When will you be a fully grown Christian? Hopefully never -- or at least not until you arrive in Heaven! As a believer living here on planet earth, you're never fully grown; you always have the potential to keep growing.
In those quiet moments when you open your heart to God, the One who made you keeps remaking you. He gives you direction, perspective, wisdom, and courage.
Would you like a time tested formula for spiritual growth? Here it is: Keep studying God's Word, keep obeying His commandments, keep praying (and listening for answers), and keep trying to live in the center of God's will. When you do, you'll never stay stuck for long. You will, instead, be a growing Christian. And that's precisely the kind of Christian God wants you to be.
Thoughts For Today.
The maturity of a Christian experience cannot be reached in a moment, but is the result of the work of God's Holy Spirit, who, by His energizing and transforming power, causes us to grow up into Christ in all things.
A Tip For Today.
How do you know if you can still keep growing as a Christian? Check your pulse. If it's still beating, then you can still keep growing.
A Prayer For Today.
Lord, let me grow in Your wisdom. When I study Your Word and follow Your commandments, I become a more mature Christian and a more effective servant for You. Let me grow up, Lord, and let me keep growing up every day that I live. Amen.
A Verse For Today.
When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child does. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.
1 Corinthians 13:11 NLT
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