Did you ever wonder if there was another world? Another world that was within your grasp, but out of reach? A world beyond what we deemed normal? Did you ever wonder if there was another world within your own home? Something you look at everyday and never think of it being anything different. Yes another world, a different reality and dimension located within your mirror.
Mirrors have always been a gateway to another world. It was a given fact and many who learned of these secrets wanted to gain access to this mystical world. A world that is beyond our imagination but also similar in more ways then one. However the pathway between mirrors have been blocked off and is non-accessible. So people eventually gave up trying to get into these mystical realms. What they didn't know, was there was other beings behind the mirrors. Beings that are forced to take your reflection as you gaze at yourself in the mirror. These beings are creations of the mystical world that humans wished to gain access to. Although much like on Earth, their mirrors see into a reality or world they wish to touch, to access, to conquer, to make their own. That was their ultimate desire. However much like the humans, they couldn't get the gateways open between the two worlds and were forced to watch and mimic the reflections before them, as their anger continued to grow.
Things soon started to change, when light pathways emerged, the reflections took those pathways to escape and gain access to the world they desired. However there was a catch, for the unsuspecting human that is. Each time a reflection got out, they switched places with a human and took their place, making the human take place in their world. Nobody was none the wiser to notice that doppelgangers walked among the crowds. Although unlike most normal humans, these doppelgangers have strange abilities that are part of their world and not seen in mankind. Although word had gotten out about people carelessly using their gifts and they sensed that something wasn't right. They created an anti-government agency, mostly secret to the public. Their job is to collect the reflections or doppelgangers and bring them to their headquarters, where they would do experiments on them or force them to tell them about their world and how to gain access to it. It becomes a live or die situation. The only way, they can be told apart from the mankind, is by their gifts and that they carry no reflections.
Some aren't lucky and they escape as disjointed body parts or they get trapped within the body of a human. Those aren't pleasant experiences for those few unlucky reflections. Their ultimate goal is to learn about this new world and conquer it as their own. The government won't give up so easily though and are hunting down these doppelgangers, mostly for their own dastardly deeds. Although their goals are vastly different as both creatures remain on the same plane of existence. Who will win in the end? Will it be the government trying to capture the doppelgangers? Will it be the doppelgangers that are escaping at a rapid speed and trapping more humans in their distorted world? The true battle has begun and there is no clear idea on who will win the war.
silver-phoenix_zaniyah · Sat Jan 21, 2012 @ 06:05am · 0 Comments |