I got my cartilage pierced. It was alright. Didn't really hurt all that much, but it's sore now, and sensitive. x_x; ... It looks so cool tho. >w<! I love it. Heather got her ears pierced too. :nod: She didn't have holes anymore[she had gotten them pierced a long time ago but she stopped wearing earrings and the holes filled back up], so she got new ones. They're pretty. <3 We both got diamonds. I feel so rich. <333 [A girl can dream, eh?]
I feel really selfish though, by saying what I'm about to. I was kind of disappointed about my birthday. By the amount people were supposed to be excited... they weren't. It took us until dark to get out of the house, we went to dinner, and we didn't hardly eat anything. My dad was in pain, my mom was stressed, and Heather wouldn't talk if her life depended on it[something happened that night that got her upset]. And, I mean... I hardly got anything either. It's like everyone's so lost that they... well, completely forgot about me. That's what I feel like. Forgotten. I was so excited, I was turning into a /teenager/, and no one cared. Not at all. And may I conclude with the reminder that I feel selfish saying that. So long. Goodnight. Adios. Sayonara. Adieu. LATA PLAYA LOLZ.
[.Rikocette.Echoes.] · Sun Apr 02, 2006 @ 11:54pm · 6 Comments |