2. When you get your song title, add "in my pants" after the song. YOU MUST WRITE IT NO MATTER HOW FUNNY IT SOUNDS (o3o)
3. Do this 12 times.
4. Tag at least 5 friends who might enjoy doing the game
I tag Anyone who wants to do this!
1. Hidden Away in my pants (T^T)
2. Feeling Good in my pants (WHY!!!???)
3. To Where You Are in my pants (O.o)
4. My Immortal in my pants (.......WTF)
5. Children WIll Listen in my pants (*Sad Face*)
6. Symphony in my pants (Wow...just wow)
7. Popular in my pants (Wha????)
8. Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again in my pants (*Dies with failure*)
9. The Phantom of the Opera in my pants (OH BABY!! LOL just kidding)
10. Defying Gravity in my pants (yeah if I had a male reproductive organ!)
11. Epiphany in my pants (Not again!)
12. Everything and More in my pants (Not cool!)
If you're willing to make your songs dirtier than ever, feel free to do so.