Character Name: Daedalus

Race Arrancar
Pefered Rank or Position: Primero (exiled)
Personality: 'The wild card' Daedalus is unpredictable and is often misread. Since he lived so long with another soul amongst himself it was often hard from him to match his emotion with his facial expression. He could be boiling mad with the most calmest expression. Once could only tell what he was thinking if they either crossed blades with him or if he told them himself; which is often rare. He values loyalty and if a comrade was to be slain in battle he would give them a silent prayer and kill the one who took their life saying. 'An eye for an eye. Nothing personal.'
Weapon Name: Otohime
Release Call: Volver(Return) Otohime
Apperance After Release:

Though less powerful than a Cero, the Bala is twenty times faster than a Cero. The speed of a Bala is directly proportionate to the speed of the user. It has been shown to be faster than an average Shunpo.
Acidic Touch: When a Hollow grabs a Human with their hands, the spot where the person was grabbed is shown to get burned as if acid were poured onto it. This was shown when Orihime was grabbed in the leg, and on the wound on Chad's back. These wounds seem to allow the Hollow's reiatsu to seep into the person, causing great pain to the victim. The wounds can heal if given enough time though, and it is unknown if this ability works on Shinigami or other spiritually powerful beings.
Cero is a highly powerful and relatively swift energy blast that can be fired from various body parts, such as mouth, tongue, hand or fingers
Cero Oscuras: Only used by the top four Espada, this is an extremely powerful form of Cero which is akin to man Hollow using Cero at once. It is so powerful that it is forbidden to be used inside of Las Noches.
Gran Rey Cero: This form of Cero is used by all Espada, but is somewhat weaker than Cero Oscuras. It, like Cero Oscuras, has a large blast radius and is highly destructive. Despite being weaker, it is also forbidden within the walls of Las Noches. When he uses his it takes black form, with white razor-like edges thats constantly swirling. Inner core of the cero is crimson.
All Arrancar have this, but the degree to which they have it depends on their power level. In essence, this is how hard the skin of an Arrancar is. It is like armor. It can only be cut by those who are able to measure the spiritual density of it and raise their power higher than said density.
The equivalent of a Shinigami Senkaimon. The Garganta is an alternate realm full of swirling energy and completely void of light besides the white energy swirling around in it. To use it, an Arrancar must be able to form a pathway underneath their feet or they will fall into the void. This requires immense control over reiatsu.
High-Speed Regeneration is the ability that allows a Hollow to heal most injuries very quickly, with the exception of the destruction of the head or vital organs.
Sonnido: A movement similar to a shinigami's flash step, used as a method of dodging or just to move great distances.
Song of the siren: He'll holds his zanpakuto up and whisper's,"Sing Otohime (Luminous Jewel). The blade releases a high pitch screech that can cause intense pain, and paralyzation.
Vorpal: By adding his element of death into his attacks, they turn to more precise and fatal strikes. The effect can be avoided by opponents abilities in their speed, defense or riatsu.
Cero Vorpal : Adding his own element to his cero, the cero takes the aspect of death, and it's attributes increase dramatically. It's from also shifts so that the tip of the beam resembles that of a screaming skull. It moves fast enough that it scrapes against the wind causing a screeching noise.
Bala Rain: Releasing hundreds of balas, manipulates their shape so they take a javalin like form, surounds the target and have them impale then explode.
Vorpal Bala Rain: Increases the amount of bala, in 'Bala Rain', while increasing speed and power.
Sonnido Trecero: Increasing the speed of his Sonnido so that he can produce an after image. The imgage only last for a second can be illusioned into believing that it is a clone by moving to and from the after images. (max total after images is four)
Harpies Roar: An higher version of 'Song of the Siren' in which the techniques ability is increased while gaining the effect of a sonic boom.
Theme song: Otherworld
anything else you wanna put?: Like to eat eyes balls will strawberry jelly