1)Honestly, how many people have you completely fallen for?
2) Honestly, what color is the shirt you're wearing now?
A teal shirt that says "Klahr."
3) Honestly, what's on your mind?
Nothing of consequence, really.
4) Honestly, what are you doing right now?
Filling out this survey.
6)Honestly, have you done something bad today?
I slept in and skipped a meeting?
7) Honestly, did you watch "Shot of Love" with Tila Tequilla?
Once or twice. I usually got bored and stopped watching.
9) Honestly, who makes you happy most of the time?
Listening to Jamie Cullum, reading, watching Top Gear and hanging with my close friends and my bro.
10) Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
12) Honestly, do you have deep secrets?
I have some. But it depends on what kind of depth you're looking for.
14)Honestly, are you an honest person?
I'd like to think I am, yes.
15) Honestly, what are you addicted to?
My phone (it's a love-hate relationship), reading, drawing, and my iPod..
16) Honestly, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Graduated from college and either settling down into a career/family or helping out with Peace Corps.
17) Honestly who was your last text from?
18.) Honestly, what are you sick of?
Drama from school.
19) Honestly, what do you want right now?
Go visit my friends abroad.
20) Honestly, would you use family connections to get a job?
I don't know. I've never had a job. School is my job.
23) Honestly, are you desperate?
For what?
24) Honestly, have you ever made anyone cry?
My ex, probably some of my friends, probably my parents too.
25) Honestly, have you ever stabbed a friend in the back?
Yes, and I hated doing it.
26) Honestly, have you ever lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend?
I have, but I always end up confessing quickly.
27) Honestly, what was your best day ever?
Hmm.... It's between the public viewing in Offenbourg and the disco in Lahr.
28.) Honestly, what is a personality trait that you find most attractive?
It's a tie between intelligence and sarcasm.
29) Honestly, are you normally a happy person?
It really depends.
30) Honestly, what makes you mad?
People who talk behind backs, arrogant people, rude people, and my cellphone.
31) Honestly, what is your greatest fear?
To be drowned in centipedes and spiders.
32) Honestly, do you lie to people?
If I must.
33) Honestly, are you annoying to people?
34) Honestly, what would you do if you walked in on your GF/BF(cheating)?
Sit at home and either burn all the things they gave me and make a big bonfire, or sit on my butt and eat ice cream and cry over soap operas/RENT.
35) Honestly, would you rather save your family member or 100 strangers?
Can't honestly say. I love my family, and it would mean more to me to have them over 100 strangers, but the world would tend to frown on it.
36) Honestly, what religion do you find most annoying?
Ermm.... any religion with dogmatism, really. I'm not picky.
37) Honestly, are you a "relationship person"?
I can be, and I'm also not. I'm loyal, but I tend to change my mind quickly, and I'm stubborn.
38.)Honestly, if you could have one superpower what would it be?
Probably healing.
39) Honestly, who is the last person you sang in front of?
Alyssa, in the bathroom, because she had never heard the Tango Maureen
40)Honestly, if you could go back 3 months and change something what would it be?
That's private, darling.
41)Honestly, who is making you laugh right now?
The fact that my cold gave me a man voice.
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Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
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Love Is Love No Matter Who You Find It In.
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