Kurefu Yonakani:

Age: 16 //June 27th
Gender: Female
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Long white hair past her butt in length with two small pigtails on each side of her head tied together with a black knot of string.
Usually some sort of dress or kimono, but not too long so that she can still perform her dance moves with ease. Preferably, her clothes are mostly or all cool colors like blues or purples, with the exception of white (being the warm color).
Kurefu is a singer and a dancer. She moves elegantly, in battle and outside of it. Her specialties are speed and her elemental attacks. She has an affinity towards water, which she summons with her song and/or dance. Her weaknesses are her elemental defense and her lack of physical strength.
Kurefu's emotions often times rule over her silently, but also fuel her special attacks. She's often lost in thought, however dark those thoughts may be. She is often seen with a serene composure, but while she dances, her emotional expression blossoms and awes.
Key Item:

Brother's Ring. Raises Special Attack.
right over left=dead way