This is my oc, EMILIA, bitchez (:
Full Name:
Emilia Delacour Tempur
Em, Velveteen Rabbit
Is 121, stopped aging at the age of 21.
Emilia is a shifter-like demon. Some call them metamorphmagi, how they can change their physical appearance, female to male, hair color, add parts of themselves. She is a metamorphmagus, and usually sticks to one appearance, with similar attributes of this appearance if she's ever anything else.
Sexual Orientation:
Emilia really has no other occupation except for being a demon who likes to indulge herself in worldly pleasures. She'll pick up a job every once in a while, maybe working in a maid cafe, or being an escort, or just whatever the hell she wants.
Em's personality is rather solid. It doesn't change much, and usually stays the same, but she's known to have sudden outbursts. People usually know her as a whore, and it doesn't honestly bother her. When your an immortal demon, you usually can't contract the human diseases that come with sex, so she takes full advantage of that whenever she feels the want. She's flirty and nonchalant about a lot of things. Em is very intelligent, so you'll have a hard time out-smarting her. But she's also a pretty nice person, who loves cats, who usually don't love her back and end up running away.
Emilia was created 121 years ago in the fall by Lucifer himself. Though, he wasn't happy with her and her promiscuous activities, he sent her to the surface so he wouldn't have to deal with her. Once Emilia touched foot on the surface, she stopped aging, at 21.Emilia was pleased to be on the surface, because she could do whatever she wanted to do. That made her happy, because in Hell, she was restricted to a lot of the pleasures that the human race provided her. For 100 years, she has lived on the surface and has no intention of going back.
A description is coming soon(: