Nicknames: Alli-baby, ReeRee, Gabriel(s), Reese.
Race: Human.
Job: None, he steals for a living really.
Appearing Age: Appears his age.
Actual Age: Twenty-three.
Sexuality: Straight.
Attracted to: Dark haired girls, often gets killed by his curiosity about them.
Personality: Reese is sly, intelligent, and mysterious in different ways. He doesn’t like to reveal too much about himself, believing that if he does, the easier it is to take advantage of him. He does not like to fail, and will try at all times to cover up his weaknesses. Someone noticing a flaw is like a punch in the face, and Reese will go into depression when this happens. But, he’s also fast on his feet, and gorgeous. Reese can get pretty cocky, but he’s learning to control himself. He is no player, just a flirt who likes to meet different people and be social.
Good qualities: Reese is completely trust worthy, and a very good friend. Though he doesn’t show his affection much, he does really love some people, and will show it some way or another. Reese also doesn’t lie, but he isn’t gullible either, and likes to think in every perspective before making up his mind about something.
Bad qualities: Once Reese is angry, he is very angry, and might hurt you. He punches walls, and can be quite scary when he gets pissed off. He is also sometimes very stubborn, and will kill to get what he wants.
Hobbies: Hunting, stealing,
Likes: Being tricky and smart, pints, biking, women.
Dislikes: Arrogant men, competition, being seen as weak, clingy people.
Fears/Phobias: Atychiphobia- Fear of failure.
Special Abilities: None.
Background story: Yet to be thought up. XD
Goals/Wishes: None yet.
Appearance: Tall and lean, Reese stands at 6'8, and weighs around a hundred and thirty pounds. He doesn't have the normal amount of flesh covering his bones, and so he may appear on the skinny side, but he's got muscles. His figure is not bust, but more like this. With dark blue eyes, and black ruffled hair, his features giving this beautiful figure.