Worst day of my life was actually on 9.20.10. So it would be yesterday from today. The past week was Homecoming. fun? maybe. I didn't not participate, for I have no school spirit. Besides, I was slightly busy drowning in Geometry and Biology honors homework. Freshman and i already want to kill myself. Anyways, I also was preoccupied with my boyfriend. At least someone I had thought was my boyfriend.
To get into a little more detail: He isn't so much taller than me, blond hair that is parted down his oval face and reaches to his chin. With green eyes and a sexy deep voice I had liked him from the very start. Even though he didn't seem like my type. Wearing Hollister? and those other stores that i can't recall at the moment. He was also the sweetest. So i thought... He had promised that he would never cheat on me. He knew it sucked to be cheated on and he wouldn't do that to me. He had spilled innocent blood yesterday(today). Depends on how you look at it... He is a vicious of his kind, he made me succumb to his 'love'. I had only 2 boyfriends before, i wouldn't really know. But i had an idea.
To continue with my story before i got into my boyfriend.. yesterday, i had found out.. from other PEOPLE.. that my boyfriend went to homecoming. I was a little disappointed. I guess i just ASSUMED that when you call someone, tell them if they're going or not, and they respond that they're not.. and THEY say that plan b was to hang with someone else... that they weren't going to Homecoming.
(theres lightning outside. i enjoy)
There's more to the worst day, but its something that shouldn't be said to the public.
Anyways, i called my dear lover, to confront him of his deeds. he agreed. I realized after i hung up, he never apologized for the crazy dancing.. or that he went or that he was up on so many girls. he said nothing...
& there will be thunder. I swear.
 i happen to love owls
Nazimeth · Wed Sep 22, 2010 @ 01:17am · 0 Comments |