Deposed Diva takes a Dive it had read. Accomponied with the article was a picture of her sister unconscious in from of the opera house. She obviously fainted from hearing how well the show had gone without her horried voice to kill us all. This caused us all to burst out laughing. “Mat,” she asked. “would it be okay if Melissa and I had a girls’ day out today? Neither of us have to work today, so I figured we could use the day to have fun, like we used to.” She glanced at me. Mat agreed and joked about how Ana had gone off yesterday.

“You remember that I ran away from home after Erik abandoned me,” she said. I nodded and asked for her to continue. “I wasn’t always a Sea Witch you know.” She said. She wasn’t? I knew she said she was “self-taught” but I didn’t think she meant she had been human at one point. “No. Joke. I didn’t even have anything remote to magic until 3 months after I ran away, July of the year before we met. I travelled for a little over a month, earning money where I could, reading whenever possible, and trying to establish a new life for myself.” She told me. “I took care not to stray into the houses of people who knew my parents; I was certain they would turn me in if they caught me.” Of course they would. Wouldn’t they?
She told me she travlled with a gypsy caravan starting in about the middle of June. And while she couldn’t breathe fire, or anything like that her music earned them good money. She admitted she wasn’t as popular as me, but said her leader kept a large, and ancient book where he left his share of our spoils. “they had said it was full of black magic and dark secrets. Of course being a natural snoop, and in his good graces, I just had to take a peek inside. It was a spell book. Naturally, it had spells inside. (of course, that’s what a spell book is) Spells for healing, cleaning, cooking, medicine, anything, and even killing. There was even one for faerie sight.” Faerie sight, what was that. “It gives you the ability to see magical creatures that are normally invisible to the mortal world. According to the book if I used a special salve on my eeys, I would be able to see the creatures people had tried in vain to convince me could not exist.” So that’s how she had known I was a mermaid?
“So what happened then?” I asked. “I took my leave, taking the book with me; the leader gave it to me as a parting gift, which made me feel kind of guilty since he almost caught me stealing it.” She said. She found the ingriants and made the potion to gain the sight of the faire. She had been so amazed when she saw faries for the first time. Just as soon as that she learned water magic. “You met me and the rest is history, right?” I said ending her story. She nodded, and stood. “Before we leave,” she said, picking a rose nearby, “for you. I’m sure someone very special would have wanted you to have it.” I nodded and smiled. She started to walk away and looked towards where Lelouch had been. He was still watching. He was staring at me admirably. I smiled and followed when Ana called for me.
To be continued in Chapter 66…