Today I had to go and apply to get a new social security card as well as open up a checking and saving account. I had to wake up at eight--in the morning.
The night before I had stayed up until three finishing The Watership Down. I can't believe it took me so long to check this book out of the library. I thought it was really good.
Next I'm going to reread Live Bait by P.J. Tracy. And these books about the creative mind. 0w0, but that's getting off track, dear non-existent readers.
Anyways, my grandmother and I made our way to the social security office and had to wait twenty minutes to just turn in my application. Then we went to my grandma's bank and because she's a silver elite, or whatever they allowed me to get an account with my card.
I asked the bank to my a copy of my birth certificate. On my birth certificate there's an "A" after my first name, which comes from my middle name.
Long story short it turns out that I've been spelling my name wrong all these years. I can either correct the spelling(meaning change my name) or I can just leave it. It's just a little "A" on the end and it doesn't mean anything. But, it doesn't feel right. I'll have to see what I'm going to do, I can't be bothered with it right now.
Tonight I figured out how to make animations with GIMP. Here's my first one:
 I'm working on a running rabbit, because if I'm going to animate, I'm going to fudgin animate, screw baby steps. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. sweatdrop
Desi the fuzzy fluffhead · Sat Oct 16, 2010 @ 09:32am · 0 Comments |