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the diary of houa vue
my journal of things.

Dennis Tudor
good afternoon my dear.

10 hours agoHoua Vue
good afternoon. lol.

10 hours agoDennis Tudor
how are you today?

10 hours agoHoua Vue
lol. did u read the message?
i was telling carl all about it.
want me to tell u?

10 hours agoDennis Tudor
what message?

10 hours agoHoua Vue
the one with all of us from yesterday. go on ur messages and u can see.

10 hours agoDennis Tudor
bah humbug

10 hours agoHoua Vue
found it yet?

10 hours agoDennis Tudor
yeah i found it but what am i looking for?

10 hours agoHoua Vue
nvm i'll just tell you.
yesterday tyler asked me if i want to come over to watch the 7th movie with you. i said no. idk y really. it was just an inate NO. then i woke up today.
my brother figured out the word to my bike lock and went away with it to his freinds home at 8am'ish.
i was so angry. first i pumped the tires using MY MONEY. i dont have any money right now. and then he is not going to come back tommorow.
which means i have to walk to manchester.
and he knows my password on the lock.
and i dk how to change it.
so i was tired but angry so i couldnt sleep.
i really wanted to destroy something.
but yeah im calmed down now.

10 hours agoDennis Tudor
im really sorry to hear that dear.
why didnt you want to comeover?
was it me? do i smell?>
its my hair isnt it.

9 hours agoHoua Vue
i didnt want to come over because i had a bad feeling something was going to happen in the morning. and no, you're fine. hehe.
and plus i wanted to give you space on your guy's "work" talk w/e thing. idk. so yeah.

9 hours agoDennis Tudor
i wish that were true, he hadnt planed anything. theres no dought n my mind that i will not make up the money.

9 hours agoHoua Vue
dont worry. the thing i have to do is keep being aggressive and talk to my mom. she will give it to me. i just hate asking her for money. just..yeah. wait. i'll do what i can.

9 hours agoDennis Tudor
i wish i didnt have you to do this. but there i no other way.
i am sorry.

9 hours agoHoua Vue
its fine. i can muster up something. im just sorry we couldnt really have fun spending money this summer.
i could have took u to somewhere that would have been perfect.
and its not in davis, but in fresno.

9 hours agoDennis Tudor
:'(i would loe to go.

9 hours agoHoua Vue
dont worry. at least tommorow should be fun huh? omg. its TOMMOROW!

9 hours agoDennis Tudor
o dam it really is tomarow.
i cant wait.

9 hours agoHoua Vue
yeahh. i hope it goes well. how r u feeling?
better than yesterday?
this morning*

9 hours agoDennis Tudor
i feel alright.

9 hours agoHoua Vue
yeah. that tells me a lot.


9 hours agoDennis Tudor
lol sorry got distracted.

9 hours agoHoua Vue
lol. by what?

9 hours agoDennis Tudor
luis is watching the christory.

9 hours agoHoua Vue
i see.
dead conversation. well. im going to go then

9 hours agoDennis Tudor
mybody feels alright as in it doesnt hurt but fells nothing "good". my stoumah hurts, but im almost positive that im just hungry.

9 hours agoHoua Vue
go eat something.
and i'll talk to you soon.
i love you.

9 hours agoDennis Tudor
lol alright then, i LLove you hunny. and have a wonderful day, dispite the bad beggings.

9 hours agoHoua Vue
will do, dennis. you go eat something and stop starving.

9 hours agoDennis Tudor
good afternoon my love.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
good eavening my love.

6 hours agoHoua Vue
goodevening dear.
im in a better mood.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
thats great to hear my love.
whys that?

6 hours agoHoua Vue

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
whats that?
the suspence is killing me XD

6 hours agoHoua Vue
im going to tell you tommorow.
well.. uh. give it to you.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
hu. now im intreagued
may i have a hint?

6 hours agoHoua Vue

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
oky doky

6 hours agoHoua Vue
okies back.
hehe. hah.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor

6 hours agoHoua Vue
i wont tell you. no. no. oh. you. nope.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
lol alright i huess ill have to wait till tomarrow XD

6 hours agoHoua Vue
yes. i'll give it to u when we part ways tommorow. hehe

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
alrighty. i cant wait till we see eacher.

6 hours agoHoua Vue
me too. ******** CARL.
i was so mad this morning and he ubber tick me more off.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
yeah. hes a fk tard.

6 hours agoHoua Vue

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
hey hunny, im going to talk to yo later ok?

6 hours agoHoua Vue
... ok

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
is every thing ok?

6 hours agoHoua Vue
i just thought we were gonna have a longer convo but its okay.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
im sorry dear.
i what would you like to talk about?

6 hours agoHoua Vue
nah. lol. go dennis.
do what u have to do.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
no hunny.
what would you like to talk about?

6 hours agoHoua Vue
go.... ->
and do u thang.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor

6 hours agoHoua Vue

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
well here
ill make it up to you tomarrow!

6 hours agoHoua Vue
lol. you said that yesterday
but sure.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
i know.
smiley face?

6 hours agoHoua Vue
smiley face.
ttyl. my brother went to santa cruz
so ill be online for awhile.

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
thats good. i cant wait to see you again! this is turning out the second best summer ever!

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
oh cool.

6 hours agoHoua Vue
haha. lol!
ttyl. i love you. and yeah. go haz fun!

6 hours agoDennis Tudor
bye bye hunny.

5 hours agoHoua Vue
I deleted that "cpr" wall post to you bcus tyler noticed that his gramma could read his comments and he cant delete his comments so i just deleted the whole thing. "swwwaaaunng". lol!!!! i hope u dont mind.

56 minutes agoDennis Tudor
good evening my love.

55 minutes agoHoua Vue
goodevening. ;D
check ur email. google+ is on ur mail.
how are you?

54 minutes agoDennis Tudor
alright just got done eating. mmm we had steak

54 minutes agoHoua Vue
i had a good dinner also!

53 minutes agoDennis Tudor
what did you have?

53 minutes agoHoua Vue
honey barbeque pork ribs.
my dad added honey to the bbq sauce.

52 minutes agoDennis Tudor
omg that sounds delishious!

52 minutes agoHoua Vue
hehe. it was.
i like eating.

52 minutes agoDennis Tudor
so do i.

52 minutes agoHoua Vue
eating food*

51 minutes agoDennis Tudor
lolso dear, how was the rest of your day?

51 minutes agoHoua Vue
ahaha. i never got off the computer. ive been on since idk when. i only got off to eat..no i ate in front of the computer. lulz.

50 minutes agoDennis Tudor

49 minutes agoHoua Vue
... shame on me. i've been only looking at makeup stuff on youtube all day long.

49 minutes agoDennis Tudor
XD see i told ya!

49 minutes agoHoua Vue
i think its becoming an addiction
and then panda and i were talking about makeup
and he knew instantly that i was on the makeup update newsworld.
uh. pathetic of me.

48 minutes agoDennis Tudor
you follow what you like makeup and i like games.

47 minutes agoHoua Vue
haha. i have other interests. it used to be all rock videos. believe me. god, im changing >_<. your consistent and im not. LOL!

46 minutes agoDennis Tudor
lol. my like is constantly changeing.

45 minutes agoHoua Vue
so how was your day, baby?
i miss you so much.

43 minutes agoDennis Tudor
i slept in again. it feels so nice to do so. i talked to you and had ba gle with strabery cream cheese and 2 sausages.
then i helped with the groucheries, and played a game or 5 with every one.

42 minutes agoHoua Vue
aww. yes. naps!
oh btw, do u have a dollar for me tommorow?

42 minutes agoDennis Tudor
then i played minecraft for a while. then we had steak. it was yummy. we played a nother game of lol it didnt go well, so i stoped and played minecraft

42 minutes agoHoua Vue
just wondering..
or 50 cents.

41 minutes agoDennis Tudor
i think i do. i sould ahave another in my suitcase.
i dont have 50 cents though

41 minutes agoHoua Vue
gimme 50 cents.
give me a dollar. i dont have a dollar for the movies.

41 minutes agoDennis Tudor
i think i have $2 in my suit case

41 minutes agoHoua Vue
i'll pay you back

41 minutes agoDennis Tudor
lol! XD
your so cute!

40 minutes agoHoua Vue

me confused

39 minutes agoDennis Tudor
lol when we were talking about the plan ou said you had every thing. lol i asummed you had a dollar XD its just funny i huess.

39 minutes agoDennis Tudor
of course i
ill give you a dollar. i wouldnt miss going to the movies with you

38 minutes agoHoua Vue
hehe thank you baby. i know its funny. i dont have a dollar but at least i remembers unlike carl. hehe
ouch. ichy thigh!

misquito bite

37 minutes agoDennis Tudor
poor baby. do you have any cream?

37 minutes agoHoua Vue
oh yeah! duh.
lawl. brb

37 minutes agoDennis Tudor

35 minutes agoHoua Vue
yep. i got it on me now. haha.

35 minutes agoDennis Tudor

35 minutes agoHoua Vue

35 minutes agoDennis Tudor
hey baby, whats the adress for the apartment again?
i forgot to set my job listings when i had it.

34 minutes agoHoua Vue
lol. go check my fb profile. i just updated it.
lemme help u
619 Pole Line Road Apt. 270 .
davis ca

30 minutes agoDennis Tudor
sorry was filling stuff out
i dont think i have a home nomber.

30 minutes agoHoua Vue
just use ur cell phone.
you should make phone calls for your job listing a few days afterwards. it helps to know if you didnt waste your time on it.

28 minutes agoDennis Tudor

25 minutes agoHoua Vue
uh.. ok?

25 minutes agoDennis Tudor
ill do it later then.
what cha doin right now?

24 minutes agoHoua Vue
i was waiting for you to finish it but i dont know how much ur doing.

24 minutes agoDennis Tudor
its fine dear, as i said ill do it later.

23 minutes agoHoua Vue
well. how was i to know what was going on without im'ing you back. sorry to have bothered u.

23 minutes agoDennis Tudor
its fine dear.
i sould of said that i was filling it out from the begging.
im sorry.

22 minutes agoHoua Vue
just dont talk to me if your busy. thats the thing. i should have known it sooner. -__- its alright then.

21 minutes agoDennis Tudor
are you tired?

21 minutes agoHoua Vue

21 minutes agoDennis Tudor
still you sould get some sleep, we gota get up early tomarrow.

20 minutes agoHoua Vue
nah. im not going to sleep for awhile.

20 minutes agoDennis Tudor
your gona be sleepy when we get there./

20 minutes agoHoua Vue
nope im not.
i just know it.

19 minutes agoDennis Tudor
alright then if you say so.
well ima go to bed then.
i need ot get up super erly

18 minutes agoHoua Vue
alrighty then.

18 minutes agoDennis Tudor
i love you, and sweet dreams

18 minutes agoHoua Vue
i really hope ur sleeping. seriously dont go off playing lol.

17 minutes agoDennis Tudor
lol dont worry i wont play lol.

17 minutes agoHoua Vue
i dont believe you.

17 minutes agoDennis Tudor
i promiss

17 minutes agoHoua Vue
well goodnight then. i love you.

a few seconds agoDennis Tudor
have fun hunny.

a few seconds agoHoua Vue
go to bed already.

a few seconds agoDennis Tudor
are you ok?

a few seconds agoHoua Vue
yes i am.

a few seconds agoDennis Tudor
that was fast.

a few seconds agoHoua Vue
should i be slower in response and build up tension?
i wouldnt make sense.

a few seconds agoDennis Tudor
lol no i guess not. im just woprried about you hunny.

a few seconds agoHoua Vue
im alright.
how about u>

a few seconds agoDennis Tudor
im good, my tummy is rumblin and and tired but im alright.

a few seconds agoHoua Vue
better go eat/sleep then.

a few seconds agoDennis Tudor
lol na, im just gona sleep.

a few seconds agoHoua Vue
yes... and off you go?

a few seconds agoDennis Tudor
lol fine, if you insist. i love you and have a wonderfull night.

a few seconds agoHoua Vue
? ... no comment. sweet dreams and i love you.

a few seconds agoDennis Tudor
nighty night.

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