Ending of Ostagar!
The tragedy of Duncan and the King Calian

Loghain was at the foot of the tower as the beacon was lit, his anger became like the embers in the tower. He looked over to see Ser Cauthrien, his lieutenant. She was smiling as she saw the beacons shot out of the top of the tower like a volcano. Lohgain looked at the tower again "Sound the retreat.", he said without even thinking it over again, she looked at him "Huh, what about the king? Should we not--" she stepped in front of the man, he grabbed her arm "Do as I command." he said shaking her arm. Cauthrien snatched her arm back as she gave him a look of disgust, Loghain turned looking at the tower, not saying another word to Cauthrien, who turned not taking her eyes off him she stared, and then turned her head and gave the signal to move out "Pull out! All of you, lets move! Loghain looked at her as she told them, lighting flashed in the sky showing more anger in Loghain's sickened looking face. He turned looking at the tower once more be fore heading out.
Fire boulders were flying across the sky as darkspwan blood ran with the blood of the fallen people in Frelden.Duncan sliced his sword though a hurlock, as Calian behind him was slicing his sword though the same hurlock. People around them were dying as for the darkspwan to, a hurlock was going ,again, for Duncan who was prepared to fight them. He lifted his sword as the hurlock lifted his their swords collided with a, clank, Duncan lifted his foot and kicked the monster back with it. Calian who was a few feet behind him, shoved his sword though a hurlocks stomach he pushed it off of his sword. Duncan swung his sword at another hurlock that was trying to ram a shield into him, and sliced through the hurlocks breastplate., he paused at he watched Calian fight the hurlock in front of him. Duncan began to here noises, he was confused for a few moments as he looked around and back at the king, he then noticed that it was right behind him, a overgrown giant, a ogre . Duncan swung his iron sword trying to hit it, but the ogre used its hand and smack the puny human away, he had his eye on the price, the king. Calian rose his sword to hit the large creature in the face, it threw its arm down and grabbed the defenseless king. The ogre rose the king to his face and roared almost like a lion, it was wet and slimy, the king closed his eyes he knew it was the end, being rose to the sky the king let out a yell as the ogre crushed his human body, it threw the lifeless body at a few other soldiers that were near by. Duncan looked at the bloody king in front of him, he nerves raged almost out of control. He looked at the monster that killed the king, it roared as it knew that it had accomplished the task of killing the king. Duncan arose to his feet and ran to the ogre with his swords close in hand. He jumped on it as he yelled, the ogre had no clue what had just hit him, it let out a roar as Duncan stabbed it and twirled his swords in its flesh. The monster fell to the ground, dead, its days of living were no more, Duncan sat upon the beast as a pain shot through his abdomen, he held it knowing he was going to die off blood loss. He turned his gaze to the bloody king, and then removing himself of the beast and towards the king. Duncan fell to his knees next to the kings body, he moved and fell over the lifeless body, while doing so he looked at the world around him and saw that they were being defeated and not only that but Loghains men were not there, where were they. He looked at the tower panting in pain, moving his hands to his leg and thigh. He turned his eyes from the tower to the in front of him, a large swarm of darkspwan was coming quickly his way. Duncan knew his days were over and submitted to the emissary with the axe.
In the tower a swarm of darkspwan came out of no where, Alice gasped as the shot at everyone including herself, she was overwhelmed with a shock of arrows flying at her. She looked at Alistair who was over at the beacon "Alistair, watch out!" She yelled as a hurlock raced his way, she didnt see the rest she fell unconscious. Alistair waved his sword around to kill the ones with out arrows, he quickly fell into the same state as Alice.
Fire boulders were flying across the sky as darkspwan blood ran with the blood of the fallen people in Frelden.Duncan sliced his sword though a hurlock, as Calian behind him was slicing his sword though the same hurlock. People around them were dying as for the darkspwan to, a hurlock was going ,again, for Duncan who was prepared to fight them. He lifted his sword as the hurlock lifted his their swords collided with a, clank, Duncan lifted his foot and kicked the monster back with it. Calian who was a few feet behind him, shoved his sword though a hurlocks stomach he pushed it off of his sword. Duncan swung his sword at another hurlock that was trying to ram a shield into him, and sliced through the hurlocks breastplate., he paused at he watched Calian fight the hurlock in front of him. Duncan began to here noises, he was confused for a few moments as he looked around and back at the king, he then noticed that it was right behind him, a overgrown giant, a ogre . Duncan swung his iron sword trying to hit it, but the ogre used its hand and smack the puny human away, he had his eye on the price, the king. Calian rose his sword to hit the large creature in the face, it threw its arm down and grabbed the defenseless king. The ogre rose the king to his face and roared almost like a lion, it was wet and slimy, the king closed his eyes he knew it was the end, being rose to the sky the king let out a yell as the ogre crushed his human body, it threw the lifeless body at a few other soldiers that were near by. Duncan looked at the bloody king in front of him, he nerves raged almost out of control. He looked at the monster that killed the king, it roared as it knew that it had accomplished the task of killing the king. Duncan arose to his feet and ran to the ogre with his swords close in hand. He jumped on it as he yelled, the ogre had no clue what had just hit him, it let out a roar as Duncan stabbed it and twirled his swords in its flesh. The monster fell to the ground, dead, its days of living were no more, Duncan sat upon the beast as a pain shot through his abdomen, he held it knowing he was going to die off blood loss. He turned his gaze to the bloody king, and then removing himself of the beast and towards the king. Duncan fell to his knees next to the kings body, he moved and fell over the lifeless body, while doing so he looked at the world around him and saw that they were being defeated and not only that but Loghains men were not there, where were they. He looked at the tower panting in pain, moving his hands to his leg and thigh. He turned his eyes from the tower to the in front of him, a large swarm of darkspwan was coming quickly his way. Duncan knew his days were over and submitted to the emissary with the axe.
In the tower a swarm of darkspwan came out of no where, Alice gasped as the shot at everyone including herself, she was overwhelmed with a shock of arrows flying at her. She looked at Alistair who was over at the beacon "Alistair, watch out!" She yelled as a hurlock raced his way, she didnt see the rest she fell unconscious. Alistair waved his sword around to kill the ones with out arrows, he quickly fell into the same state as Alice.