HUMMY HACK!!!!!Haha.... So I have been Camii's friend for like 5 years. When I first meet him I loved him! He was my best friend right from the start, but then.... I introduced him to Kristin -___-. It was 24/7 Kristin chat, when ever I talked to this kid it was Kristin this Kristin that.... I was gunna buy a ticket to England and smack the s**t out of this kid. I got pissed and started to be a b***h to him....but then I just decided to stop talking to him....(worst mistake of my life btws) I lost one of my best friends. Kristin of course knew nothing about this cause she just thought of him as a good friend. Then I figured out that I was "jealous"... -____- (when I say jealous I mean I wished I had someone obsessed with me as much as Cam was with Kristin)... so I started talking to him again and everything was back to normal. In between the time of gaining our bestfriendship back we had a lot of issues, but we sorted it out and I became his gaia mom smile ... Later on Kristin told me she had a huge crush on Camii, and I was in denial... I was like "NOOO YOU DON'T...!" I finally accepted it but, at that point Camii got a gf and I had no idea (I quit gaia for a year cause I was addicted). I was definitly happy for Camii smile (he had a super pretty gf too btws). So I decided to help Kristin out and get her, her fantasy boyfriend (I tried really hard, but there are no hot cowboys in freaking Arizona whom are single -___-... fail on my part). But He was still pressed on Kristin, so s**t happened and idk how, but they ended up getting together. I was put through some shock and denial (again). Then I finally accepted it. Now we are the three best friends... tres amigos... the couple and the third wheel hahahaha lol. Anywho I LUB YOU MY BRITISH CANADIAN WEIRDO!<3 Hahaha Btws You never text your mama! hahaha jk lmfao <3 [P.S. I love you no matter what, we will always be friends and I'm very happy for you and Kristin... (just never hurt her)and I know you would never jeopardize you relationship with all three of us... lub u be a good boy] <3 Hummy:BIG MAMA (Owl) Camii:Todd (Fox) Maahummyhum: 
Posted by: iiCCok3 Sun Feb 19, 2012 @ 12:43am