Tsuyoshi Yamazaki
Gender: Male
Race: Japanese
Age: 25
Birth date: May 21,
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac Sign: The Rooster
Blood Type: Type A
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125
Hobby: Cooking, reading, cleaning, eating candy, playing video games, finding ways to improve Sweet Tooth.
Basic Description: He has dark gray eyes and short, neat, softly spiky, trimmed black hair with a part on the right. His skin color is white. A button up shirt with a turn down collar and a sports jacket ((or suit jacket.)) Loose pants/slacks/khakis with a belt.
Birth place: Spain
Pet(s): Green Iguana
Tsuyoshi was unexpectedly born in Spain due to a miscalculation while his parents were in the process of making a wildlife documentary. His mother assumed that they would have time to finish making the documentary before her son was due. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Due to his being born, his parents decided there was no longer a reason to rush through the documentary, especially since his mother had to be bed ridden and take care of the child. This resulted in Tsuyoshi spending most of his childhood in Spain. He was a happy child who enjoyed the animals that his parents filmed and he came into contact with. At the age of four he started preschool in Spain and around the time he was seven years old his parents were finalizing their project. By the time he finished second grade, they were packed and ready to head back to Japan and in the last trimester with his soon to be younger brother Takashi.
Tsuyoshi’s parents lived in a traditional Japanese temple that has been passed down from generation to generation. Needless to say, Tsuyoshi was visibly upset when he had to leave his friends in Spain, enroll in a new school and get adjusted to the crowded streets of Japan. Once he started his new life in Japan he became withdraw upon noticing the rigorous school work and strict environment. The level of noise and congestion was definitely something he did like and had a tough time getting adjusted to, often getting lost on his way home. No sooner had they returned was his younger brother Takashi born. Within a few months, their parents were ready to travel once more and left them in the care of their grandparents.
Their parents often missed birthdays, holidays, and every special occasion that came up, but they did send the weirdest gifts despite being months late. Tsuyoshi received many odd gifts from his parents who seem to enjoy sending him the weirdest and most bizarre items they can find while traveling the world. He did take his parents’ departure rather hard and if not for his grandparents, possibly would have turned either bitter or depressed. He took up the responsibility of assisting their grandparents in taking care of his brother, opting to get a job as soon as he could when their elderly guardians periodically fell too ill to do anything.
This led to his resenting their parents who seem to pop in and out of their lives as they pleased, despite their grandparents’ attempts to defend the young children’s parents. Eventually, he took to not being around when they received messages that their parents would be coming home to visit and would return once sure they were gone or asleep. Tsuyoshi secretly vowed to himself to never be like his parents.
Aside from the issue with their parents, Tsuyoshi had a rather normal life and did well in school. While he was seventeen, their grandmother died from old age. This sparked a fear in Tsuyoshi that their grandfather would be next to go, which could result in he and his brother getting split up. The thought of that happening made become even more protective of Takashi, sometimes to the point of being overprotective and later develops into what Takashi likes to refer to as “nagging bag” or “harping hag.”
While in high school, he got paired up with a female exchange student from New York named Maya Madre Baker. He was initially annoyed with the chatty, hyperactive girl who often jumped between English and Japanese languages when overexcited, but as they worked together he realized that she had a lot of big dreams for the future, which included opening a confectionery or pastry shop. Their discussions always seemed to end up on her future dream shop with Tsuyoshi becoming more intrigued (possibly infatuated) as he had never met someone with so much determination and optimism. Much to his dismay, Maya finished her studies early and returned to the states, though not without proposing to him the idea of visiting America. The idea of going to America had not crossed his mind, but said he would think on it.
The two stayed in close contact, even as they entered college with her sending updates of her progress, from earning the money to buying the shop and opening it. Tsuyoshi assisted with giving her financial advice and proposals for making her shop better since he decided to major in business management. She seemed to be doing very well, even to the point of having her own fan base and being on television, until he unexpectedly stopped receiving messages from her. After not hearing from Maya for nearly a year and a half, he assumed she just forgot about him. However, this was not the case and randomly found out the reason for her disconnection on the internet where an article informed him that the “beloved pastry chef, Maya Madre Baker, had died from a gunshot wound during an attempted robbery.” This prompted his first trip to America in order for him to visit her grave and apologize for assuming she blew him off. During his time there, he visited her dilapidated shop, a sharp contrast from the bombardment of photos she sent him of its construction and for some inexplicable reason, decided to adopt her dream and reopen her shop.
Tsuyoshi decided to focus more intently on his studies, which paid off as he graduated at the age of twenty-three from college. Pooling together the needed funds, he attempted to buy the decrepit shop before he and Takashi (who, but the time, some how gained a slight proficiency in cake making and decorating) moved to New York, but did not have the money. With a suggestion from his younger sibling that made him scowl, Tsuyoshi reluctantly agreed to ask their parents for the needed money. He made Takashi call and ask though, seeing as how he did not want to speak with them as he still resented them. Their parents more than happily obliged as they were glad to see them finding their “inner explorer.”
So Tsuyoshi packed up his things and moved to New York with Takashi where he would live out his friend’s dream.
Physical Description
Hair: Short, neatly cut, softly spiky, trimmed black hair with a part on the right.
Eyes: Dark Gray eyes
Body: Lean
Physical condition: Healthy
Markings, scars, tattoo: He has a long horizontal scar going across his back, which he got while protecting his younger brother
Shirt- A button up shirt with a turn down collar and a sports jacket.
Pants- Lose light colored pants/slacks/khaki pants with a belt.
Shoes- Black casual or dress shoes.
From afar, Tsuyoshi appears to be a rather distant person whose only focus is work, though not to the point of being considered a workaholic. Capable of taking charge and effectively handle any responsibilities in his path. As told by others, he would make an excellent business partner or an extremely good corporate executive. He prefers to keep people at arm’s-length with an exception of a few people such as his brother, Takashi, and deceased close friend, Madre. He still holds resentment towards his parents. Conversely, he does not mind assisting those in need either by giving advice or volunteering. He still has a love for animals and likes to feed strays on the way home or to the shop. When Sweet Tooth is formed, Tsuyoshi acts as the voice of reason within the group.
When it comes to ventures (such as creating and distributing new confections or making themes for the shop), he is considered a stiff as he prefers not to risk losing their customers should something go wrong, but is typically duped into it by Takashi and the results are usually very favorable. He is also found to be highly resourceful, managing on many occasions to pool together funds needed to save Sweet Tooth from closing either from lack of customers or fines. As the series progresses, he opens up a little more and begins to see his fellow workers as friends instead of just employees. He will place himself in harms way, be the threat verbal or physical, to defend those he care about safe. Out of the two, Tsuyoshi appears to be more left-brained while Takashi is more right-brained.
His younger brother
Cooking {more proficient at cooking meals than making pastries}
Colors Blue and Sliver
Helping others
Ignorant people
Getting hurt/Being abandoned
Tarot Cards
The Cold/ Winter
Gloomy, rainy Days
Rats and Bugs {not fearful of them, just doesn’t like them}
Being in small places for long periods of time {slightly claustrophobic}
Annoying, whiny people
Responsible people
Fears: Being abandoned by someone he really cares for and becoming like his parents.
Goals: To get Sweet Tooth open and have a lot of people to come to the shop to buy pastries. He wants to have Sweet Tooth known all over the world for Maya.
Occupation: Owner and manager of Sweet Tooth
Favorite food: Unagi, Italian Anise Cookies
Psychological condition: Good
Aptitude: Excellent
Relationships status: Single
Positive characteristics: Determined, intelligent, protective, resourceful
Negatives characteristics: Prone to bouts of solitude, tendency to overwork, suppresses emotions, withdrawn and worry
Quirks: Tsuyoshi has a strange accent that reflects both his knowing Japanese and bits of Spanish when he speaks English. This also means he speaks two languages fluently (Japanese and English) and proficient enough in Spanish since he seldom uses it.