Over the years he grew very close to Aldo Simoncini as well, who helped me with Spikey a lot. For example helped me to buy special food (since Spikey couldn't eat normal cat food), which was very expensive and with the costs of the vets. Spikey had to visit the vets very often and Aldo did take care of him and was there for him, when I had to move away for a while and Spikey was feeling very lonely.
So a big thank you goes to Aldo Simoncini, who helped me through all the bad times with Spikey and Kaoru's Catfish and her family, who always cared much for our cats and brought them food, when they visited us. And another big thank you goes to Nummymuffin, Raven Bloodmist, Indigo Fairy and Shiva, who helped us go through this great loss.
We both miss him very much. It's so sad, that he had to die so young for cats age. But since the vets said, he wouldn't get older than 2, we did quite a good job.
Spikey is now in Kitty Heaven and looks down to us. He's still there. I can feel it. Although his brother Zadei (the one he loved most) is very very sad and always calling for him and crying.