlyne Drauwen

by Ikchen

by Hikaki



by Fat Louis

by Evilutionary Equinox

by Deliciously S w e e t

by Augizzle

by Aterisk_Idalo

by Admiralitis