i wish i could chase a rabbit and fall down a hole. Into a world of my imagnation where all of my wildest dreams come true...*where everything would be nonsene...nothing would be what it is...beacuse everything would be what it isn't*...can you see me through the looking glass? i want to be welcomed to mystery, and i want to walk through a world where there is no such thing as time...i want to know of a world where every creature lends themself to change your state of mind. i want to stand outside my virtue where no one can hurt me...or so they say. Wont you follow me down...i wanna trip out spin aroung go underground, fall down. i fell down. Now my names not alice but i know how she felt when her world started truning into something else... now i found myself in wonderland. is this real? is this pretend? ill take a stand untill the end! ...*and contrary wise what it is it wouldnt be and what it wouldnt be it would*...you see?