The first is one I already used for one:

{[ Saira Mendoza ]}
- - "Life is a lot like metal. It’s hard work, but you can shape it with your own hands."
ɧɛʃʃo, ɱʏ ɳɑɱɛ ɩȿ --
- Saira Mendoza
ϐυτ ƒʀɩɛɴɗ'ȿ ʗɑʃʃ ɱɛ --
- Sai
Υοɥ ʗɑɳ ƒɩɳɗ ɱɛ --
- Tool Shed
ɭ ɯoʀƙ ɫɧɛʀɛ ɑȿ --
- Blacksmith
мʏ ȿϸɛʗɩɑʃ ɗɑʏ --
- Summer 17
ɭ'ʋɛ ȿɛɛɲ ɱɑɳʏ ɑ ʏɛɑʀ --
- 28
Ǫυɩɫɛ oƅʋɩoυȿʃʏ ɭ'ɱ --
- Female
ϻʏ ɱɛɑȿυʀɛɱɛɳɫȿ ɑʀɛ --
- 5’8”, 145 lbs
ɭ ɱɑʏ ɧɑʋɛ ɑ ʃoʋɪɲɢ ʗoɱϸɑɲɪoɳ --
- Thor, an Alaskan Malamute pup.
Ƥɛoƥɭɛ ɧɒʋɛ ȿɑɩɗ ɭ'ɱ --
- Unladylike. A tomboy. Temperamental. I won’t pretend that I’m not, but I have more tolerance than people give me credit for. I’m impulsive and competitive. I love to laugh and I can’t resist a new adventure. My old friends have moved away, but I’ll always treasure them. I protect my friends with my life and accept their every strength, every fault, everything in between as they accept mine.
Ʈɧɛʀɛ'ȿ ɳoɫ ɱυʗɧ ɫo ɧɪɗɛ ɪɳ ɑ ʂɱɑʃʃ ɫoɯɳ, ϐυɫ --
- I was sent to live with my mother’s older brother after my parents died. Heh. I remember all the stories Mom used to tell me about him. He wasn’t too good with people, not even with her. He treated her like a delicate work of art that he feared breaking. We didn’t know each other very well before the accident but it was clear that he thought of me the same way. Maybe he thought that of all girls. Well anyway, I wasn’t about to let him keep thinking that. I was a tough kid, after all. I could beat up any boy in my class! Using the Secret Adolescent Arts of Constant Pestering I convinced him to let me help him out around the Tool Shed.
It was a gradual process. I moved up from organizing things to carrying (small) amounts of ore to the workshop and making deliveries. Watching my uncle at work made me really want to learn blacksmithing myself. He refused to teach me, of course. So I resorted to delinquency. I started pulling pranks throughout the town and became an all-around menace. When I beat the tar out of a bully from school Uncle learned that this “delicate” rose not only had thorns, but a mean right hook. He agreed to teach me as long as I stopped causing so much trouble. Secret Adolescent Art: I’ll Obey If You Give Me What I Want.
He passed away recently and I’ve inherited his workshop. I’ll tell you right now, don’t underestimate me because of my age or gender. I learned from the master himself, and my work is damn near as good as his!
ɭƒ ʏoυ'ɗ ʃɩƙɛ ɫo ʗɧɑʀɱ ɱɛ --
- [fork over some:
-Ores (except junk ore)
-Any curry dish
- Matsutake
-Relax Tea]
ɭƒ ʏoυ'ɗ ʃɩƙɛ ɫo ɑɲɢɛʀ ɱɛ --
- [then I guess you should give me:
-Fish sticks
-Junk ore
-Moondrop and Pinkcat flowers
-Weeds (not grasses. Weeds]
ϐυτ ɫɧɛ ƙɛɣ ɫo ɱʏ ɧɛɑʀɫ ɩʂ --
- [a legendary sword! Or pirate treasure! Actually, I’d be just as happy with homemade bamboo dumplings. ]
ωɧo'ʋɛ ɭ ɱɛɫ ɑʀoυɲɗ ɫoɯɲ --

-- [Reva Clover]
Next is this boy. Probably just because I have a little soft spot for him. He's more tweakable than Saira (who's too awesome to change. Add to, sure. Change? Tough chance.)

My parents call me...Dylan Hays...but all my friends like to refer to me as...Dylan.
I was born on...February 21...but I am now forever...18...because of this stupid curse.
My life? It's not much but... Nothing’s happening. Nothing’s been happening for a while. I live alone. I don’t have any close friends. Never been in love. My family is nice. We love each other. That’s about it. For the longest time my life has just been the repetition of the same routines over and over, day after day. Not a big sob story, I know. but if you asked me I’d say time stopped for me a while ago. It’s made me something of a thrill seeker, to tell you the truth. I don’t give much consideration for my own safety lately. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suicidal. Just impulsive. That said, what gets me through the crushing boredom has been the knowledge that life goes on. Tomorrow is a new day that possesses opportunity for change. If it didn’t? Well, let’s just say that I’m already on the verge of doing anything that’ll move time forward.
I simply adore...Books, music, puzzles, foreign food, cultures, languages. New discoveries, essentially.
I simply can't stand...Idiots, boredom, bean sprouts, babies (they are not cute and I wish my relatives would stop sending us pictures), and, sometimes, myself.
You wanna know how I got here? Human
A lot of people say I'm...I guess I’m a big pessimist but I like to think I’ve still got a little optimism left in me. Some people call me a smartass, which is true I suppose. I am smart. Not being conceited, I’m just a bit rude and have a decent vocabulary. I get good grades but I don’t have much direction in life. No passion. These things become really clear when graduation rolls around. People are probably as bored with me as I am with life.
Oops! I forgot to mention that... I’ve had a lot of brief, failed relationships. That’s probably my own fault.
It should be pretty obvious that I'm a...Male
Not that it matters to you but I pitch for the Bisexual team(s)
Oh! Look what I can do! Nothing of interest.
Somehow I teamed up with...No one as of get the hell out of this place.
Ah! The voices! Get out of my head! Reva Clover
This is mostly a note to self.