Меня зовут? (My name?)
Mertvaya Tishina
Что означает мое имя означает? (What does my name mean?)
Dead Silence
Моя национальность? (My nationality?)
Мне не нравится, как я выгляжу... (I don't like how I look...)

Мой возраст? (My age?)
Почему я ношу это противогаз? (Why do I wear a gas mask?)
There's a chemical in the air that causes Mertvaya to suffocate and she must use special or normal gas mask filters to be able to breathe.
Я ношу оружие? (Am I carrying weapons?)
She carries around an old knife that her great grandfather used during WWII.
Что означают мои часы? (What does my watch mean?)
Not only does it tell time, her watch is also synchronized with the filters. Green is okay, yellow means its half way done, and when it turns red it beeps signaling that it must be changed.

Как я могу умереть? (How can I die?)
If her mask is cracked enough for air to seep in, or her filters run out, she begins to suffocate until the mask is replace, or the filter is changed.
Мой фоне истории? (My background story?)
Mertvaya Tishina
Что означает мое имя означает? (What does my name mean?)
Dead Silence
Моя национальность? (My nationality?)
Мне не нравится, как я выгляжу... (I don't like how I look...)

Мой возраст? (My age?)
Почему я ношу это противогаз? (Why do I wear a gas mask?)
There's a chemical in the air that causes Mertvaya to suffocate and she must use special or normal gas mask filters to be able to breathe.
Я ношу оружие? (Am I carrying weapons?)
She carries around an old knife that her great grandfather used during WWII.
Что означают мои часы? (What does my watch mean?)
Not only does it tell time, her watch is also synchronized with the filters. Green is okay, yellow means its half way done, and when it turns red it beeps signaling that it must be changed.

Как я могу умереть? (How can I die?)
If her mask is cracked enough for air to seep in, or her filters run out, she begins to suffocate until the mask is replace, or the filter is changed.
Мой фоне истории? (My background story?)