Eiji Kamiya
~User Data~
Name Eiji Kamiya
Nicknames Gin, like the drink, since he ran a bar before he went rouge.
Famous Shinobi Name The Ghost
Village Otogakure
Clan The Kamiya Family
Kekkei Genkai - Seconds Later - Stage 3 of 3
Age 23
Gender Male
Birth Date July 17th - Cancer
Rank A Ranked Missing-Nin
Primary Chakra Element Lightning
Secondary Chakra Element Wind
Third Chakra Element Earth
Chakra Color Dark Red
Weapon of Choice His bare hands
Shinobi Profession Disabling the opponent
~Appearance~ Headband Discarded
Height 6'1"
Weight 143 lbs.
Hair Black
Eyes Gray
Clothing Gin wears a simple vest styled tuxedo-like outfit.
Physical Description Gin is fairly strong despite being so compact for a man of his height, and he can jump really, really high, but he isn't very good at maneuvering.

~Personal Shinobi Information~
Personality Gin is a very logical man, but he has a bit of a spiteful side. He hates most of humanity because of how self-serving and lazy it has become. He isn't necessarily friendly to anyone, basically he's never directly nice unless he's doing you a favor, but he's never mean to strangers either. Unless of course, they've made it clear somehow that they're part of the arrogant scum Gin hates ever so much.
Nindo "Humans have no common sense, so I'll give them mine!"
Personal Skill(s) Gin is highly skilled at one handed seals and can make one hell of a drink.
Family The only surviving member of Gin's family, or clan, other than him is his sister, Haru.
Gin's sister never trusted him, and eventually left blaming him in suspicion for the death of the clan, leaving him to run the family's bar. Gin's family has a long history of running a local bar in the center of Otogakure; Gin had taken over after the Time Flux in memory of everyone. Ironically, as a result, Gin spent most of his time serving alcohol to the people he hated so very much, helping them get stupider than he already thought they were. Gin had two friends that came in once in a while, if you could call them that; and they're the only reason he managed to stay sane for so long. However, one day, they were both killed in a car accident by a drunk driver, and that's when Gin snapped. After what he did to his clan, and all he put up with, the last thing he truly cared for was taken from him. He set out to join the akatsuki so that he may find some power that would allow him to "share" his common sense with the world, regardless of the process.
~Other~ Gin may run a bar, but that doesn't stop him from partaking in a good drink once in a while. He can often be found singing The Bartender Song frequently, since he once experienced a very similar situation. Gin is also very aware of how a heart works after studying up on it thanks to a time when he experienced a deadly heart attack induced by a lightning jutsu from an unkown shinobi.
P.s. Don't ask him why he knows Sexy: Girl on Girl Technique; he doesn't like to talk about it.
Thanks to Madara Uchiha, Gin has been fronted with an alter ego who tends to go by the name of... Da da-da daaa: Atrium Scarlet. For some reason, when in his alter ego, his hair turns to a silver color. To further this change to an unrecognizable completion, Gin stops combing his hair back and puts on a new outfit.
This alter ego, for some reason, is much faster then Gin himself, but his punches are a little more lacking. He is a very calm person, but rather talkative. He is a helpful person with high hopes for the future. A total 180 of Gin.
~Clan Information~
Clan History Gin comes from the formerly great Kamiya Clan. His clan prospered greatly in Otogakure until the war now known as 'The Time Flux' broke out. Much of Otogakure had been convinced by their "Lord" that the Kamiya clan was plotting to take over and had already set plans into motion. Surprisingly, this also caused a rivalry within the clan itself breaking it into groups who thought that the others actually were plotting a take over of Otogakure. It was a bloody battle that nearly ripped a whole in the fabric of space thanks to the mass use of his clan's kekkei genkai, but it came to an end, thanks to Gin. He unleashed a devastating blow in the center of the battle in the heat of the moment, so sick of the fighting... The only person who wasn't killed was his sister who was still back at home where he left her well protected. Thankfully, no one knows that it was he who dealt this devastating attack, so he was able to live peacefully.
Kekkei Genkai Explanation Seconds Later is a complicated kekkei genkai that basically revolves around manipulating time and space with two simple and yet infinitely complicated jutsu.
Stage One (B): To start with, when Seconds Later is in use, the user always sees three seconds into the future. This fact makes it difficult for most people to get used to depth perception and object's real speed. One can recognize this stage because the user's iris will began to swirl into their pupils like a whirlpool.
Stage Two (A): The user starts to gain an instinctual comfortability with constantly seeing three seconds in the future and can now use the jutsu, "Atode," (Afterwards) and, "Shougeki Honmono de Nai (False Impact)." There is no obvious way to tell if someone is at this stage.
Stage Three (SS): The user is now instinctively accurate with seeing three seconds into the future and can process and react perfectly in the "present." The user is also now able to use the jutsu, "To Yukichigau."
~Technique Ranks - Max Number Rank of Each Technique Type~
Kekkei Genkai Jutsu SS Ninjutsu: A Genjutsu: B Taijutsu: S Fuuinjutsu: C Juin Jutsu: B Doujutsu: S Kenjutsu: B Summons: A
Kekkei Genkai Jutsu
Atode ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Offensive & Defensive ⇨ (5 pts.) (Afterwards) Using this technique the user can create, or set future attacks that mimic an exact motion they are performing, whether it be an attack or block and even change their location to something the user could have physically reached at the time. You can basically think of it as a delayed afterimage that can interact with the physical world. This technique becomes especially useful when the user is performing taijutsu; it will basically cause that technique to be done twice in a row without the user having to physically do it twice.
Shougeki Hinmono de Nai ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Defensive ⇨ (5 pts.) (False Impact) An altered version of Atode, and triggers much, much faster, one could think of it as a clone jutsu fused with a flicker technique because of what it does. Anytime the user wills it, they can basically remove themselves from the physical realm for about a third of a second; if they're hit with any physical attack during this time, an afterimage of the user will be seen taking the blow, but the user will immediately become solid again and generally counter.
To Yukichigau⇨ SS - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (8 pts.) (To Crossover) This technique is a highly advanced clone technique if you will. Upon activation, the user will essentially split their mind/soul/essence in half. One half will remain in the present (but see what's happening in the present for a change) while the other is thrust into a dimension exactly like ours in every way, but three seconds in the future with half of the users chakra. The half in the future is the clone in this situation. This part causes fair mental stress on the user.
Now to explain exactly what it is that this jutsu can do. Because the two minds are one, this jutsu can be compared to how Pain has his different bodies and thus, the two can relay messages to each other. However, this jutsu does not allow the two to act completely seperately, the clone must follow Gin's thoughts, but thanks to the time gap, he is able to change his "current" plan and react accordingly. And, now for the kicker, how this jutsu got its name; the clone three seconds in the future can interact directly with the real world.
Basically, if one were to think "I'm going to jump there and kick the opponent," the future self would have already started that process and likely finished three seconds ago, actually having kicked the opponent in our present. Because of this, the user will immediately have to change their plans and react accordingly, causing more mental stress on themselves, but still confusing the hell out of the opponent.
In terms of defense, the future self can block attacks as well, however, this has a large drawback. If the future self were to be "killed" by the attack, the user will experience something very similar to the death viewing genjutsu but twice as dangerous and the effects would last much longer. Any damage the clones would take that does not kill them would also appear on the original Gin's body. On top of this, because of how complicated this jutsu is, the user will lose a large portion of their chakra since the clone using it died.
And now for some clarification of the physics on this jutsu. The future self is only able to move around within the area the present self can see, but can move freely if that is how the present self may have reacted. The future self is also able to use jutsu at the expense of the chakra that is keeping him alive. If the future self were to run out of chakra, he would fade away but not cause the same effect on the user as killing him would.
Sexy: Girl on Girl Technique ⇨ D - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (2 pts.) An altered version of the infamous Harem jutsu, this jutsu will turn the user into two shadow clones of rather attractive women who are lacking clothes. This technique is used as a simple distraction.
Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Offensive & Defensive ⇨ (5 pts.) The technique is activated when the user takes a specific stance with their left hand making a half-ram and then extending their right hand down with his palm parallel to the ground. Once the stance is taken the spirit of the Thousand-Armed Kannon is summoned to defend the user, or attack their enemies. The spirit is normally calm, angelic and looks peaceful. However, whenever the user gets angry, the spirit turns red and transforms into a demonic-looking creature. Kannon then attacks the user's target with its 1000 spirit fists. The size and power of the spirit is dependent upon the skill of the user.
Narihibiku no Me ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (5 pts.) (Eye of Vibrations)Using this jutsu one can mentally recognize the location, shape, and speed of any object that is creating any form of vibrations connected in some way with the ground. This could include something that touches a tree that's touching the ground. Even airborne things with enough wind force can be detected.
Jimen no Shita de Naite⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Offensive & Technical ⇨ (5 pts.)(Learned Manually) (Crying below the Surface) Using immense chakra control the user will take the ground beneath their opponent and spiral it up around them in such a way that it encases them in a now hardened tear that will drop down into the 15 foot deep hole it just created. All the while some excess ground is being pushed aside to make the hole deeper and allow for the finishing part of the jutsu.
When the tear begins to fall into the hole a stone spear will shoot out from the bottom and pierce the tear as the moved excess caves back in on the target, burying them in their pierced tear.
Yasashii Denki ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Offensive & Technical ⇨ (5 pts.) (Gentle Shock) The user will attack in a way very similar to gentle fist, even though it's only an imitation use lightning based chakra and behaves slightly different. The user will attack with the poke-like motion seen in gentle fist, or an open palm and release a quick resonance of lightning chakra. This will slowly numb the opponent or can be set to a delay and built up to the point that it will actually violently shock them. This technique becomes especially useful when one is aware of the location of vital nerves and organs as he can attack them in a dangerous manner.
Kaminari Shougeki ⇨ S - Rank ⇨ Offensive & Technical ⇨ (6 pts.) (Lightning Impact) Similar to Lightning Blade, this jutsu has some key differences. The user attacks with a closed fist that is enveloped in a much smaller amount of yellow lightning. The user also still moves at incredibly high speeds as seen in Lightning Blade. The biggest difference being what follows: upon impact, the yellow lightning will flow from the user's arm into the opponent and stun them for their entire next post.
Ishi no Ame ⇨ S - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (6 pts.) (Rain of Stone) The user initiates this taijutsu by attacking the ground in some kind of physical manner; this causes a large boulder to erupt from the ground and into the sky. From here, the user leaps into the sky and will deliver another blow of some kind which will shatter into a widespread rain of stone like bullets that can pierce 3 inches of concrete.
Chimei Teki Na Narihibiku ⇨ S - Rank ⇨ Offensive ⇨ (6 pts.) (Fatal Vibrations) The user will strike the opponent with an open palm and expel some of their chakra upon impact in such a way that it will vibrate in exact opposition of the target's heart stopping it moments later. To the naked eye, it would look like a flash came from the user's palm matching the personal color of the user.
Me no Ganseki ⇨ B - Rank ⇨ Technical ⇨ (4 pts.) (Eye's Rock) Using the jutsu the user can solidify masses of their earth chakra and hold them in place for a split second. This jutsu is generally used to create rocks for throwing, terrain interference, or making stairs into the sky.
Shippuu ⇨ A - Rank ⇨ Offensive & Technical ⇨ (5 pts.) (Gale) Using this jutsu, the user can create whirlwinds made of wind chakra at will by focusing their eyes on a single point for about a second. If the user chooses to expel a little excess chakra they can create whirlwinds that move and speed up the process just by glancing at a spot.
Equipment Gin carries several shuriken, two smoke bombs and one demon windmill shuriken.
Scrolls Impact Scroll - Contains Lightning Impact Ishi Scroll - Contains Ishi no Ame Denki Scroll - Contains Yasashii Denki
Total points count: Kekkei Genkai [8] + Jutsu (67) = 75/81 .: Gin :.The Ghost "The world is falling away into nothingness...
...And I'm waiting to catch it!" +0 Lines! xxxjutsu: L = [x](7.5)(1)(1) xx/xx